...DID we go to the moon?

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Something did go wrong with Apollo 13. Why didn't they fake that one into a success?

Because it was not THE FIRST. The pressure was off.

I am not proposing what I said as something serious. At this point I really don't care. I agree with the concept that it would be easier to do it than to fake it. But even if my not very serious joke is correct I don't see why they would bother after number one.

The last moon landing was in 1972.
I have 40ish year old children who have never had the privilege
of witnessing the greatest scientific feat in human history. This is sad.
It was a great time to be an American.
I was a soldier in Viet Nam on July 19th 1969.
Somehow the war became an after thought for a few weeks.
My father who was born in 1911 got to see something
my children (1972 and 1974) never did.
It was real. If it was not, many other countries would
have gladly exposed it and delightfully disproved it.
While the USA financed it, many other countries were involved.
It is unfortunate that such an epic event has been stained by people
who want to prove Elvis is still alive.
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Well, my father was paid well for his work on Apollo. He had a nice home in an exclusive neighborhood, and some of his neighbors were also paid by NASA. Why pay for all these people to have such good living conditions if these people were not needed to send Apollo to the moon?
I remember when we were all vaccinated for polio for the first time, and I read an excited report of what pasteurizing milk means for us, written many years earlier. I would not say landing on the moon was the greatest scientific achievement. Extending our lives, so most of us live twice as long as the life expectancy in 1930, is a greater scientific achievement in my opinion. However, this has caused a Social Security problem. When Social Security was enacted, most of us would have dropped dead long before receiving a Social Security check.
Extending our lives, so most of us live twice as long as the life expectancy in 1930, is a greater scientific achievement in my opinion. However, this has caused a Social Security problem. When Social Security was enacted, most of us would have dropped dead long before receiving a Social Security check.

"You live in a spaceship dear." - Zoe


In many ways that is one of the most meaningful statements in science fiction. That Social Security business demonstrates one of the unintended consequences of science and technology. The argument about the Moon landing being faked comes down to our educational system not communicating enough about science like 4 years of English literature in high school is more important.

44 years after the Moon landing people can't figure out planned obsolescence in cars even though the electronics in the cars totally blows away what went to the Moon in 1969. But it was going to the Moon and developing missiles that drove the micro-electronic development in the 60s.

The disconnect is almost certain to get worse in the future.

You accidentally linked back to this page Hipparchia. But no matter, I'm quite certain that you're referring to this:

Another did we go to the moon thread...
Yep i believe they went, before my time but i think so. I think the human race is far more advanced than they tell us.

What i think they hid was the fact that secret technology got them there, and that's what nasa was hiding. That's why they cannot explain the questions, as the technology was far more advanced than they told the public.

The people have every right to ask questions, but they have it the wrong way round, mankind went but had better techs then they told you guys. That's what they are hiding, i.e that mankind is far more advanced than they tell us.

I even think russia and usa, and europe probably work together behind the scenes at some level, that is totally hidden to the public, while we watch this nasa show, and world going on. I think you will find russia and usa worked together on some levels during the cold war, even though at our level there was a lot going on.

But what nasa really is hiding, is that humans are far more advanced than the stuff they told the public, and this is why nasa cannot explain the questions about it.

Nasa was just some publicity stunt to steal countless amounts of money to launder into other projects during cold war.

How does anyone know thinking they where working on the moon project that they may of been working on something else? Everything is compartmentalized, so no one on the inside knows anything more than they are required to know to do there job.

All nato countries are run from underground bases, and the masses have no idea.

I think neil armstrong never spoke about it, as he was pissed of that when he arrived at the moon, humans where already there, and it was all just a show. That's why he never spoke, and was probably just told to go off and not talk about it, and keep quiet, while his name was made famous for a publicity stunt. When in fact humans are far more advanced then they are telling anyone.
Yes and no andy. Do the research Nazi's were brought to the USA and put to "work" on projects. We didn't get told much because both USA and Russia was using nazi's and spying on each other. And some that was here were Nazi war criminals, and there technology, we didn't understand all they knew. Till later. And we did get to the moon we have rocks we got from there. I just don't know when we got there. Russia took East Germany and many "brilliant" minds. Nato took the West and USA "hid", and used Nati's, and everyone hunted them. But it was all before my time and this is all mainly here say and research.
I would think that the corporation was going on at some level in ww2. At some level this stuff is all tthe same, and this group sees no country.

I seriously doubt any of us know whats going on.

After ww2 they came together and formed the cold war to weaponise the earth. At some level they are all working together.

There will not be any ww3, as there goal is to get ready for an alien invasion. They set up the cold war after ww2 to get ready for something that is coming. When the mind control programs can control the population no matter what scenario, all that alien stuff one day may happen.

Whether you like it or not mankind is far more advanced than they are telling us.

