Great victory over political correctness and leftist propaganda

Didn't Wikileaks show us how the Democrats paid people, to create trouble at Trump rallies, so their media supporters can spin the story into Trump supporters being violent?
t. I bet you can trace the Anti-Trump riots back to Democrat operatives and organizers being paid for by Soros and the Democrats.
And all that graffiti is false flag. And you guys are nutcases.

Matt Taibbi put it bluntly, after months of interviews and investigation and travel and research and so forth, way last spring: 1) Trump can see the whole board, twelve moves ahead, and at the end is President Trump. 2) His supporters are completely full of shit.
There is no excuse for mob violence or criminal activity in a civilized society.

If attacked while in your vehicle, DO NOT EXIT THE VEHICLE!
Keep driving, then call 911 and report the incident.
Please try to remain civil. Name-calling and excessive profanity are unnecessary.
Perhaps*, but that's not what PhysBang was responding to. He was objecting vehemently to the statement/prospect that "white lives matter", ergo he believes that white lives don't matter.
Fuck you, racist.

There is no way that you don't know that there is a history of race relations in the USA that make it seem like black lives do not matter, at least not to the extent that white lives matter. There is no way that you don't know that there is a substantial white power movement in the USA. So there is no way that you don't know that shouting "white lives matter" is going to be interpreted as a way of attempting to diminish black people.

*I don't necessarily agree that that's the appropriate qualifier and given that guys like PhysBang think it is acceptable to insert whatever qualifier you want, I reserve the right to come back to that and add any qualifier I want and accuse him of believing it.
I'm not adding shit here. When I objected to "white lives matter" I said all that shit that you are ignoring.

I called you a racist because a) you said that black people commit more crime than white people and b) you said that you cannot fathom how it could be otherwise. So you admit that it is a core part of your own character that you think that black people, regardless of how many there are, commit more crimes than white people. That is fucking racist and you are a fucking racist.
Of course not. I plan to be civil as always. But expecting the Trump crowd to be civil in return is silly - there is no way to join together in mutual civility with Trump's electoral base.

They are who they are, and they're proud of it.
Look at the title of this thread.

"Great victory over political correctness and leftist propaganda"

Yeah not seeing how that is uncivil, had they said "we raped them in the ass!" or something I would agree.
If a simple statement of fact is considered racist, the term is now meaningless.
OK, if you think that it is a fact, then show us the fact.

But please note that be ignoring the fact that he said he could not possibly think that black people could commit less crime than white people, he is identifying in himself racist attitudes.
as/re PC speech/speaking
said a couple thousand years ago:
  • Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
Children use "ugly speech" to offend.
I would expect that that holds true for people who are no longer children.

.....................If "PC speech" confined itself to those offenses, then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and it is.
Let us consider "The patriot act".
Politically correct speech?
Children use "ugly speech" to offend.
I would expect that that holds true for people who are no longer children.

.....................If "PC speech" confined itself to those offenses, then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and it is.
Let us consider "The patriot act".
Politically correct speech?
Are you seriously saying that The Patriot Act was an example of "the left" engaging in political correctness?

"PC" is something invented by racists and sexists in order to defend themselves while remaining racist and sexist.
Trump is far from perfect candidate for president, but I would like to point out important aspect of this election. It seems to me that one of the factors which brought down Hillary is that people are already tired by leftist - political correctness - pro immigration - gender - positive discrimination - false racist accusations - LGBTI - propaganda shoved down their throats every single day from 90% of "mainstream" media, scores of leftist activists and "standard" politicians. All the rigged polls presented by “mainstream” media tried to show that Trump has no chance to win. Majority of "mainstream" media have totally pushed anti Trump propaganda and used standard leftist false accusation tactics naming Trump racist, misogynist and so but the result of election clearly showed that majority of people in US simply don’t believe the mainstream media propaganda anymore.

I hope more people will follow Trumps example and show middle finger to the leftist propaganda and more people will stand up and fight leftist “activists” if they try to gang up on somebody using false accusations.

First of all, there has not been a "leftist" in the USA since 1968. Democrats have been pushed to the right until today where they are mainly centrists. As far as political correctness, the so called "main stream media" was very careful to tiptoe around using the "f" word in describing Donald Trump. Everyone knows he is a fascist, but by god they were not going to come out and say it - too polite I guess.
"Great victory over political correctness and leftist propaganda"

Yeah not seeing how that is uncivil, - - .
The victory was that of incivility. Those are code terms for objections to incivility. You don't see that?

Can't help you there. You're an American: If after years of familiarity with that code and its current employment, you still don't know that this refers to being able to brag about grabbing lower-status women by the pussy, having your police harass and beat up black men in the streets at whim, slandering good people with lies and disparaging terminology on the mass media without recourse, and gang-bullying the town faggots and dykes and towelheads to the point of injury and suicide, nothing I post is going to clarify the matter for you.
License to verbally and physically assault twisted as only compartmentalized 'free speech' and expression. They forget such things are harassment and slander, not just free speech if you stalk someone or get in their face/personal space when they havent engaged you to spout this shit just as its physical assault if you put your hands on someone without permission. This is kindergarten 101. What do people think they are defending? Lmfao! These arent arguments between two people with no political correctness. This is just open endorsement for violating others civil rights. That is what the masses interpret it as and thats why they do it. They have been doing it but now even more emboldened. They need to be charged with a crime if they do harass people claiming its just free speech. Yeah, freely spout that shit who cares to listen and dont put your hands on anyone. I guess those women who voted for trump think they are safe because they are married, live in a gated community or away from the 'riff-raff'. As long as it doesnt happen to them, right? Hypocrites.

