No 100% called for just as Professor Begalman inferred with your silly BNS paper.
If you can't stand the heat sweety, stay out of the kitchen.
Pathetic, you are.
No 100% called for just as Professor Begalman inferred with your silly BNS paper.
If you can't stand the heat sweety, stay out of the kitchen.
Amended slightly to 20 years in #332, #336. Like I wrote earlier, a no-tricks pony who cannot even do basic arithmetic. That or makes wild guesses owing to laziness. Yilmaz original scalar theory was published in 1958. Second tensor potential version in stages between 1971 to 1974. As I wrote here before. This is 2015 fyi. Try 2015-1958 again genius. That it has 'barely made ripples' is proof of what exactly?The point you have missed and that others have missed is that this Yilmaz theory [as inferenced in my replies] barely has created a ripple within scientific circles. And its been 17 years? since it was first released.
Speaking of anti SR imposters, that in provides an opportune occasion to now make good on my claim in #295: that simple refutation alone has upset some of our anti SR/GR imposters.
Your particular case and attitudes is not imo some kind of worthy and general template from which to pass judgement on e.g. Misner rebuttal article. So you finally get a rebuttal published in a journal and things thereafter look so much brighter and fairer than before. A not so surprising human reaction.Feel free to give Yilmaz this benefit. I have given some, it seems enough to me. The GR authorities have, obviously, decided similarly.
And, just for your information, I have made a similar decision in the case of my paper against Schulz. My rejection has been published, his answer not, I'm happy now that I have a publication in the Annalen der Physik, a famous journal last but not least, and do not care to answer the answer of Schulz. And, similarly, even if I have found sufficient reason to reject this paper, I will not write a paper about this to put it on arxiv.
IYO. Those advocating a physically real and necessarily spatio-temporarily infinite absolute space and time have many critics deriding such as extremely dubious. Not a game worth playing.Anyway this claim is extremely dubious, and would be, if correct, worth to write a separate article.
So evidently you couldn't see the point there. Too bad. You can actually detail an error in (11)? Please do - after going back even before (1) and made quite sure to have grasped the proper context leading up to (11) and beyond.Once you do not provide here reasonable counterarguments, I see no reason to doubt. And how an error around (11) could disappear around (23) is beyond me.
The point was that arguments from authority, that do not identify the authorities, are worthless... Especially when the discussion is largely a mud slinging contest between individuals who do not seem willing to hear anything anyone else says or thinks. The original authors now identified alter the value of their comments. The problem now is that, that part of the discussion carries with it shadows of the initial unidentified argument from authority.Your pretentious indignation does not really become you.
It is a quite standard method to handle such things. Somebody proposes a theory, and succeeds in publishing it. Once peer-review is not ideal, this may be BS nonetheless. Once somebody observes that what was published is BS, he submits a paper which corrects the BS. The review process includes the author of the original paper, who is not only one of the reviewers, but can also write a response. The other reviewers consider above sides. Given that no journal likes to admit that it has published BS, one can be quite sure that there will be not much prejudice against the original paper. Thus, if only the response is published, but not the answer to the response, this is a quite clear situation.Your particular case and attitudes is not imo some kind of worthy and general template from which to pass judgement on e.g. Misner rebuttal article.
I have always said that peer review is not without problems, and prejudice against theories far away from the mainstream is one systematic problem. But there is, essentially, nothing one can do about this, and there is no better replacement for peer review. But this general problem is less relevant in the case of rebuttals - here, the situation is more symmetric, given that the journal who has already published the outsider does not like to admit it has made an error. Moreover, it is less problematic if the argument is about math, and not about, say, interpretational questions.So you finally get a rebuttal published in a journal and things thereafter look so much brighter and fairer than before. A not so surprising human reaction.
The point is not what somebody names dubious. The point is that many people have to learn all this stuff written in textbooks, and that means, at least in high level universities, that they have to be able even to repeat the mathematical proofs on exams. So, if there would be an error in such math, it is highly improbable that this error remains undetected.IYO. Those advocating a physically real and necessarily spatio-temporarily infinite absolute space and time have many critics deriding such as extremely dubious. Not a game worth playing.
See the end of evidently you couldn't see the point there. Too bad. You can actually detail an error in (11)? Please do - after going back even before (1) and made quite sure to have grasped the proper context leading up to (11) and beyond.
