COVID from a China lab.

so its a fact that covid19
showing how florida is the worlds biggest virus capital of the world
may have had covid developing in its cruise passengers for months before it broke out in china

who can prove it wasn't !
you cant !

look at all the viruses in florida in thousands of Americans
every year all the cruise ships seem to have virus outbreaks every year

over & over and the governors(bosses) doing nothing
why nothing ? why are the bosses doing nothing. it is their job to fix it

why ?

Florida Governors need to be accountable to bring answers to justice to say why they did nothing
but CDC showing them everything
but Florida Governors doing nothing
and they keep doing nothing

why ?
how many years doing nothing ? many years doing nothing

now covid19
can they show it was not incubating in cruise ships ?
maybe Florida Governors they caused Australia covid19

they must be brought to answers for justice of covid victims why they did nothing when they knew and why they ignored CDC for many years
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Re capping
from Florida cruise ship American passengers
caused by Florida governors(spending years trying to perfect norovirus spread in usa citizens on cruise ships) not doing their job(or doing their job really well)
spread around the world as tourists

intentional or unintentional ?

good question

because china owns most American currency
did Florida governors spread covid in china on purpose ?
i think it is likely to be jealousy and hate
or an accident

you choose
you know if you can 100% trust the administration to get it right every single time
When they stopped preserving them with refrigeration and started preserving them at room temperature with chemicals to preserve them, they started causing a lot more injuries.

You keep linking to other places where you have spammed the crap out of them.

When did they stop refrigerating them?
Vaccine Storage and Handling (

Harmful substances - bullshit:
Addressing Parents’ Concerns: Do Vaccines Contain Harmful Preservatives, Adjuvants, Additives, or Residuals? | American Academy of Pediatrics (

What kind of sick game are you playing here?
Censorship on the Internet. - Page 81 (

like button added
who wants to play
was malaria invented in a Russian biological weapons factory for defense by an American patriot communist who was abused & deported by McCarthyism which created Nile river virus
now called Mississippi river pox
and was created from small pox and anthrax is the dry version that postal workers use to get days off work
but American Chinese stole it to use on ducks to take over the American Peking duck market
and it then got stolen by American ATF who accidentally spread it to the American orthodox jew population who spread it to elderly homes where they were selling pastry's which then spread it to Florida cruise ships
which then spread it around the world for a year before it was finally found in Wuhan by the technologically superior(to America) Chinese medical system
When did they stop refrigerating them?
Vaccine Storage and Handling (
I read that they started adding preservatives that they didn't used to add. I don't remember where I got the idea that they didn't do both things anymore. I was wrong about that. They started adding mercury and aluminum preservatives but they still refrigerated them. Thanks for setting me straight on that.

Here's some stuff on the chemicals that they're now putting in vaccines.
They started adding mercury and aluminum preservatives but they still refrigerated them.

Thimerosal and Vaccines | FDA
Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism: a review of recent epidemiologic studies - PubMed (

Here's some stuff on the chemicals that they're now putting in vaccines.

Stop with your garbage references. Why do you believe nutcases who make a living out of doing this alternative junk? The use of ethyl mercury is minimal and aluminium is under constant review - the quantity used in a vaccine is less than you'd consume from eating food prepared in aluminium pans.

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines do not contain the ingredients listed in these posts | Reuters
Article written by ANDREW BOLT columnist NT News newspaper and others

This article is from the NT News issue of Monday, 5 Apr 2021

Kiwis sucking up to tyranny

Jacinda Ardern is China’s useful idiot, used to pile on pressure on Australia to shut up and kowtow. Like New Zealand

JACINDA Ardern isn’t just the poster girl of the Left.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister is also the poster girl of China’s dictatorship.

To be blunt, she’s China’s useful idiot, used to pile on pressure on Australia to shut up and kowtow. Like New Zealand.

Ardern’s latest stab in our back is her refusal to join 14 other democracies such as Australia, Britain, the US, and Japan in rejecting last week’s World Health Organisation report on how the coronavirus pandemic started.

That report was a fraud. The WHO team which wrote it was not allowed into China until more than a year after the pandemic was first detected, in Wuhan, and was not allowed to talk to whom it wanted.

China also refused to show it the original data of the first virus cases. Why not?

Result: the report could have been written by China itself. It claimed the virus most likely occurred naturally, coming from bats via some unknown animal species . It added that the virus was more likely imported into China through frozen food, than it was to have escaped from one of the two Chinese state laboratories that were – what a coincidence! – working on bat viruses in Wuhan.

Australia didn’t buy it, and joined 13 other countries in signing a joint letter demanding a real investigation, unfettered by China.

But New Zealand refused to sign, too. Its gutless government said it wanted “an independent analysis to ensure it understands the science before making any comment” .

