Not in the real world. Perhaps in your imagination.
My overall evaluation is you have no idea what you are talking about, and are imposing your personal feelings onto society. Someone was mean to you, therefore everyone hates Asians.
And you can do that all you like; many people do. The problem is that someone else might be black, with an Asian boss - therefore everyone hates blacks and Asians are the pampered privileged. And that person's viewpoint, based on their subjective opinion, is just as valid as yours.
your assumption takes into account no changes. though you believe my pov is based on arrogance, it's really not. it's what i've picked up about society in general. your viewpoint is more textbook, artificial, assumptive/stereotypical. mine is from actual observation over years and surroundings/interactions and not just me. observation is taking into account others opinions and attitudes in live form to get a consensus of the general attitudes of society.
the problem with your examples are that its strawmen that has no real context or gradient because asians are less of a demographic and an asian being racist towards blacks in america is much less likely than the other way around. pampered priviledged are those who get away with things they should not or believe they are entitled. it is not necessarily about status or position.
Yep. And usually that's blacks. They look different.
no. not in today's world. this statement right here tells me you do not know what you are talking about. you assume others dislike or are more racist towards blacks just because of their appearance/complexion/race but that's not true. again, you don't understand how the majority of americans percieve and that blacks are as american as apple pie.
for instance, assuming you are white, there are white women who would find you unattractive because you are pale and perceived as less masculine etc. you are not aware of mainstream society and what makes them tick. this is based on your blind and simple assumption that tanner or darker automatically means more prejudice. that is not true. african-americans, hispanics, middle-easterners, indians etc are considered more attractive, stronger and more masculine for men etc than east asians and often even whites as they are considered more exotic.
one glaring aspect of the racist litmus test is the media. whites, blacks, hispanics/middle-eastern/mixed diaspora of america is acceptable/relatable to the majority american public than an east asian. that makes sense as they are the majority.
Ah. So native Hawaiians (.2%) must experience the most prejudice and racism, and Asians (5%) must see 20 times less. Sounds like Asians are doing much better than those poor native Hawaiians.
ridiculous point. this is out of context which indicates further you assume but don't know what you are talking about. most hawaiians are generally concentrated in hawaii out in the middle of the pacific along with asians so they are not going to experience as much racism in hawaii. do you get that point? though because they are polynesian, they do have a more ambiguous appearance than east asians and could pass for multiple nationalities/ethnicities. hawaiians are generally friendly and more tolerant than whites, hispanics, blacks, and middle-eastern and they are not as racist toward asians either so they get along fairly well. i've never had a hawaiian be racist towards me. clue? asians aren't racist toward hawaiians either. why would they be?
furthermore, i already pointed out before that asians who have grown up or live in areas that have more asians usually experience less racism but that is very limited, usually parts of cali and hawaii. that is a fraction of america.
again, you don't know what you are talking about but sure that you do and my pov is because i'm asian etc. even if that is the case, it's still more realistic and accurate of general society than your unchanging textbook version of your unconscious belief of darker automatically equals more racism and that's the only basis it occurs. unrealistic and asians are disliked for their appearance, customs, foreign stigma etc, even moreso especially in western society.
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