The rest of us, who can remember what happened in the past in the US, have already seen this show. The people who study history have seen it, written about it, feared its reprise.Thanks for posting substance, Bells. I don't know how to best explain it, other than offer a video that says it best. In short, we never trusted the media. Many of us don't watch television anymore. It's tripe. There is a cultural revolution taking place in America, and it's splitting us down the center. It is an exciting time in history. It's the best show in town.
We've seen it wearing tri-cornered hats and forgetting all about its hero W. We've seen it wearing pointy hoods and forgetting all about its hero Adolf. This show is as old as the US itself, and never gets any better - because the people who put it on never learn. They never learn because to learn they would have to remember what they did, why they did it, and what happened afterwards.
And that's not something they want to do.
Meanwhile: You who claim they never trusted "the media" are and have been completely in thrall to the least honest, least trustworthy, least sensible media in the US. You have proven that you will believe anything, anything at all, the stupidest crap in the world over the evidence of your own eyes, if it comes from the media feeds of the American Heritage Institute and similar organizations, and is delivered to you via the appropriate voices.
Not only will you believe anything from those media, you will repeat it in public as your own understanding.
The litany of the nonsense and bizarre lies and ridiculous slanders you have accepted from the media that have made you into the human equivalent of a hypnotized chicken is pages long and decades old. Every so often you can find a blogger or comedian will take a day off from teh hard work of inventing comical absurdity of their own, and simply recite a list of the things you have believed from those media. It's like a book of quotes from a Republican President since Eisenhower - damn funny. If you ignore the consequences.
Here's a couple of people showing how to convince a Trump voter that all this Russian collusion stuff is a farce and fake news - also, Trump is going to find out where Obama was really born as soon as he has time from all these distractions:But we've wasted 6 months on the Russia collusion farce, how can one tweet compete with that distraction.
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