What nonsense. New Zealand had weeks to check the draft of the report, which was so unbelievable that even the head of WHO disowned his own team’s report even as he launched it.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said more work was needed on how the virus started and “all hypotheses remain on the table” .

And here’s what makes me sure New Zealand was actually sucking up to the Chinese tyranny.

China for years has made an example of Australia for daring to criticise it or resist its aggression.

China is punishing Australia for demanding an independent international inquiry into how this virus started, for challenging its theft of the South China Sea, and for criticising its crushing of freedom in Hong Kong.

China is also furious that Australia defends Taiwan against the dictatorship’s threats of invasion, and stands up for a million Muslim Uighur Chinese locked up in Chinese concentration camps.

In revenge, China has banned some of our exports, and even tweeted a doctored photograph of an Australian soldier cutting an Afghan boy’s throat.

It’s also hit Australia with mass cyber attacks, some clearly to test our defences.

And what has New Zealand done while Australia is punished?

It’s sold us out. True, it’s now and then murmured a faint objection to China’s thuggery, but then shouted it’s our fault the dictatorship is throwing its weight around.

Its trade minister even told us to bow: “If [Australia] were to follow us and show respect, I guess a little more diplomacy from time to time and be cautious with wording, they too could hopefully be in a similar situation [with China].”

By “similar situation” , he means Australia , too, could get an enhanced free trade agreement with China – like the one in January that let China send more of its approved language teachers into New Zealand’s schools.

What a fool.

Again and again New Zealand has told Australia to bend more to China.

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta declared “both parties will have to be willing to come together and concede in some areas” .

New Zealand, she added, could be the “honest broker of open dialogue” with China.

But China doesn’t want “open dialogue” . It wants us to shut up.

And New Zealand isn’t an honest broker . It is China’s tool.

That’s because China is not simply punishing Australia to show the world what happens to it critics. It is meanwhile rewarding New Zealand to show the world what happens to its appeasers. New Zealand is the contrast.

China is explicit about this. Its official Global Times newspaper published a column warning that “New Zealand has set an example for Australia in how to deal with China,” because it “doesn’t take sides between Beijing and Washington” .

This praise should shame New Zealand.

In a choice between a great democratic ally and a great tyrannical threat, it shuts up.

It leaves the fighting and the pain to its friends, while it pockets good-doggie biscuits from China.

What a betrayal – not only of Australia but of freedom everywhere.

Copyright © 2021 News Pty Limited


not a patriot
In 2002, magistrate Jelena Popovic was awarded $246,000 damages for defamation after suing Bolt and the publishers of the Herald Sun over a 13 December 2000 column in which he claimed that she had "hugged two drug traffickers she let walk free".[29] Popovic stated that she had in fact shaken their hands to congratulate them on having completed a rehabilitation program.[30] The jury found that what Bolt wrote was untrue, unfair and inaccurate,

Leak of intelligence document
In June 2003, Bolt published an article criticising Andrew Wilkie in which he quoted from a classified intelligence document written by Wilkie as an intelligence analyst for the Office of National Assessments. It was claimed, but never proven, that someone in Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's office had leaked the document to Bolt.[16] A spokesperson for the Australian Federal Police said that they did not have any evidence to identify the culprit.[17][18]

astounds me what type of media company would employ such a nefarious suspect who seems to splain for suspicious sexual activity and lies & sexualised defamation of judicials(a female judge)

reads like an predatory incel
his words ?

It leaves the fighting and the pain to its friends, while it pockets good-doggie biscuits from China.

creepy !
In a choice between a great democratic ally and a great tyrannical threat, it shuts up.

"it shuts up"
it puts the lotion on its skin ?
really ? same/same ?

it must leave you wondering

ive met a few australians personally & professionally & i think all of them would cheer & raise a toast if this guy was deported to some far off alternate reality
Mississippi river pox

im starting to like
Reptilian Mississippi river pox

biological weapon of genocide against the white skinned aliens

sold by kanye west who is a reptilian spy faking likes with the previous president to create miss information as
Reptilian Mississippi river pox kills all the middle aged white men & the white skinned aliens(nordics)

which explains where the mink covid came from
that was probably their 1st attack wave
Denmark culled 17 million minks in November in response to Covid-19 outbreaks at more than 200 mink farms. Now the country plans to dig up the dead animals after they started to rise out of their shallow graves.

which is the zombie mink

usa government gave zombie apocalypse warning
The Department of Defense vs. The Walking Dead
The United States may have one of the largest armies on earth, but even the Pentagon has taken no chances at being caught off-guard by an unusual foe. In fact, in 2011, the U.S. Department of Defense released a strategy to combat a potential zombie apocalypse. While the potential opponents might be fictional, the military took it seriously. In fact, the first line of the Counter-Zombie Dominance Plan, or “CONPLAN 8888-11,” states, “This plan was not actually designed as a joke.”

