Helpful info. for Sciforums betterment.!!!

I don't have anything special, Motor Daddy. You know me, I'm forever referring to Einstein while the likes of CptBork dismiss what the guy said. The maths I'd talk about is stuff you've seen before. You know, like this:

$$R_{\mu \nu} - \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu \nu} R + g_{\mu v} \Lambda = \frac{8 \pi G}{c^4} T_{\mu \nu}$$

$$R_{\mu \nu}$$ Ricci curvature tensor, the amount by which the volume element of a ball in a Riemannian manifold deviates from that in Euclidean space.
$$R$$ scalar curvature, the amount by which the volume of a ball in a Riemannian manifold deviates from that in Euclidean space.
$$g_{\mu \nu}$$ metric tensor.
$$\Lambda$$ cosmological constant.
$$G$$ Newton's gravitational constant, 6.67384 x 10ˉ¹¹ m³ kgˉ¹ sˉ².
$$c$$ locally-measured speed of light in vacuum.
$$T_{\mu \nu}$$ stress–energy-momentum tensor.

People will still huff and puff and sneer and carp and spit feathers and spoil discussions. Because their problem is that I know far more physics than they do.

So this pretty much seals the deal for me. You are not deluded. You are a fraud. I suppose in some ways it is better to be a fraud than deluded because a fraud is simply dishonest and not out of touch with reality.

You must be so proud that you can copy an equation out of Wiki that has as much meaning to you as Egyptian hieroglyphs and pretend you understand it.:rolleyes:

You know me,

Oh my, we certainly do.
Put some values into the formula and do the math.

Motor Daddy, you know as well as everyone else(should) that formulas are useless until used - and used correctly.

Do I even talk to you anymore? You, the DMOE?? :)

Ok, whatever.

I wanted Farsight to respond to my post. If it means I asked a stupid question and he therefore has to explain things to set me straight, then so be it!
Do I even talk to you anymore?

It is up to you to answer that question.

You, the DMOE?? :)

I am likely less as much the actual DMOE as you are the actual father of motor!

Ok, whatever.

I wanted Farsight to respond to my post. If it means I asked a stupid question and he therefore has to explain things to set me straight, then so be it!

Sorry, Motor Daddy, I was not trying to infer or imply that it was "a stupid question".
His Post merely looked to me like a "formula" - hence the "formulas are useless until used - and used correctly" - and I probably should have emphasized the word "correctly".

Once again, I am sorry, Motor Daddy, if my composition or Posting style led you to perceive in any way, shape or form that I was "implying or inferring" any "stupid(ity)" on any Poster or their Posts - including you, Motor Daddy, or your Post.

At any rate, Farsight may or may not "respond" to your Post, regardless of what transpires in the interim!
Thanks. You reminded me of the answer with the remainder of your post.

See ya!

Since you said "thanks" - then I must humbly reply with : You are welcome.

"See ya!", too, Motor Daddy... and don't forget the old adage : "You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think."!
Since you said "thanks" - then I must humbly reply with : You are welcome.

"See ya!", too, Motor Daddy... and don't forget the old adage : "You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think."!

I like the old one better. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. But you can drown the mother f'er.
DMOE, Since it takes you so long to reply, I'm gonna have to assume that you're either laughing your ass off, or you've tried to come up with a response, but nobody is home.
Anyway, how so I get somebody to deal with one-sided "moderation" that gives free rein to abuse, but won't let you answer back? Anybody?
LOL, DMOE has left the building!

Not sure what "building" you are alluding to, but it will be nice when I am able to leave this Hospital!

BTW, Motor Daddy, does this mean that you are talking to me, "anymore"?

Second BTW, I saw no reason to reply your Post #107 , and as far your Post #108 :

DMOE, Since it takes you so long to reply, I'm gonna have to assume that you're either laughing your ass off, or you've tried to come up with a response, but nobody is home.

Well, Motor Daddy, just more "assumptions", and what was the "but nobody is home" remark?
Motor Daddy, was that a Feckless, Puerile and Failed attempt at an "Insult"?

Motor Daddy, honest and earnest individuals ask questions - we do not make "assumptions"!!!
Not sure what "building" you are alluding to, but it will be nice when I am able to leave this Hospital!