I personally think they regret making israel. I think they had a plan to make israel, then have ww3. But they changed that plan, and i reckon now they regret making israel.
The reason they changed there mind, is the mind control techs they have now, they could of made peace so much easier all over this world if they had not made israel. They will not have ww3 now, but they have created this massive problem. Shame as they have the techs and knowledge today that we are all the same virtually, but a minority of us have religious experiences. It does not matter where we are born, a minority of us can open upto a religious experience, and this is not unique to the jewish religion.
Have you ever noticed that every single chinese resturant has the exact same menu - coincidence, I think not!

California started the conspiracy to rebrand a largely vagrant workforce as inscrutable and exotic foreigners building the trans-continental railroad, which is why "Chinese" food often has more vegetables than American's are used to. As "chinese" was then a code word for homeless and unemployed, California's nineteenth century anti-chinese legislation looks downright racist if the code is not understood. In the 1970's, California almost lost control of the story and was forced to split "chinese" into "far away scary chinese" and "domestic dirty hippies" -- eventually some mysterious ethnic group took over the label "chinese" which was left vacant and rebranded it as culturally acceptable, even to the point of adopting some of the made-up "exotic" customs and cuisines. Orange Chicken is also known as the Grand Floridian addition. Orange Chicken did not exist prior to 1988 when Disney and Florida orange growers muscled in on the deal and used it to drive both orange sales and tourism via messages in fortune cookies. Cookies that any respectable website now admits were invented in California!

It all fits!!11!
Thanks Rav. I'm all fingers and thumbs today copying and pasting the wrong things everywhere. That was the sketch I was trying to post.
My question is--why do you think that we didn't land at the moon at the time? My dad is a C-level exec at a firm that builds and launches satellites into orbit around the Earth (he's launched over 35 himself, personally), and most of the technology they use (in terms of rocket technology) is from the late 40's and early 50's.
The evidence that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio is crushing. The US government can't censor the evidence that's on the internet but it can bury it with disinformation and obfuscation. If you enter "Apollo hoax" in Google, you'll find about fifteen pro-Apollo sites for every hoax site. I made a collection of some of the hoax evidence the government is trying to bury.

(If these links don't work, do a YouTube search on "Apollo 15 flag waving")

At the 2 minute 35 second mark of the video the flag is still. When the astronaut goes past it, it starts to move.



The above video refutes this attempt by the government to mislead the public.

There's a noticeable difference in the body movements in these two clips.

What I hypothesize is that a fifty percent slow-motion was used in Apollo 11 to simulate lunar gravity. Later, they improved their methods of simulating lunar gravity and started using a combination of slow-motion and support wires. The slow-motion in the later missions might not have been exactly half-speed. It might have been sixty five or seventy percent of natural speed. It looked better but it was inconsistent with Apollo 11 footage. The inconsistency is apparent.

At around the 21 minute mark of this video the above footage from Apollo 11 can be seen played at double speed.
(If the above link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on "Conspiracy Theory : Did We Land on the Moon ?")

It can also be seen in this video at around the 30 minute 40 second mark.

(The above video "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" keeps going on and off-line. If the above link is dead, click here)

It looks just like movement in earth gravity.
When the footage from this clip is doubled, the movements look unnaturally fast.

Here it is doubled.

When the Apollo 11 footage is doubled, the movements look natural. This makes it very clear that they used a simple fifty percent slow-motion to simulate lunar gravity in Apollo 11 and a faster slow-motion (around 67 percent according to Jarrah White's calculations) combined with wire supports in the later missions.


Watch how the corner of Collins' jacket moves in this clip.
(00:52 time mark)

The corner of Collins' jacket swings back and forth the way it would in gravity.

If the above link is dead, the footage can be seen here.
(17:40 time mark)

It's necessary to download the "Veoh video player" to be able to see it. It's free.

Look at the corners of the jacket the woman astronaut is wearing in this clip.

That is real zero-gravity and they behave quite differently.

The movement of Collins' jacket corner is very different from that of the straps in this clip which is in zero-G.
(3:17 time mark)

It looks the same as the movement of this guy's jacket corners in gravity.

One possible explanation is that they were trying to fake zero-gravity in a diving plane and the plane wasn't diving fast enough at that point.

There is no blast crater under the lander.

That is discussed in this four part video series.


Look at the size of the reflection of the sun in the astronaut's visor at the beginning of this video.

Now look at the reflection of the sun in the visor in this picture at the top of this page.

It's pretty clear that the reflection in the Apollo astronaut's visor is that of a big light. Here's an article about that.

Also, look at the reflection of the sun in the astroanut's visor in this video at the 1:25 time mark.

At bottom of this page there's a picture of the astronaut's visor that has in it the reflection of what looks like some kind of studio light.

Here's some evidence that they used wire supports to fake lunar gravity.

The moon rocks are often presented as proof the missions were real. There are plausible explanations that would explain them.


People say the Soviets would have snitched. There are explanations for that too:

Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Everyone should read Chomsky's analysis of the cold war.
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidise high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.

It someone were to make a deathbed statement saying the moon missions were faked, the press would never report it as the press is controlled.