I interpret is as showing a contradiction between Misner's assumption about what Yilmaz theory is and the assumption (obviously made by the authors) that the Newtonian limit of Yilmaz theory should be correct. This contradiction is a triviality, it is what Misner claims: that the Newtonian limit of Yilmaz theory is not correct.You do realize that (11) is pointing out a basic inconsistency in Misner's misrepresentation of their position, right?
If you think that it is important to have an energy-momentum tensor, then there is no reason to use Yilmaz theory, my theory also has such a tensor. And with my theory, there is no such problem with the Newtonian limit. From the status of the theory, my theory is published too, but, different from Yilmaz theory, there is no published refutation. My reason to reject Yilmaz theory is that I can follow the argument of Misner.The arguments over GR's lack of any proper field stress-energy interaction (notwithstanding ad hoc tack-ons used by GR practitioners) vs the same built into Yilmaz theory as a foundational principle is all laid out there, also in e.g . Robertson article and original published works of Yilmaz et al. If you or others choose to reject that for whatever actual reasons then so be it.
Abuses?? When will you learn my boy. Ignoring the factual posts on a forum in the vain hope that they may magically disappear is childish to say the least.Abuses after abuses.....thats your argument, that in the end I will get tired....
If by pathetic you mean confronting you with the truth, I plead guilty.Pathetic, you are.
Amended slightly to 20 years in #332, #336. Like I wrote earlier, a no-tricks pony who cannot even do basic arithmetic. That or makes wild guesses owing to laziness. Yilmaz original scalar theory was published in 1958. Second tensor potential version in stages between 1971 to 1974. As I wrote here before. This is 2015 fyi. Try 2015-1958 again genius. That it has 'barely made ripples' is proof of what exactly?
Speaking of anti SR imposters, that in provides an opportune occasion to now make good on my claim in #295:
I came in p3 #58 that thread. It took you all of until p8, #146 for that eventual backdown and confession acknowledging in effect crank anti-SR BASIC error! Way to go vain hypocrite. It was in retrospect a bad mistake to show you some sympathy in #154, done in the forlorn and futile hope it might encourage you to actually reform. No way. Professional shit-stirrers do not change their spots.
I don't agree. This is a science forum open to all and sundry, and I made a decision to protect professional people from one well known dishonest ratbag, that even you have noted likewise in the past.The point was that arguments from authority, that do not identify the authorities, are worthless...
And discussions that draw some hard line in the sand, limiting what can be discussed, are doomed to degrade to mud slinging.., and very little real discussion of any theory or science.
I agree. Remembering as I constantly say, that science forums such as this are open to all and sundry, some with delusions of grandeur, inflated egos, there own professional failures, all with a fanatical desire to upstage and/or invalidate modern day science and cosmology.Too many of those posting here seemed to be personally threatened by any idea or interpretation different than their own. The result is more an issue of, psychology than physics...
My boldThe point was that arguments from authority, that do not identify the authorities, are worthless... Especially when the discussion is largely a mud slinging contest between individuals who do not seem willing to hear anything anyone else says or thinks. The original authors now identified alter the value of their comments. The problem now is that, that part of the discussion carries with it shadows of the initial unidentified argument from authority.
However, even this is not the real problem with most of these discussions, if you can even call them discussions.., the problem is that sometimes it seems there is more personal insult and mud slinging than discussion. Discussions have to be tolerant of differing interpretations, ideas and approaches to whatever subject is being discussed. That means that any real discussion cannot be limited to a hard line mainstream interpretation of any subject. When I mentioned the 300 year mainstream association with Newtonian mechanics my intent was to emphasize that, what is mainstream today, is really just a consensus of opinion, not a definition of any absolute description of reality. Science, especially theoretical physics, has to leave room for ideas that will ultimately fail, to have any chance of progress. The truth and future does not lie in ridgely holding onto what anyone believes today, because no one today has a totally convincing unified theory of anything, let alone an understanding of the underlying mechanism(s) driving what we known of as gravitation. And discussions that draw some hard line in the sand, limiting what can be discussed, are doomed to degrade to mud slinging.., and very little real discussion of any theory or science.
I don't think paddo takes the view of holding onto anything ridgely of what anyone believes today,that's why he says ''constant progress''. ( See my bold second quote) In fact, I was wondering what you (Onlyme) meant by 'The truth',(see my bold in the first quote), are you forgetting it's all models?I have said many times that science in general is a discipline in constant progress. I have also said many times that what theories that are now accepted as mainstream theories, were not always like that. All mainstream theories have needed to run the gauntlet.....all mainstream theories were at one time simply hypothesis...all mainstream theories had to abide by the scientific method and undergo appropriate peer review.
