Does reincarnation exist?

Does reincarnation exist?
It's a nice alternative answer to the question of what happens to the soul after death. The idea of karma can be comforting too.

However, it's still based on the unfounded premise that the soul exists. No soul --> no reincarnation.
If you believe the person is the soul, then I would say no. However, consciousness does reincarnate all of the time. It's the life in you, me, my dog, the trees in the yard.
transmigration of the soul
seems a possibility
I only knew what the soul is

and then we have transubstantiation
I've had the crackers and the wine
I've also eaten raw bloody rabbits with my dog fritz
if given the choice, I would prefer the rabbit

as to
Once, when riding in the mountains of northern maryland, I asked the driver to turn left
which led us up a hill and around a curve to a small town/village
I knew exactly what it looked like before we even got there

curious that
Reincarnation can be the explanation to deja-vu, dreams and homesick.
So are you saying if a kid goes to summer camp and gets homesick he will be reincarnated. Does the reincarnation happen right when he gets homesick or does that just mean he will be reincarnated after he dies?
I thought deja-vu was a glitch in the matrix? I had a dream one time that I was at school and I was naked, does that mean when I am reincarnated I will be born naked? How embarrassing!!
All the science stuff is really confusing.
Reincarnation can be the explanation to deja-vu, dreams and homesick.
We have a lot of stuff in our brains that we don't know is there. But I don't think there's nearly enough to account for "previous lives". If you lived a thousand lives before, you should be having a deja vu moment every few minutes.
There are people who feel homesick for places, cultures and era that have never been in life, includidng me.

I like music from countries other than my origin, for example, Indian and Arabic.
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I see no evidence to support the existence of a soul. So you need to jump that hurdle before we can discuss it being reborn in a new body.
How can they feel homesick for something unless they know something about it?

We can know a country through its music.

I see no evidence to support the existence of a soul. So you need to jump that hurdle before we can discuss it being reborn in a new body.

Yes, the soul is a subject of religion. It would have first to prove its existence to accept reincarnation. But I do not see another explanation to the phenomena mentioned above.
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