so the white middle aged americans have made up the china conspiracy to hide the fact that kayne the reptilian spy has fooled them into spreading the Reptilian Mississippi river pox by buying al the fancy minks which is only owned by rich white middle aged women in the usa

so this is why they are trying to make you think it is china
because they need to hide their incompetence so you don't realise they are all spreading the Reptilian Mississippi river pox

and its crazy they think your too stupid to realize the truth

because kanye secretly infected donald when he met him at his sky scraper on TV
its always the obvious things
and now americans are blaming fortune cookies

no mask but he is wearing his human disguise

obviously you realize now why kanyes' music makes no sense at all
his videos and music are soo confusing and illogical that's because it only makes sense to reptilians

reptilian rappers are notoriously pridefull and should not be approached unless your carrying tuna
they are scared of tuna
because they evolved from a world where giant tuna hunted them and eat them.
always compliment them on the size of their penis and their sexual abilities
this lets them know you know they are reptilians and so wont bust them out to the immigration officials
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not a patriot

He was / is a supporter of George Pell (Bolt is atheists) and complained angrily at Pell's conviction (later overturned) on historical sex charges

I didn't follow the case to closely. My sense of why he was convicted he must have known about something about the scandal, enough to instigate a high level inquiry

He didn't. That I contend was reason found guilty. Factors outside of the case itself. Not how he should have been convicted, which the overturning of the verdict seems to bear out

He was / is a supporter of George Pell (Bolt is atheists) and complained angrily at Pell's conviction (later overturned) on historical sex charges

I didn't follow the case to closely. My sense of why he was convicted he must have known about something about the scandal, enough to instigate a high level inquiry

He didn't. That I contend was reason found guilty. Factors outside of the case itself. Not how he should have been convicted, which the overturning of the verdict seems to bear out


verdict doesnt mean shit

i dont know if pell is guilty of helping
helping to cover up
providing or running a child stable
guilty of standing by and doing nothing as story after story fell in his lap and he did nothing

did he do anything ?
is he guilty ?
if he is a leader then he deserves being accountable to help reform things
if he is guilty of aiding and abusing then he needs to go to prison.

all of that is a bit sensationalizing to grab something highly controversial to find polarized audience yes clicks as a proxy transference of real hard core morals

look at Andrews behavior
his behavior is the indicator
gaslighting a subject by proxy guilt transference is sneaky deviant evil shit

gas lighting a judge to suggest she had sexual relations with some people so let them off
evil shit

so his actions are the key
him playing media games with child exploitation is him playing for media clicks
exploiting victims to gain followers

thats who he is
by my interpretation
cold hard n nasty and thinks he should not be critiqued and will be incapable of taking questions about himself because he spends his entire life focusing on others trying to gaslight their life's so his miserable nasty inside reality is not laid out bare on a table for him to see in all its truth
there are plenty like him
he is not unique
he is just lucky with being born with privilege to enable his brand of narcissism to gaslight his way to popularity playing the alt-right card

so forget completely about his pell comments because that was him trying to create smoke & hold up a human shield (pell) as he played for likes from all the incels and predators

pure filth in my opinion but quite a common type of filth in that old world neo liberal conservative obsession with punishing people
his atheism will be fueled by his need to punish religion to feel he has the upper hand which is his narcissism playing out

i have 0 time for such people
unles he is starting his run at the Australian senate/house/mp or prime-ministers job
then he is a clear and present threat
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Just found out I will be getting my vaccination tomorrow early morning

Friend got his (he is expat living here) and somehow booked myself and girlfriend Inul in for tomorrow

Photos will be available soon after :) only $10

Warning! The anti-vax conspiracy information in this post is false, and the member who posted it has received a warning.
Stop with your garbage references. Why do you believe nutcases who make a living out of doing this alternative junk? The use of ethyl mercury is minimal and aluminium is under constant review - the quantity used in a vaccine is less than you'd consume from eating food prepared in aluminium pans.
Tell that to the parents of these children.

Triplets All Became Autistic Just Hours After Receiving Pneumococcal Vaccine

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines do not contain the ingredients listed in these posts | Reuters
Different sources say different things and you have to be careful of mainstream sources.

Here's a source that says there is still thimerosal in some vaccines.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak, Part 1

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak, Part 2
Tell that to the parents of these children.

Tell them that thimerosal and aluminium cannot do that in hours?

Vaccines and Autism | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (

Different sources say different things and you have to be careful of mainstream sources.

No. Your crank sources are just that, crank. Mainstream sources have this dreadful habit of backing up their claims with science.

Here's a source that says there is still thimerosal in some vaccines.

You are deliberately taking this thread off topic with antivax horseshit - reported.