The right needs to stick to what they can understand. The completely tangible and only themselves. Complex socially appropriate behavior, ethics and interaction goes over their head.
Children use "ugly speech" to offend.
I would expect that that holds true for people who are no longer children.

.....................If "PC speech" confined itself to those offenses, then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and it is.
Let us consider "The patriot act".
Politically correct speech?

So basically its okay to verbally abuse others. Thats really what 'free speech' means to the right. They want to freely be able to be abusers and want it legitimized with impunity. Any live experience with people who want no political correctness is what this is about. Political correctness is a deceptive term for manners, civility and basic respect for another human being they dont want to exercise if they dont feel like it, plain and simple.
See, the problem with folks like madanthonywayne and others who support Trump yet claim not to be racist et al... is that they can't comprehend the amount of sheer privilege being a white, middle class male gives them... WASP's are even worse (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) in that they have, quite literally, nothing that detracts from their perceived right to have it all.

It comes down to entitlement... plain and simple. What would help these kinds of people would be to experience true need; I don't mean the kind that some of us have (such as having to choose what bills to pay while others go past-due, or having to buy cheaper food for a few weeks because of a medical bill, etc). No, I'm talking need such as not having a safe place to go to sleep at night... need such as "I can no longer walk the three miles to work in the morning because some asshole supremacist broke my legs last week"... they just don't get it. It's inconceivable to them, and so they fancy themselves right and well in the world and those that are complaining about the fact that white supremacy has, by all appearances, been validated by this election and the concerns of people of color or other ethnicity/religion or of the LGBTQ+ community... they can't fathom them. They wave it off as "oh, you're just being paranoid"... except we have seen that these attacks ARE happening. People are being assaulted, physically beaten, and a few have died. Suicides are on the rise among these groups because at this point, they are starting to lose all hope for a safe and normal life.

Shit, I've started carrying my Karambit knife with me when I go out... not because I feel the need to protect myself (I'm a white male christian, I'm in the "safe" group after all!) but because if I see someone getting harassed or assaulted by these pricks, I know I will intervene, and I want a way to defend myself and them should it come to blows.
See, the problem with folks like madanthonywayne and others who support Trump yet claim not to be racist et al... is that they can't comprehend the amount of sheer privilege being a white, middle class male gives them... WASP's are even worse (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) in that they have, quite literally, nothing that detracts from their perceived right to have it all.

Wonderful. In one sentence you reveal your own racism against Caucasians, your ethnic prejudice against people with English ancestry and your religious prejudice against protestants.

(Didn't you tell us in another thread that you are a Methodist? That's a protestant denomination that originated in England.)

It comes down to entitlement... plain and simple.

You feel entitled to announce your own hostility for whites of English descent who are protestants. You seem to feel that you enjoy some kind of immunity for offending people that you don't like, while they should be allowed no opportunity at all to offend any of the things you embrace or believe in. How nice that must be for you.

Your doing that is an expression of your own feeling of privilege. Your being a moderator just adds to it, since if your enemies anger you they are gone, banned, while you feel freedom to anger anyone you dislike and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.

That's what "political correctness" is all about, the feeling of freedom to attack and even to silence political enemies (because their side is bad), while those political enemies have no freedom to challenge your side (because you're the voice of good). The problem with that is the self-serving assumptions that are being baked in and used to justify hypocrisy.

When that kind of self-serving stacking-the-deck becomes institutionalized, when it is is extended to university classrooms, to the news media and to public discourse in general, that's "political correctness". It isn't unlike how expressions of disloyalty to the king, blasphemy or religious heresy were treated in past centuries. Nazi Germany and communist states acted the same way. It's anti-intellectual to its core, the enemy of free and open thought and inquiry. It's even profoundly anti-liberal, in the true sense of 'liberal'. That's why many of us oppose political correctness, and quite justifiably I think.

What would help these kinds of people would be to experience true need

One of the big reasons why Trump won is that the white working class just got tired of hearing smug gentry-liberals or know-it-all twenty somethings tell them about all the "privilege" that they enjoy, while their jobs dissappear and they struggle to keep their homes and to feed their kids.
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Now, there is a crazy nutjob propaganda term................
Why do you think the 'W' is needed?

*shrug* It isn't my term (I didn't create it), but watching a bunch of acquaintances of mine on FB continually tell a few others who are gay/bi/et al that they "are being paranoid" and that all this violence is just "liberal propaganda designed by the media to hurt Trump" ... well, after looking at the sources, it is a sadly true term.
One of the big reasons why Trump won is that the white working class just got tired of hearing smug gentry-liberals or know-it-all twenty somethings tell them about all the "privilege" that they enjoy, while their jobs dissappear and they struggle to keep their homes and to feed their kids.
And Black Lives Matter appeared because blacks got sick of being told that reverse discrimination, in the form of political correctness and affirmative action, was giving them jobs and privilege not enjoyed by whites - then having to watch while their friends and families were fired, kicked out of schools and killed by cops.