Some folks memory retention spans are just woeful. A refresher: check out successively posts 230, 232, 235, 239, 288, or any before or since or in-between if you wish. I'm still waiting for a detailed equation-by-equation critique of rebuttal to Misner. paddoboy should stop that WW2-style carpet bombing campaign and ask any of his email correspondents to actually get down to attempting a more modern approach of precision bombing. Pointing specifically to any demonstrably true errors of logic and/or maths in: said the first of your worthless unidentifiable quotes does sound about right. No theory of gravity that does not "reproduce Newtonian Gravity", as a weak field limit, can be taken as a serious description of reality, since Newtonian Gravity has been proven locally accurate.
Arguing that anonymous referee failure to approve publishing such detailed rebuttal is somehow proof of basic error rather than 'industry pressure' or suchlike, is bad logic. One would need to see the detailed exchanges before even considering passing judgement.