Dennis Tate
This is an updated article similar to the one on String Theory that I quoted in post number two on page one of this discussion.
The Elusive Theory of Everything
Physicists have long sought to find one final theory that would unify all of physics. Instead they may have to settle for several
The Elusive Theory of Everything
Physicists have long sought to find one final theory that would unify all of physics. Instead they may have to settle for several
Whenever we develop a model of the world and find it to be successful, we tend to attribute to the model the quality of reality or absolute truth. But M-theory, like the goldfish example, shows that the same physical situation can be modeled in different ways, each employing different fundamental elements and concepts. It might be that to describe the universe we have to employ different theories in different situations. Each theory may have its own version of reality, but according to model-dependent realism, that diversity is acceptable, and none of the versions can be said to be more real than any other. It is not the physicist’s traditional expectation for a theory of nature, nor does it correspond to our everyday idea of reality. But it might be the way of the universe.