Fraggle Rocker
Staff member
I'm 67.I think you may be right, but not by a great deal.
Oh "we" did, or at least the government did. If "we" transfer a popular product to the black market, a huge criminal enterprise will spring up to sell it at vastly inflated prices, giving us the opportunity to augment our income with bribes. In addition, since criminals can't use the court system they have to resolve their disputes with gunfire, striking fear into the hearts of the populace, who will then beg us to suspend their privacy and other civil rights and hire more government employees, in order to keep them safe.However I do wonder why we didn't learn from Prohibition?
I'm the Moderator of Arts & Culture too, so occasionally the topics spill over.But that's a topic for another sub-forum.
I do a pretty convincing imitation of a scholar, don't I? My degree is in accounting and I've been working in IT for 43 years.You seem to be very educated in the subject of language and still very up to date.
I've always been fascinated by the technologies of spoken and written language. I've taken classes in Spanish, German, Chinese and Yiddish, and can speak them in decreasing order of fluency--8.0, 7.0, 6.0 and 5.0 on my own powers-of-three scale. Everything else I know I've picked up from reading and from pestering people who know linguistics or individual languages and their history. Since I've always done a lot of writing and have been making a living at it for the past few years, not to mention having taught business writing to IT geeks and ESL to speakers of Chinese, the fine points of grammar, vocabulary and syntax are part of my daily life.May I inquire about your background in this area?