The term 'child abuse', in my view, implies this type of thing, and yet frequently includes sexual interactions that do not involve force of any kind. People must begin to differentiate between forced and non forced sexual interactions, as well as sexual interactions that people like vs. sexual interactions that people don't like.
"Hey, little Johnny! Do you want to play a secret game with me? Let's wait until your parents are out of the house and we can be alone. ... Now, remember, Johnny, this is our secret game. It will be lots of fun for both of us, I promise.
Now, I'll just unzip my pants. Look, Johnny! There's my penis. Isn't it a funny shape? Would you like to touch it? Here, let me put your hand on it. Isn't this a fun game? ..."
Is the the kind of thing you have in mind, scott3x?
Does this story excite you?
No and no. I have -never- been an advocate of secret games of this nature, although I know that they do happen for various reasons. They happen between children and they happen between adults and children. The most important thing is not whether the game is secret but whether the minor -enjoys- it; and not only in the moment that it happens but as a life event.
James R said:
scott3x said:
Sexual abuse is generally thought of as something that a person does -not- want.
Neither me nor ancientregime have ever advocated for unwanted sexual interactions.
James R said:
scott3x said:
And yet many children have positive sexual interactions, both with other children and adults.
Buh-bah! Fail.
Failed what?
James R said:
scott3x said:
If it's an adult male having penetrative sex with a 4 year old female, I may indeed be able to say that it's always bad...
You may be able to, but you're not sure?
Sizes of genitalia and degrees of penetration matter here. Is the man's exceptionally small, is the 4 year old's exceptionally large, how far in does the penetration go. These are only the physical considerations, ofcourse.
James R said:
scott3x said:
Again, your terminology isn't neutral. 'sexual abuse', 'victim'.
That's because pedophilic abuse of child victims is sexual abuse.
Again with the non neutral terminology. I begin to wonder if we'll ever get very far in this discussion. Abuse, as I have stated previously, denotes unwanted sexual interactions. Again, no one here as far as I know is advocating for this. Therefore, to insist that that's what me and ancientregime are advocating is patently wrong.
James R said:
The reasons why it is always abusive I have given in the Formal Debate thread "Is pedophilia pseudoscience?"
I think you've already summarized why you think so in this post I'm responding to and I've found your reasoning wanting.
James R said:
scott3x said:
Unless you switch to neutral terminology and prove that there is always sexual abuse in adult/minor relationships and that the minor is always a victim, you have done nothing more than state your opinion. From what I've seen from your debate posts, as well as here, you don't do this.
I provided at least 20 links proving this. Did you read any of them?
I've read parts of them, yes.
Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions, in its third chapter, details how studies can and frequently are biased in such a way that they literally refuse to take input that doesn't suit the viewpoint(s) of the researchers. You can currently get a used copy of the book from for less then 5 bucks (there's only 5 copies though, and the most expensive is close to what it originally sold for, 80$ or so).
There are, ofcourse, more widely known studies that have stated that adult/minor relations frequently don't create long term harmful effects on children, such as the
Rind Report. Repression of such studies is clear; The Rind Report, initially set to be published in Sexuality and Culture, was finally rejected. In the end, they were published by the APA but when faced with criticism it refused to defend publishing it.