Documentary thread

There are plenty of atheists who also see it as support our troops, defend America, fight Islamofascism and all the other 25 reasons that Bush gave for the war.

Why should atheists be immune to the same motivations that drive others?

When I proposed that it would be interesting to see what the world would look like if there was no religion I didn't say it is clear that there would be no war. I just said that there would be less fervor towards war. As I said it isn't clear to me exactly why he thinks this war is a good one. You must admit there is more evidence of religious wars throughout the ages by people who believed enough to kill for it, there would have to be a different compelling reason to get an atheist to war. In the case of Hitchens I am not sure what that is but it certainly has nothing to do with his atheism
Sound and Fury

My Mom was born deaf (but now had an implant) and she was outraged that the deaf parents wouldn't let their 6 yr old deaf daughter get a cochlear implant even though she desperately wanted to hear. That whole 'deaf culture' thing.

The film was an nominated for an Academy Award

Interesting. I'll definitely check that one out.

One of my favorite films by one of my favorite directors, Werner Herzog: Land of Silence and Darkness (1971). It's not available online, but you can easily find it on a torrent site or rent it. I'm gonna be lazy and provide the wikipedia synopsis:

In telling the story of Fini Straubinger a deaf-blind German woman, Herzog investigates the nature of human thought and communication. Herzog follows Fini Straubinger to numerous events as she visits with other people in the deaf-blind community, discussing their struggle to live in the modern world with their disabilities. He reveals their communication with each other through a sort of sign language of strokes and taps on the other person's palm. Three important scenes in the film, for example, involve: a home for people who, unlike Ms. Straubinger and her friends, were born deaf-blind; an airplane ride; and a man hugging a tree.

At the home, a charitable group helps boys who were born deaf blind, and have therefore experienced the world only through taste, smell, and touch. Herzog provokes the viewer to ponder what the world would be like, what, indeed, thought would be like for someone who had no concept of speech or sight. He shows how an act as simple as showering can be an alien and horrifying thing for someone who has no idea what a shower is and no way for it to be explained to him. This scene, perhaps, evokes best the profound sense of loneliness and isolation present in the film.

A more optimistic scene occurs when Ms. Straubinger and her friends take a flight in a plane. Many of them are experiencing flight for the first time, and, unable to see or hear; the viewer is led to ponder the wonders present even in the mundane.

Herzog, himself, has stated that the whole film is a preparation for the final image. In this final shot, one of the deaf-blind approaches a tree and embraces it in a gesture which expresses a “fanatic materialism: it would be difficult to imagine a more stripped-down, economical illustration of what Heidegger calls Dasein, existential being in a ‘senseless’ world” (Hoberman, J.).

The film is, therefore, a moving story about a group of seriously disabled people, which also delves into questions of being, knowledge, and communication that philosophers have been asking for centuries.

Herzog presents these individuals in an extraordinarily compelling fashion, and makes no shameful effort to evoke "sympathy" or "pity": their uniqueness, while perhaps not enviable, is certainly admirable.
One of my favorite films by one of my favorite directors, Werner Herzog: Land of Silence and Darkness (1971). It's not available online, but you can easily find it on a torrent site or rent it. I'm gonna be lazy and provide the wikipedia synopsis:

Herzog presents these individuals in an extraordinarily compelling fashion, and makes no shameful effort to evoke "sympathy" or "pity": their uniqueness, while perhaps not enviable, is certainly admirable.

This sounds worth a watch. I'll check try and find it through amazon.
It features discussions using passages from religious texts and includes commentaries by Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, Bat Ye'or, Abdullah Al-Araby, and Walid Shoebat

Oh gawd, must I watch this crap? May I pass MORE SHIT BY SPENCER?
Just think Fox News meets Zionism. Haven't you read anything by these people?

Although I hate to provide advertising to this guy, you can start with Jihad watch, move on to Faith freedom and then go onto apostates from Islam and finish with religion of peace.
No way. Its much more intelligent that that. Care to watch it and critique it from the basis of its content? Spencer is only one of many people speaking of Islam in this piece. What about the Palestinian? What do you think of what he has to say? Or the other non-white middle eastern people who share their ideas.
And the rest are all his "friends", they occasionally meet at conferences in the US and have discussions on how to save the world from Muslims. You can investigate what they have written if you're interested, I have no interest in wasting my time with crap like that.
Sam you are not critiquing the documentary. If you don't deal with the information at hand I will only think you are like the people who try and discredit Chomsky by trying to discredit the man without ever dealing with the ideas and information he puts forth.

Personally I find it compelling. Especially when they speak in terms of 'tolerance'. I understand you are biased when it comes to all things non muslim so I guess I understand your reaction.

For all other members out there its worth viewing. Its nothing like Fitna which is a simple propaganda piece that doesn't back up any of their statements.
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Sorry, I have no interest in watching Spencer and company. They give me a headache. And no, I haven't watched the documentary so I am obviously not critiquing it. I don't need to watch a new show of Rush Limbaugh to know how compelling it will be. There are some things its not worth wasting your time on.
Sorry, I have no interest in watching Spencer and company. They give me a headache. And no, I haven't watched the documentary so I am obviously not critiquing it. I don't need to watch a new show of Rush Limbaugh to know how compelling it will be. There are some things its not worth wasting your time on.

Then why come here and put in your two cents if you have no interest? This is for people who either want to offer a documentary or discuss one they have seen. Go and find something useful to do and stop wasting everyones time with your blather concerning things you don't want to waste time having an intelligent discussion about.

You continue to speak of Spencer when there are middle eastern and even a palestinian giving their thoughts on the subject. This has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh you are simply trying to distract from what is an interesting documentary. As usual you go about hacking in a dishonest and destructive manner. Get lost and stop trolling.
Anyone seen Stevie? I felt really uncomfortable when it was over because I felt bad for the guy and he had been charged with molesting a young girl. But the life he had led as a young child and his mental disability...
Its like the foster care system creates damaged people and then punishes them for doing what they have learned.
Then why come here and put in your two cents if you have no interest? This is for people who either want to offer a documentary or discuss one they have seen. Go and find something useful to do and stop wasting everyones time with your blather concerning things you don't want to waste time having an intelligent discussion about.

You continue to speak of Spencer when there are middle eastern and even a palestinian giving their thoughts on the subject. This has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh you are simply trying to distract from what is an interesting documentary. As usual you go about hacking in a dishonest and destructive manner. Get lost and stop trolling.

I responded because you mentioned me by name. I looked it up because you recommended it. Once I saw the usual jingoists I lost interest.

You seem to be spoiling for a fight, well go on spoiling, because this is the last time I will respond to your posts. I'm putting you on ignore for your own good, hows that? :p
I mentioned for you to watch it and address it in the some intelligent manner which you did not do.

You know I actually watched 'Root of all Evil' before I commented on the documentary and I raised issues that were brought up in the documentary.

Ignore? Of course you will. You dislike being shown a liar:p

Nutritionist Penis Watcher!:D

If you were honest with your approach towards the documentary, one you have already admitted you did not watch, you would have watched it and shown were the fault or propaganda lies but you didn't or couldn't do that.
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Anyone seen Stevie? I felt really uncomfortable when it was over because I felt bad for the guy and he had been charged with molesting a young girl. But the life he had led as a young child and his mental disability...
Its like the foster care system creates damaged people and then punishes them for doing what they have learned.

Haven't yet seen Stevie. I'm still getting over Deliver Us From Evil.