Easy OBE Inducing Methods!!

Have you ever had an OBE?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • There's no such thing

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • The Devil is trying to kill you!!! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I'll be posting some easy methods here... :)

PS: From the book "Out of Boby Experiences: how to have them and what to expect" by Robert Peterson.

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In England an OBE means kneeling before a queen and I have to say I did that loads of times. :D

If you're talking about out of body experiences then no not me but once my friend Peter was asleep upstairs and the next day told us what we were doing while he slept, (playing cards) and also who won, with what hand and for how many match sticks. (well we were poor at the time) So on that basis, I believe!
Method Number 1: Whining

Have you ever noticed a high-pitched whining noise in your head? If you listen closely, you will notice the noise I'm referring to. We all hear this high-pitched soun constantly, but normally the sound is drowned by constant distractions and sounds all around us. Most people don't notice it, but some people have a disorder called tinnitis, which causes this sound to be unusually loud and distacting. You can use this sound to induce OBEs.

For this exercise, relax and focus your mind. Then start listening for this whining sound in your head. Once you find it, use your imagination to try to increase the pitch and volume. Increase the pitch until the sound is almost out of the range of your hearing. This can cause vibrations to sweep in and free you from your body.

The vibrations are the energy of your aura, your personal energy. ;)

I think this is the easiest method I've ever seen.

So it's not thecase that you have to be asleep to achieve this?
Thank you Xev I'll give it a go a new thread looms don't you think

"Where did you obe today?"

So it's not thecase that you have to be asleep to achieve this?

The two first Xev's paragraphs were ok... the last one I can't agree...

You have to be conscient and inconscient at the same time. 50% each. It's not an easy task. Then, once you got into this thin border between your Conscient and Unconscient, after a little time you start to feel your auric energy and after that, in 3 seconds, you get out of your body naturally... ;)

I once heard that I should imagine my own body lying sitting whatever in the position it's in then try to see it from outside.
Once achieved I could then travel about the place at will.

So is it right I should imagine myself from the inside and then from outside?

Is this a good start?
...Wearing The Inside Out...? :bugeye: Something like that?

Where did you OBE today...?;)

Somewhat. You could imagine you looking to your body... But you can imagine two "yous"... :D

Method Number 2: Falling into a well

"As always, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax as completly as you can, then visualize looking down a very deep well. Next, pretend that you fall in, head first. As you fall, watch the bottom of the well getting closer. Try to imagine the sensation of falling as realistically as possible. Feel the gravity pulling you toward the bottom. Get caught up in the feeling. If this works, you may be zapped into your astral body. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the visualization several times until it seems almost real."

This may not be connected, but I remember lots of times lying half asleep and then jolting awake with the feeling that my whole body just fell onto the bed. It seemed like it was only an inch above the mattress but the sensation seemed very real:(

I admit I haven't tried any of the methods above yet, I'm waiting for the time when I can lie down without falling unconscious as soon as the pillow stops bouncing. I work too hard:mad:

Love to ya's
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OBE and some other experiences

I have been trying to have OBE couple times with Robert Bruce's Rope method and I have done chakra training before trying to climb that imaginary rope.
Here are links to those to that are part of same Big Article.Chakra work
Climbing rope method
I have felt tingling, energy rushes, and pressure on my chest and third eye. I haven't been succesful yet but that could maybe change if I wasn't so lazy on this subject.

Some days ago I had really intresting dream and waking up from it. I had dream were i had encounter with one grey humanoid, it was just short flash when i saw it, it had green and violet colors on his skin/cloth not sure though as it happend so fast. Rest of the dream i was talking with other dreamcharacters about that encounter, I said to them that it felt like seeing angel or something equally as impressing.

But the strange part came when I woke up (1pm). I opened my eyes and I could see white transparent body over me and ít's head was attached to my head but I only saw body. I screamed as it was so unbelieble with very strange voice that didn't sound my own, and all that then just disappeared.

So is it possible to see your own astral body?

And please tell if you have had success with that rope method, it's easy and that's why I am using it. Gotta try those methods that have already been in this thread. That elevator is something I have tried too but only fast and not so concentrated.
Please post more good methods if you know some, I'm gonna start now to really try to have an OBE. Cya.

You have just contacted an ET from Orion through a dream!!! :)
Scientist, to be more specific. They have the clothes as you described. The clothes were a purple and seemed somewhat like aluminium, isn't it? That's a scientist from Orion... :)

I had contact with ETs through dreams to. That's one of the closest contact one can have because it's held in your conscience...
You are lucky... :)
Or perhaps they have a special interest in you... I don't know... ;)

You have just contacted an ET from Orion through a dream!!!

Which just so happens to be the world in which you live.

Scientist, to be more specific. They have the clothes as you described. The clothes were a purple and seemed somewhat like aluminium, isn't it? That's a scientist from Orion...

LOL. My sides are about to split... You're credibility is toast.

I had contact with ETs through dreams to. That's one of the closest contact one can have because it's held in your conscience...

No. It's a dream. Oops, your IN the dream world so it must be a reality for you.

You are lucky...

Lucky to be living in a fantasy dream world? So what happens when you wake up?

They have the clothes as you described. The clothes were a purple and seemed somewhat like aluminium, isn't it? That's a scientist from Orion...

Nice picture... :D

Btw... what are you doing here if you don't know what we are taliking about...?
1. Whining.
2. Falling into a well.

One thing we see Nelson do now, and another thing I wish he would do.
i tried both Whinning and falling inside a well...all i got was a couple of hours of sleep...



It's like meditation...
As my Tai Chi teacher says:
"If you don't do it, at least you cure your insomnia."

It's not an easy thing to be in the line between conscience and subconscience... ;)

Some other ways might work better for you, though...
Each case is one case. What works for me or for someone else might not work for you...
