The hostage situation is also in play, which makes this incredibly tricky in handling...I would think. Goal seems to be to dismantle Hamas, limit the casualties, while taking measures to help ensure hostage liberation, including the Palestinian civilians who live in Gaza from Hamas.
Whatever the original intent of this topic, it seems to be about Israeli war-crimes now.
Some might contend that "it is pretty obvious" that one of the key purposes of crafting and developing the
New Antisemitism category over time was to protect Israeli policies from criticism. (As an example, the "
Antisemitism in the UK Labour Party" controversies.)
However, it's not a wholly novel and isolated invention of Jewish intellectuals who are sympathetic to Israel. But is playing off the broader post-liberal politics[1] and "systemic oppression" ideology trend of obstructing free speech for those deemed by proponents to be promoting and engaging in social justice offences (along with instituting punishing consequences for the latter behaviors if/when possible). A key aspect of which is that a privileged population group (part of the intellectual heritage descended from forefathers like
Antonio Gramsci) that is proposed to be victimizing other groups is especially not allowed to negatively criticize and pass judgement on the ethnic groups it is depicted as bullying.
In the case of Israel, however, which is surrounded by an Arab world, the potential "bullying oppressors" for its Jewish citizens aren't as simply defined as the white European descendents that are the usual oppressors for many. (At least currently; in the earliest days of the evolving socioeconomic analysis, it was simply the non-ethnically defined bourgeoisie who were the monsters along with Western culture and capitalism in general.)
In the short term and myopic focus, Israel periodically presents itself (to those who resent it, anyway) as the bully, with Gaza residents (or other Palestinians) being the victim. Which is highly relevant in an era where, again -- this simplistically medieval and binary oppressor/oppressed template is the favorite interpretative sex-toy for academics to mentally masturbate on when it comes to discerning "what is going on".
Accordingly, the [supposed] covert goal of the New Antisemitism concept in deflecting criticism of Israel would instead be dependent upon a long-term view of Jews being the true potential victims. One might succinctly sum up what that rests upon in the context of this unsophisticated directness:
There are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world compared to only 15 to 20 million Jews. Over six and a half million of the latter are concentrated in the tiny area of Israel.
IOW, every Palestinian in the Gaza Strip could be wiped out (both the volunteer holy martyrs and those who don't want to be such) and it would make no significant dent in the world's Muslim population. The same can't be said for the opposite.
Since in that long term scenario it is Israel that deems itself the victim, the latter is thereby reluctant to adopt a ho-hum "
Why won’t the Jews just allow themselves to be killed?" view of terrorist attacks. Willing to risk the accusations of committing "war crimes" via depending, again, on the apparent Jewish (and pundit friends of Jews?) contribution to post-liberal politics to deflect such eventually (i.e., the concept of New Antisemitism).
- - - footnote - - -
[1] In contrast, traditional liberalism is often idealistically portrayed as allowing free speech for everyone (barring reckless endangerment). Unintentionally summed up in the Evelyn Beatrice Hall quote that was inspired by an anecdote of Voltaire's: "
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."