Does this show when using words like' The truth' when dealing with models?Too many of those posting here seemed to be personally threatened by any idea or interpretation different than their own. The result is more an issue of, psychology than physics...
I don't agree.
Agreed. Why don't you than address all that take part in the personal insult game.
ps; Worth noting OnlyMe, that in your little rant here, you fail to address the points I made in post 325.
I gave my reasons and after some consultation I changed my mind.When those you are arguing with have already been questioning you.., or your position, arguing from authority without identifying the authority, is like chumming the water. It is of no value in the argument, apart from adding chum for the deserters.
It doesn't bother me actually...Like I said, my nature is to give as good as I get. I don't bow to bullies especially.Perhaps you should take it as a complement that I believe it is worth responding to you.
Again, I do stick with the science and interject that with what I think the replies deserve. I'm not you, sorry. And I avoid using the report button.Why, because if you stuck with just the science you believe is relative and refrained from joining in the mud slinging..., there would be less of it......, and it would be far easier to use the report function!
At times, yes, at other times no. That in my opinion is the big fault with this forum...inconsistencies. We will have periods where they clamp down, than it's open slather.It is useless to report bad behavior, when from one day to the next there winds up being multiple pages and nearly all parties posting are involved.
It's only back to post 325 for f%$# sake! This is post 352. Anyway sweetpea has uncovered some of it actually.Provide a link to the post or restate your position or question. Without adding another round of posts, that must be dug through. When what little of a discussion is buried in pages of name calling, why would anyone not interested in name calling try to dig it out? The bad behavior begins to be what stands out.
OKProvide a link to the post or restate your position or question. Without adding another round of posts, that must be dug through. When what little of a discussion is buried in pages of name calling, why would anyone not interested in name calling try to dig it out? The bad behavior begins to be what stands out.
OnlyMe said:I realise you don't like my style OnlyMe....:shrug: That's your problem. But to misinterpret me is just dishonest.
My view on here is well known and I don't believe you are really ignorant of it. So I must conclude you have misinterpreted it for effect just as the god does so often and so dishonestly.
I have said many times that science in general is a discipline in constant progress. I have also said many times that what theories that are now accepted as mainstream theories, were not always like that. All mainstream theories have needed to run the gauntlet.....all mainstream theories were at one time simply hypothesis...all mainstream theories had to abide by the scientific method and undergo appropriate peer review.
You know that to be fact.
What is just as certain is that no "would be if he could be" with visions of over throwing SR/GR the BB or whatever, is going to do it on a science forum, as open and as broad in possible content as this one. They mostly refuse to abide by the scientific method, they deride and refuse peer review, they deride and stubbornly refuse effective reputable references that will invalidate their nonsense.
Forums such as this, are not going to unveil an Einstein. The gods, the Farsights, the constant theorists, the Sylvesters, the Atomzs, and the many others suffering from their delusions of grandeur and their dreams of over throwing some aspect of mainstream science, will not eventuate from here or any other science forum.
Now if you would like to debate that with me, rather than your gross misinterpretation, then go my guest.
I didn't say he was threatened. But I firmly have reason to believe he ceased contributing here because of the gross ignorance and persistent railing against common sense mainstream theories as perpetrated by rajesh.
Hi all,
I had no idea my departure from the forum would create such a stir! A forum participant has asked me for clarification.
My involvement began when Tashja asked if could comment on Rajesh's paper. I joined the forum to make posting easier; I had no intention of remaining in the forum after the issue of Rajesh's paper was resolved. I enjoyed answering some questions for a week, but I'm just not a forum person. Forums are huge time sinks, and I need to actually do the research that I am delighted to see you folks talking about. Nobody drove me away.
P.s. I am done with this now, if there winds up being a break in the food fights enough to comment, maybe I will.., on the science or interpretation there of...
Professor Charles W. Misner said:Tashja said:Prof. Misner: Is there a consensus in the Physics community about the existence of Hawking radiation?
