Does reincarnation exist?

Reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul in a new body.

No distinction of individuated souls, if that's what the idea is dependent upon. Too many different people claiming to have once been the same dead celebrities or historical figures.

What we share is mental experiences and human traits which keep being revived and staying in circulation as long as we keep reproducing. Call it a more fundamental identity of generic subjectivity or just conscious experience itself, which underlies and binds us as a persistently reemerging marvel.

No personal memories are passed on either genetically or mysteriously to anyone, but the culture itself can teach existing general information to children. Scattered newborns gradually grow up into a spectrum of personality types that have existed many times before. Each experiences similar introspective and extrospective manifestations (constructs of qualia), and entertain classic thoughts as well arguably new ones.

The universe is filled with non-conscious matter which thereby is normally not even nothing to itself (invisible); and indeed even neural correlates of consciousness in a brain don't acquire any new, radical properties detectable in them (just matter interactions as usual). Only personal reports associate them with experiences.

So all sufficiently conscious organisms are, in a sense, kind of like islands of manifestations in a sea of absence. Each newborn "light" figuratively rises from the emptiness and maintains the continuity of phenomenal events in a general context. Though specific identities eventually perish, the new ones continue to rise from the blankness. Starting out with a common, generic subjectivity that incrementally re-acquires everything lost by death, but not assuming a particular or quasi-unique subject that existed once before in the past (no connective mechanism there).
There are people who feel homesick for places, cultures and era that have never been in life, includidng me.

I like music from countries other than my origin, for example, Indian and Arabic.
Then you must be reincarnated. I can think of no other explanation, can you?

I don't feel "homesick" for my actual home town. Does this only happen after you have been reincarnated?

A lot of people like reggae music. Does that mean they have to have lived a past life in Jamaica?

If you are stupid in this life, does that mean that you were even dumber in a past life?
There are people who feel homesick for places, cultures and era that have never been in life, includidng me.

I like music from countries other than my origin, for example, Indian and Arabic.

That's not ''homesickness,'' that is just taking an interest in other cultures. That inner pull you feel is simply that those culture's cuisine, music, etc resonate with you, more so than other ones.
That's not ''homesickness,'' that is just taking an interest in other cultures. That inner pull you feel is simply that those culture's cuisine, music, etc resonate with you, more so than other ones.

I would call it a sentimental identification with the customs of other cultures (music and religion).

I don't feel "homesick" for my actual home town. Does this only happen after you have been reincarnated?

You seem to be a young person.
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I would call it a sentimental identification with the customs of other cultures (music and religion).
I feel that way, at times. Especially learning about my heritage, all of a sudden, I crave that cuisine and find myself wanting to travel to faraway places to get in touch with my roots. :)
That's not ''homesickness,'' that is just taking an interest in other cultures. That inner pull you feel is simply that those culture's cuisine, music, etc resonate with you, more so than other ones.

I identify with Irish/Celtic culture and music. But I did a DNA test with and discovered my genetic heritage is Scottish/British. So yeah, it's not a homesickness. Probably just your type of personality resonating with that particular aesthetic style.
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I see no point in reincarnation if you can never remember your previous life experiences in every new life you get. What's the point? Nothing can be learned, and nothing can be appreciated. The perspective that would give insight to this life is missing. Every new life the first and last of it's kind, to fade into eternal forgetfulness.
Another explanation to deja-vu, dreams and nostalgia may be the reading of the brain of genetic information.
Or could be quantum thought transference which would happen when it not observed and until matching brain wave is matched to the source. Until which it the information would flow around in form of energy. Energy has many form so it is hard to know which form it contains the information in.
Following the Buddhist belief in the principle of reincarnation, the Dalai Lama is believed by Buddhists to be able to choose the body into which he is reincarnated. That person, when found, will then become the next Dalai Lama. ... It took four years to find the 14th (current) Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

and, here
I had thought that a goal of buddhism was to free oneself from the prison of reincarnation
Following the Buddhist belief in the principle of reincarnation, the Dalai Lama is believed by Buddhists to be able to choose the body into which he is reincarnated. That person, when found, will then become the next Dalai Lama. ... It took four years to find the 14th (current) Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

and, here
I had thought that a goal of buddhism was to free oneself from the prison of reincarnation
Very true the purpose of buddhism is to free oneself. But maybe and just maybe he decided to stay to guide people to end their reincarnation since buddism also says there is no greater purpose then to serve others. Also dalai lama says this is his last reincarnation.idk the reason.
Reincarnation is more likely that being dead for the rest of time. Can you imagine how scary that is?
I don't know if you will believe me but i think i know how death feels like. Its like a computer that shuts down when there is no power and when you wake up u start from where u left behind. Between which life feels peaceful if i imagine it. But i don't really know what happens in between.
Reincarnation is more likely that being dead for the rest of time. Can you imagine how scary that is?
Death is finality....Have you ever been under anesthetic? Can you remember before you were born? It's like you hav'nt existed for a time. That's death, nothing to worry about, as it is inevitable.
So... if something is scary enough, that makes it ... less likely?

Science has to draw a line at some point with how much they are unwilling to believe. You dont even need religion (necessarily) but if you dont believe at all you dont truly know, and if you dont know at all you dont know what faith is or whether you do or do not. Thus creating the faith-knowledge complex.
Death is finality....Have you ever been under anesthetic? Can you remember before you were born? It's like you hav'nt existed for a time. That's death, nothing to worry about, as it is inevitable.

There is no such thing as death. You see people dying, I the death of your body as the liberation of your spirit. I cant remember before I was born, as I cant physically see into the future.