BTW, Motor Daddy, does this mean that you are talking to me, "anymore"?

Second BTW, I saw no reason to reply your Post #107 , and as far your Post #108 :

Well, Motor Daddy, just more "assumptions", and what was the "but nobody is home" remark?
Motor Daddy, was that a Feckless, Puerile and Failed attempt at an "Insult"?

Motor Daddy, honest and earnest individuals ask questions - we do not make "assumptions"!!!

Well, DMOE, if you're in the hospital for real, then for real I feel bad. I feel bad that you're in the hospital. But I made you laugh, and you know it!
Anyway, how so I get somebody to deal with one-sided "moderation" that gives free rein to abuse, but won't let you answer back? Anybody?

Great question, Farsight!

From what I have gathered in my time on SciForums, if there is even the smallest of chances that you could get within 30 or 40 Points of scoring in the Triple Digits on any "I.Q. Test" - and that becomes apparent to the local "Good Old Boy(or Girl?) Network" - then not only will you never get the "ability" you speak of, but it seem almost like you get some sort of "We've Got To Ban This Member, Poste Haste, Bullseye" assigned to you. So...

Hang in there!
Well, DMOE, if you're in the hospital for real, then for real I feel bad. I feel bad that you're in the hospital.
Motor Daddy, no need or reason for you to feel bad about my circumstances - but thanks for the sentiment.

But I made you laugh, and you know it!

Sorry, Motor Daddy, but I "know" for an Honest Fact, you have never "made" me "laugh".

As an aside : I heard the Comedian Anthony Jeselnik say the following ( I paraphrase) : "I have been looking for my ex-girlfriend's Killer for two years...and I still cannot find anyone to do it!"

Motor Daddy, that made me laugh!!!
Motor Daddy, no need o reason for you to feel bad about my circumstances - but thanks for the sentiment.

Serious. Get well soon. It's no fun beating up on someone that's lying in bed (or waiting room?) in the hospital.

I know you are. I've read your posts.

Motor Daddy, but I "know" for an Honest Fact, you have never "made" me "laugh".

That's F'n BS and you know it!! :)

As an aside : I heard the Comedian Anthony Jeselnik say the following ( I paraphrase) : "I have been looking for my ex-girlfriend's Killer for two years...and I still cannot find anyone to do it!"

Motor Daddy, that made me laugh!!!

I don't get it... :(
Great question, Farsight!

From what I have gathered in my time on SciForums, if there is even the smallest of chances that you could get within 30 or 40 Points of scoring in the Triple Digits on any "I.Q. Test" - and that becomes apparent to the local "Good Old Boy(or Girl?) Network" - then not only will you never get the "ability" you speak of, but it seem almost like you get some sort of "We've Got To Ban This Member, Poste Haste, Bullseye" assigned to you. So...

Hang in there!

WTF are you talking about?

Do you really believe people want to converse with retards?
Serious. Get well soon. It's no fun beating up on someone that's lying in bed (or waiting room?) in the hospital.

"Beating up"...on me!!! Now, Motor Daddy, you have made me LAUGH!!! BTW, it would be nice to only be in the Waiting Room - but you seem quite adept at "making assumptions - so carry on.

I know you are. I've read your posts.

Motor Daddy, was that another Feckless, Puerile and Failed attempt at an "Insult"?

That's F'n BS and you know it!! :)

Motor Daddy, I have no need to "assume" nor "F'n BS" - most real adult men do not suffer those childish, puerile and easily corrected shortcomings!!

I don't get it... :(

Well then...make another "assumption" or try some "F'n BS"!! You seem to be quite adept at those things!! Do you suppose they will help?

Motor Daddy, since it seems that you only want to "play your childish, puerile and asinine games", then I humbly request that, from here on out, on SciForums, you "play" them with some other Poster, please???!!!

Goodbye, Motor Daddy.
WTF are you talking about?

Do you really believe people want to converse with retards?

Our alternative hypothesis pushers, pseudoscience quacks, conspiracy nutters, all see the need to imagine that the whole world, especially mods and administrators on science forums, are out to get them, when in fact all they are doing [the mods and administrators] is applying logic, common sense. Which is in most cases, the way of mainstream science and the establishment.

Check out the 12 points in the Älternative Theories" thread.