I think there is a consensus that a black hole in otherwise empty space would emit radiation as predicted by Hawking and confirmed by a variety of other approaches to the question. This conclusion is based on an acceptance of classical general relativity for the geometry of spacetime, and a belief that quantum field theory in a curved spacetime background is an acceptable approximation to the as yet uncompleted search for a unified theory of gravity with quantum mechanics.
Because the Bekenstein-Hawking temperature of black holes is also thought to be well founded theoretically, no one expects that any of the currently identified compact objects thought to be black holes would be losing mass-energy due to Hawking radiation. At a minimum these black hole candidates are all sufficiently massive that the 3 deg cosmic microwave radiation would be getting absorbed by these black holes at a rate much higher than the suggested Hawking radiation energy loss. Thus all known compact objects, which have masses near or above one solar mass, are currently gaining mass, making their B-H temperature decrease still farther.
There is also an observational bias. Black hole candidates are found by the vigorous activity near them which gives rise to optical, radio, and X-ray data which bring them to the notice of observers. Thus most of them are gaining much more mass than they would get from just the cosmic background radiation they absorb. Thus there is no experimental or observational data that would give support to the current existence of any black hole that is emitting significant Hawking radiation.
Tashja said:Does your lack of response to the Arxiv pre-print ''Refutation of C.W. Misner's Claims in his article ''Yilmas Cancels Newton'' in any way reflect a change of mind on your part to the validity of Yilmaz gravity...
Here is a relevant comment on the Yilmaz theory taken from a page on ResearchGate which refers to a paper by W. Wyss:
Charles W Misner
31.48 · University of Maryland, College Park
I am not an author of this work, although I do not disagree with it (and may have informally argued similar criticisms much earlier) See the published heading:
IL NUOVO CIMENTO Vol. 114 B, N. 9 Settembre 1999
Comments on the Y³lmaz theory of gravity
W. Wyss
Department of Physics, University of Colorado - Boulder, CO 80309, USA
(ricevuto il 15 Novembre 1996; approvato il 12 Luglio 1999)
Summary. | Y³lmaz proposed a theory of gravity and introduced a gravitational
potential. We show that this potential in general does not exist.
More comments are interspersed below.
Tashja said:... or were you simply not interested in continuing the debate?
Tashja said:After these many years, and assuming you've read the refutation cited above: do you still hold the opinion that Yilmaz gravity is not a viable theory of gravity?
Tashja said:And would you cite a few reasons why?
That is much trouble. After a couple decades of occasional discussions with Yilmaz (encouraged by a colleague Carroll Alley) adding up to several hundred hours, I simply took the clearest statement I could find of his theory and wrote the paper "Yilmaz Cancels Newton" which I believe is error-free. Yilmaz' main thrust is to add gravitational field energy into the stress-energy tensor on the right hand side of Einstein's equation. But Einstein's equation already contains the laws by which gravitational field energy gives rise to Newtonian-like gravitational fields produced by this energy. See Sections 35.9 through 35.12 of MTW. There, gravitational waves have exactly the same long-term effect on a pair of neutral test particles (using empty space Einstein equations exactly) as does a similar electromagnetic wave (whose energy has a gravitational effect on a pair of neutral test particles) that is the same as that produced by the gravitational wave. So one cannot improve upon Einstein's equation by adding (or subtracting?) further terms to represent gravitational field energy. The gravitational field energy hidden in the nonlinearities of Einstein's equations is already producing the effects that a dose of gravitational wave energy would be expected to produce.
-- Misner
Thanks to Prof. Misner for the informative comments.Hi guys,
I contacted Prof. Misner regarding the main topics being discussed in this thread. Here is his response:
Nice of you tashja to contact one of the parties brought up in discussion here. So that at least clarifies Misner's position. Have you attempted to contact Alley or Robertson btw? It might be interesting to get their side of this matter. Not that it is needed.Hi guys,
I contacted Prof. Misner regarding the main topics being discussed in this thread. Here is his response:
Thanks tashja, as usual great job.Hi guys,
I contacted Prof. Misner regarding the main topics being discussed in this thread. Here is his response:
What is the problem here?Misner, like Rovelli and numerous others, likes to claim GR 'fully covers' the situation of *still undetected* after a string of recent failures (BICEP2, Parkes 11-year survey) TT GW's carrying energy-momentum hence self-gravitating. Yet ask any of them to reconcile that postulate with the incontestable fact of zero Ricci curvature in exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. I would expect an embarrassing silence or deflection tactics. There is no such dilemma in Yilmaz gravity.