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Dinosaurs are still living with us. They keep crapping on my car.:shrug:
But that does not make the Darwin fans right either. They are partners in crime with the creationists. The banner of truth and fact is often waved by the "scientific" side of the argument. Yet the "crime" of telling people of lies in the name of fact has a new name; "science". I am not talking about the entire body of "science", without a doubt, much of it is fact. But people did not come from a goo. What did they come from? Who knows, but there are no facts at all that support evolution from goo as the cause. Far from it.
Until you understand evolutionary theory, you will only be able to parrot ridiculous strawman versions of it. May I suggest ?
Ok. You are using the word 'odds' here a lot. This is not what evolutionary theory is built upon. You are clearly a fan of 'irreducible complexity'.You need MANY parts all going at the same time in an exact way for it to work. You have the odds of each part forming AND that they form close enough to function/combine with the correct part.
Until you understand evolutionary theory, you will only be able to parrot ridiculous strawman versions of it. May I suggest ?
Eye is a particularly good development that illustrates how evolution developes very complex organs as all of the prior stages still exist. A simple amoeba is able to sense heat radiation and tends to avoid it. The Pit vipers have concentrated these heat sensors of Electromatic Magnetic radiation much to the regret of a warm-bodied mouse foolish enough to wander out on a cool night in the desert. These pits have become deeper in some other animals and in the Chambered Natulus the photo senstive surface is larger than the opening, which lets light in to the "deep nearly-circular pit." {I.e. its "eye" is a crude "pin hole" camera, but the opening has not yet formed any transpairent covering so the interior of its eye is filled with sea water.} Next came that tranpairent covering, which then thicked in the center to form a sharper image, etc. and finally the fully developed eye with distinct lense that mussels could distort to adjust some distance for maximiumally good focus....(or a human eye - that's another favorite example) can form from increasingly complex parts that served previously independent functions. ...
A lie is deliberate deceit. The problem with evolution denial, and the reason it's been given a respectable-sounding name that makes it appear to be a proper theory, is that people really do believe it. This isn't a cabal of psychotic Christian leaders desperately trying to shore up a Stone Age philosophy by hiding the truth from people. This is a breakdown of civilization in America.Let them have their museum. Let them say where they came form. It is all a lie. . .
There are a great many "facts" that support the hypothesis that people evolved, eventually, from goo. Including the fact that people are made of goo, of a kind that has been shown to evolve.scott said:But people did not come from a goo. What did they come from? Who knows, but there are no facts at all that support evolution from goo as the cause. Far from it.
That is false.scott said:There are trillions of things that most all happen at once and in exact ways for life to get started.
yet another one comes.Who knows, but there are no facts at all that support evolution from goo as the cause.
come on guy, the concept of god is for children.Did God do it?
Good observations, but although I agree that "critical thinking individuals" are an endangered specise in the USA, I think their decline started with TV, not the government. Most Americans (and perhaps most others where entertaining TV is available) no longer are cazpable of thinking independantly. They are now so passive that effectively they are "brain dead." They are filled with opinions and gradually these opinons come to have much in common and fall into a few distinct groups. Thus most people can be characterized by a few adjectives, like liberal, capitalist, Luthern, Republican, socialist, etc. and they do not really think but only repeat the "party line" of their group.A lie is deliberate deceit. The problem with evolution denial, and the reason it's been given a respectable-sounding name that makes it appear to be a proper theory, is that people really do believe it. This isn't a cabal of psychotic Christian leaders desperately trying to shore up a Stone Age philosophy by hiding the truth from people. This is a breakdown of civilization in America.
Of course we have to let them have their museum. Even if suppression of religion weren't a nasty thing to do, as a practical matter it never works. But since the government effectively nationalized the education industry, the American adults it turns loose have lost their power of critical thinking and they will not be able to spot the flaws in the museum's approach to science. Ironically, some of the church-run universities like Occidental College turn out better critical thinkers than the government's bureaucratic diploma mills.