When the inventors of Bitcoins etc cash out for cash. A few million in each country they wish to live or visit
Apart from cashing out the Bitcoins themselves also sell off the system, which if I understand is the only asset in the system
which government is going to let billions of its currency sink in a bitcoin crash ?
the market was always looking for the next sub prime mortgage repayment insurance scam & bitcoins are ideal
they have weathered the storm & now own billions in many different currency's.
quite aside from the fact that they also now equate to a form of transactional global banking as a mechanism of global financial trade.
China have been wise to keep a lid on crypto because we can now see that given the pandemic as a steroid
the potential market losses of burgeoning new crypto crazes would have wiped out a trillion at least
AND that trillion would probably comprise significant amounts of peoples retirement savings required to long term prop up consumer markets and entire citys.
irony about china calling elon in for some heavy (breathing/petting)chat
as he has just invested in bitcoins
and is in a global market leader position to become chinas #1 electric car manufacturer.
enviable position & one that cant afford to be pushed over into the gutter on a whim.
china is doing what the usa refused to do & could not do , when it comes to fossil fuels.
the Russian American helping the communists teach the capitalists how to save the planet from fossil fuels. with the aid of crypto
Bitcoins, etc. have no intrinsic value
are you a qualified mathematician ?(hold a degree in mathematics?)
intrinsic value ...
you mean asset backed value ?
or commodity/product value ?
bit coin value comes from 2 basic concepts
1 the market price speculation buyer market
what people will gamble to buy them for
2 what they are traded for as a form of currency(they are used as a form of international digital currency just the same as other global currencys)
so the value is in 2 things
1 market speculation which has trillions of dollars looking to make profit from to buy & sell it(trading speculation like a house flipper in the usa)
2 billions of dollars worth of transactions looking to use a form of currency that might make things cheaper or easier for them to buy & sell things
globally thats a multi trillion dollar industry
so bitcoins are here to stay regardless of what happens to the computer on which someone wrote some code.
your proposition is intellectually illegitimate as a question assuming you are well read on mathematics
yes maybe you think your being really clever so you can get others to write your own work for you to discuss the concept of zero sum value as a numerical value comparative to crypto data speculation theory
ho hum
whos your customer ?(headsupasssareus.com?)
i don't mind giving you some free content even if it is for some dickhead company looking to polish their own knobs
im curious to see if you can debate anything at all when it comes to economics
the common sense economists i have met & chatted to were all tutors who generally despised the private sectors relentless perversion of common social care in core policy.