Also, it would be downright dangerous for someone to come forward. Look what happened to these guys.

Science journals are controlled too.


Here are some videos.
(6 parts. If the link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on "Was is Only a Paper Moon?")


What Happened on the Moon" (documentary)
http://video.google.es/videosearch?...ppened on the moon&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#

Here are some articles.
(Wagging the Moondoggie)


(Bill Kaysing's book)

The astronauts look pretty nervous at the press conference.

Here's a link to the entire conference.

This keeps going on and offline so if this link is dead, try googling "Apollo 11 press conference".

Their behavior look pretty suspicious here too.

The main reason they had to fake it was probably space radiation. Here are some articles and videos I've found on the subject.

There is an old saying that "A liar needs a good memory". Nowhere is this more true than in the Apollo program. NASA tell lies to cover up previous lies, and other discrepancies uncovered by people investigating the Moon landings. Altering previous data, removing photographs, and retracting statements made, only re-enforces the evidence that NASA are on the run, and being forced into a corner to which they cannot escape. The actions of those under investigation makes the investigator more aware they are bluffing. The longer that person, or persons, who make the extravagant claims continue, the more lies they have to tell in order to counteract it, until it reaches the point where it becomes ridiculous. That point was passed in July 1999, when NASA officials were questioned about the Moon landings on television. They dodged the all important questions like a drifter dodges the heat.
Many Apollo astronauts have long since died, as to have many of the original NASA officials involved in the scam, consequently current officials, who know that Apollo was a fake, have not quite got it right when talking openly in public. Perhaps the biggest slip of the tongue was made by NASA Chief Dan Goldin when interviewed by UK TV journalist Sheena McDonald in 1994. He said that mankind cannot venture beyond Earth orbit, 250 miles into space, until they can find a way to overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation. He must have forgot that they supposedly sent 27 astronauts 250,000 miles outside Earth orbit 36 years earlier.

two sets of radiation data
To prove his thesis, Rene tries to get certain solar data from NATIONAL
disguise his true intentions, [i.e. to get true data on solar flares.] NOAA,
unfortunately, proved to be as cagey as Rene in dodging the giving out of any
really good DETAILS on this matter, [you know, where the devil resides.]
Rene, seeing games being played, deduced that there must be two sets of data,
one which is sent to scientists on the preferred list, and one sent to the
likes of Rene as casual strangers. (p.125)

These two are important

(23 parts)

The Chinese space walks were obviously faked in a water tank and NASA's official position is that the Chinese space walks were real.

The pro-Apollo posters at the forums of both the "Clavius" and "Bad Astronomy" websites tap danced around the evidence that the Chinese space walk was faked because they have to agree with the official US government version and they can't say it was faked without looking silly. Here are the threads. They're hilarious.


They pretty much destroyed the credibility of those two sites when they didn't seriously address the evidence.

It's pretty clear that they're government damage-control sites.

Here's some good research if anyone wants to delve further.

On this thread there's a debate between Jarrah White and Jay Windley.

Jay Windley is the most famous pro-Apollo person on the internet.

Jarrah White is the main hoax-believer on the internet.

In this video Jarrah says he stopped posting in that debate because the moderator was deleting his posts.

Jay Windley will only debate where the moderator will ride to his rescue when he's cornered.

Here's some more stuff about Clavius and Bad Astronomy.

There are reasons for why scientists don't come forward and say Apollo was a hoax.

Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked?

A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe know full well that the Moon missions were faked, but rely on NASA to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from the Hubble space telescope. They cannot slag off NASA otherwise NASA would deprive them of this essential information, which they so much require.
Q: What about the vast number of people involved in Apollo, wouldn’t someone have spoken out.

A: Pan’s claim there were half a million people involved in the Apollo program, but that includes all the humble engineers working on machine parts in many companies around the globe. So if someone is making a part in some engineering factory in Seattle, and his boss tells him it’s for the Apollo spacecraft, is that engineer proof the landings took place? No of course it is not proof, and even if that engineer knew they never made it to the Moon, he would still brag to his friends that he made a part that went to the Moon just to make him feel proud in some way or other. Parts for the Apollo program were made at many different factories around the globe. For example the laser reflector supposedly left on the Moon was manufactured in France. NASA collected the unit from the French company, and that was the last they saw of it. It’s probably stashed away in some archive at Langley, but one things for certain it’s not on the Moon. Are those French engineers proof they landed on the Moon? No of course not, as very few, (probably less than 200 people), were actually involved in bringing the whole lot together, so as to minimize what was actually taking place. No need for any of them to speak out because (A) They are 100% patriotic to the USA, and would say nothing that would go against America, even if it were true. ( They do not need millions of dollars to safeguard their future, as they have already received substantial amounts from NASA just to “keep mum”. Read comments from people who worked on the Apollo program in the APOLLO FEEDBACK section.

They may have faked the Mars missions too. Do a YouTube search on "MarsFaker" or click on this link.
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