Easy OBE Inducing Methods!!

Have you ever had an OBE?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • There's no such thing

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • The Devil is trying to kill you!!! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Okay,suppose i have an OBE(its not real you know,only your mind's projection)so how will i come back?(serious question)
And secondly are these methods properly tested on Human subjects(you know,like nothing harmful or so)because i dont want to hear Shrike having OBE and his pals worrying tht he hasnt been to school for a long long time...;)


It's not an easy thing to be in the line between conscience and subconscience...

Which of course is a state you're all to familiar with... the unconscious.
truthseeker (so you haven't found it yet?. why is that... ;) )

"visualize, pretend, imagine, almost real..."

there is lots of techniques to confuse your mind. that's what it's all about. it's like cheating your brain...

You came back naturally. You think about going back and you instantly go back.

OBEs are not harmful unless you believe so. If you are in an OBE and believe you will have an unpleasant experience, it's likely to happen. If not, no problems...


Unconscious is the state of death... for those who are not awoken before death...
I wish you won't be in this state...

I'm pretty much alive... ;)


there is lots of techniques to confuse your mind. that's what it's all about. it's like cheating your brain...

Coincidently, I saw this same thing (the colors and words) in an e-mail that my little friend... :) ... showed me...
This talks about the interchanges of the electrical impulses of the left and right sides of the brain. The left side recognizes the color, the right side the words. Most people will have difficulty saying the actual colors instead of what's written. Thta's because in rational people, the right side is so active that inhibits the action of the left side. Children have no difficulty at all (very young ones...)...

The subconscient is in the left side, while the conscient is in the right side. What happens while we are having a dream is that the informations stored in our subconscient are presented to your conscient. This creates the dream. When you don't have a dream, it's because the conscient is not present during the process. Many studies shows that the left side of the brain is more active during the dream state and the right side more innactive. ;)

In the case of an OBE, for you to be in a good situation for the OBE it's necessary to be in contact with both conscient and inconscient. The difficulty in that is that it's not easy to stay awake in that state.

The difference between a dream and an OBE state is basically:

  • Dreams happens when your subconscient domains your conscient.
  • OBEs happens when your conscient domains your subconscient.

Another OBE "method":

A good way to train the domination of your subconscient is by, for example, trying to write with your left hand (if you are right-handed... which is VERY common in rational people). Anything that uses the left side of your body provides a good training. :)

Thanks! Good input! :)

Unconscious is the state of death... for those who are not awoken before death...

LOL ! Unconscious is the lack of conscious awareness or thought. You, Truthseeker, are definitely in a state of unconsciousness.

I'm pretty much alive...

So is an amoeba.

The subconscient is in the left side, while the conscient is in the right side.

Subconscient is not a word. It does not exist.

This creates the dream. When you don't have a dream, it's because the conscient is not present during the process.

Conscient is also not a word. It does not exist.

Many studies shows that the left side of the brain is more active during the dream state and the right side more innactive.

What studies? What evidence do you have for these claims?

Dreams happens when your subconscient domains your conscient.
OBEs happens when your conscient domains your subconscient.

Complete and utter nonsense. You are making this up as you go along. It is complete fiction.
Complete and utter nonsense. You are making this up as you go along. It is complete fiction.
The Duck's quack is real, without regard to the quack's actual content. Quacking, in and of itself, is not logical defense of quack meaning. ;)
The Duck's quack is real, without regard to the quack's actual content. Quacking, in and of itself, is not logical defense of quack meaning.

Thanks, I needed that. One cannot stop a Duck from quacking.
Subconscient is not a word. It does not exist.

Conscient is also not a word. It does not exist.

You don't know psychology... why do you discuss it...?:rolleyes:

Complete and utter nonsense. You are making this up as you go along. It is complete fiction.

Again... you know nothing about it...
You don't know the following things (and I'm talking about only this thread...:bugeye::rolleyes: )...

Stop discussing what you don't know...

sometimes when i'm falling asleep, I wake up suddenly as if something had hit my head really hard.... a sort of blue light goes through my head, sort of like a spirit
sometimes when i'm falling asleep, I wake up suddenly as if something had hit my head really hard.... a sort of blue light goes through my head, sort of like a spirit

Maybe you were shopping at K-Mart and something fell on you.:D
To TruthSeeker

Thank you so much for sharing your ideas on inducing an OOBE. I wonder whether the "well" method might mimic the first of my two OOBE's, which was induced by a car wreck. I may have left my body seconds before impact. My second OBE was un-asked for and without trauma, though it happened at a critical and emotional point of my life. A person whom I did not trust had attempted to befriend me, and I rebuffed the attempt, but apparently the Universe (if you will) had other ideas. I found myself out of my body during sleep. I turned and looked at my sleeping body without interest, then saw the city fly under me as I went to my would-be friend's apartment -- without knowing where that person lived. Interestingly, that person asked me a day or two later what I had been doing in their apartment and how had I gotten inside. Their experience was the same as mine -- we had had a wordless "communing" (exchange of ... essence? ideas? intentions? all of these and more) before I woke up in my own bed. That person is still a friend 36 years later.

