Help with English

Not necessarily.
A charade is an act of deception, pretending to be something it isn’t - but with the aim of deceiving.
Equipment is already plural. When you have only one piece of equipment you call it "a piece of equipment" not "an equipment".

English is fussy about double negatives and double plurals - no geeses or mices either.
But "I hate them meeces to peeces"
cit Top Cat
hold somebody's balls = threaten him?
Usually it is “hold somebody by the balls” and it doesn’t mean threaten, instead it means to have almost complete control of someone in a situation that they would probably do anything you wanted (within context).
Indeed that it is what it does mean, I think. And often abbreviated simply to “M.O.” - as in “his MO was to get in to the office at 7:00am, while it was still quiet...” etc.