To throw one's hands up in the air and say that there must be a supernatural universe merely because we have not yet learned enough about this one to understand its more elusive phenomena is to give up on science!
where have i said life must have arisen by supernatural means?
thank you james. at least you are man enough to admit it.I suspect that the reason abiogenesis is not taught in schools is the same reason that string theory is not taught in schools. Both areas of knowledge are not settled - they are controversial among cutting-edge scientists. What we teach schoolchildren is things we're fairly sure are correct.
because that is what people do when they don't have all the pieces.Why should they assume anything?
it's also why you must continually tell new posters that there is a difference between evolution and abiogenesis.
i am not avoiding anything. i made a simple statement and everybodys brains just oozed out of their heads.Why are you avoiding the issue?
i never said life didn't come from non life.If life did not come from non-life, where do you think it came from?
You must have some alternative idea.
i said "science has no proof that life came from non life naturally"
the meaning behind that statement is that every scenario and every experiment performed to test abiogenesis has failed. period.
frankly i find it amazing that fraggle rocker would get as stupid as he did in his last post over a simple observation.
do not put any more words in my mouth.