
Right, or left-handed ?

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Hi Enmos, here is mine when I don't write in hurry.
For those who doesnt have scanner, maybe you can use your digital camera? :confused:

this may be a weird thing to say, but do you happen to be korean? your handwriting looks korean.

it's just something i noticed... the way my mom writes is how every chinese mom i have ever met seems to write. it's really bizarre.
this may be a weird thing to say, but do you happen to be korean? your handwriting looks korean.

it's just something i noticed... the way my mom writes is how every chinese mom i have ever met seems to write. it's really bizarre.

I think she is Indonesian.
Ok, here's mine...


Hmm... well, I had a lot of hanwriting training in primary school (since I couldn't write in the cursive style :mad:) and my handwriting also has this weird quality of changing according to who I'm sitting next to in college!

Thanks !
Nothing wrong with your handwriting at all :)
Btw. I like your name.. do I know you from somewhere ?
this may be a weird thing to say, but do you happen to be korean? your handwriting looks korean.

it's just something i noticed... the way my mom writes is how every chinese mom i have ever met seems to write. it's really bizarre.

Really? :confused:
As Ghost said, I am Indonesian.

Btw, welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy it :)