Thank you again. I have frequent lucid dreams, but no more OBE's -- and I WANT more. I shall look forward to using your suggestions. -- Wil (btw, I don't know whether my email address is available to the forum, but if it is, feel free to email me.)
I appreciate that you express your thoughts, Q. My personal experience (and I understand the difficulty of using anecdotal "proof") leads me to a different conclusion than you have drawn. You seem an intelligent person. Whether someone who shares of their knowledge (whether anecdotal or empirical) gets the spelling right, if I understand their meaning then I have no need to place myself in the position of "superior" by correcting them. You shall certainly follow your own preferences and I'm not suggesting you do otherwise, but arrogance (as evidenced by such correction) leads me to pay scant attention to one who feels the need to point out deficiencies. Maturity and honest humility will eventually correct such leanings, methinks, and at that time your credibility score will be enhanced -- with me, at least.
I have no experience with OBE, but I have a lot of experience with Lucid dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming is being able to dream exactly what you want. If you want to fly like superman you can.

One method to induce Lucid dreaming for any who find it difficult is to stay awake all night until you are nodding off in a sitting or standing position. This will give you an experience of it, but be sure to write or record your experience as dreams fade from memory, and if you are that tired you may fall asleep shortly thereafter. I do not suggest waiting up al night specifically to try this, but rather try this when you are very tired and have been awake a long time for other reasons.

Now.. I like this thread and lucid dreaming also requires you to be half conscious and half asleep as mentioned is also necessary for OBE. I wonder if being tired would help.

I have tried OBE before but have not been successful, although I know some who have.

@ Wil (above Post),

Sciforums never has a shortage of self appointed parapsychology police who often take to perusing the Parapsychology threads simply to poke fun at them. It is true that things like this cannot yet be proven using the Scientific Method, so it is not an accepted science. I think it shows these people (Like Q) to be shallow thinkers with innate needs to ridicule others so they can feel slightly better about their own inadequacies. Why else would they even be in the parapsychology area? Just feel sorry for them and their shallow thinking. Actually Q is more of a Religion Police guy, but maybe the religion arguments are slow today. Either way his arguments are never more than cursive and accusatory, never any substance, ever. If he reads this he will probably swear a lot and then say his "type" is needed, as if anyone every listens to him.

@ Q,
According to you....
Subconscient is not a word. It does not exist.
Conscient is also not a word. It does not exist.

Conscient is a word. Maybe check a dictionary before you enforce your below average vocabulary on others. Subconscient is also allowed as a word. Why would you even attempt to correct language when you have such a poor grasp of it. Stick to your first language maybe.
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@ Alex G,
Why do people go to the zoo?

Good Point. Maybe they will learn a few things.
@ForrestDean -- I have not been back to this site since my posts. Life intervened. Thank you so very much for the links. Now that I have seen them, I will use them. I DO wish we could communicate more privately. I do not know why I have such supposedly unusual experiences in this life, and I would really like a confidante. My partner shares events, certainly, but I yearn for a perspective that is not quite so close and subjective. If you are on FB, maybe you would message me? Wil Dupepe is my pseudonym -- my FB account is Wil Cavanaugh. (Only one "L" in both cases. I'm not a William. LOL)
Okay, Forrest, Michael Raduga has captivated me. I downloaded the ebook and can hardly wait to read. His concision is impressive as is his generosity. I'll be back soon. How did I ever lose this fantastic and knowledgeable group of friends?? Be well, friend. Your life has already made a difference in mine. Thank you.
Method Number 1: Whining

Have you ever noticed a high-pitched whining noise in your head? If you listen closely, you will notice the noise I'm referring to. We all hear this high-pitched soun constantly, but normally the sound is drowned by constant distractions and sounds all around us. Most people don't notice it, but some people have a disorder called tinnitis, which causes this sound to be unusually loud and distacting. You can use this sound to induce OBEs.

For this exercise, relax and focus your mind. Then start listening for this whining sound in your head. Once you find it, use your imagination to try to increase the pitch and volume. Increase the pitch until the sound is almost out of the range of your hearing. This can cause vibrations to sweep in and free you from your body.

The vibrations are the energy of your aura, your personal energy. ;)

I think this is the easiest method I've ever seen.


Its incredible that i come across this...
just yesterday night i have experienced the high pitched sound increasing in pitch ( i was controlling it) and was trying to bring it higher and higher, in conjunction with the sound a sort of vibration was also present and it would increase with the sound...similar to the feeling you have when one of those dentist drills are used on your teeth... as i brought the pitch higher i started also hearing some roaring sounds almost like far away explosions.... I managed to bring the pitch up 3 times but never reached any type of destination... after that it just desappeared...
Does anybody relate to this?