Breed LESS


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I don't care how much the West is bitching about China's 1 child policy, they did the socially responsible thing. Every day the human population increases by 200K (!!!) people. Can you believe it??

We are way beyond the carrying capacity. ( I wrote this sentence to increase responses). Not exactly true, but why push poor mother Earth up to her limits? Like rabbits, just breeding and breeding.

Not to mention that the extra breeding occurs in the wrong part of the world, where there is not enough food, water or medication to keep them alive. And some naive people want to erase poverty. I can erase poverty, just breed LESS!!!
Not to mention that the extra breeding occurs in the wrong part of the world, where there is not enough food, water or medication to keep them alive. And some naive people want to erase poverty. I can erase poverty, just breed LESS!!!

Its a vicious cycle because poor nutrition and health in underdeveloped countries means a decrease in life expectancy for children, which means people have more children.

The only way to decrease population is to address the basic needs of adequate food and optimal health, both of which are exponentially dependent on social progress and education.
Yep yep. The government should hand out free hysterectomies vasectomies.

Last edited by samcdkey : Today at 03:03 PM. Reason: corrected for sexist bias.

I have to say that this is the first time you have seriously disappointed me.
That was a blatant abuse of mod power and direct disregard for respect and decorum.
I have to say that this is the first time you have seriously disappointed me.
That was a blatant abuse of mod power and direct disregard for respect and decorum.

Actually it was merely a joke, which is why I used the strikethrough, and not delete.:)
Not to mention that the extra breeding occurs in the wrong part of the world, where there is not enough food, water or medication to keep them alive. And some naive people want to erase poverty. I can erase poverty, just breed LESS!!!

How logical. Except for one detail. How come there has 'always' been poverty?
I actually attempted to remember the name of the male version but couldn't :eek:

Incidentally, hysterectomy is usually just done for cancer and other diseases; female sterilization in humans merely involves clamping the fallopian tubes (which can be reversed) - but I can't remember the name of that procedure either.
I actually attempted to remember the name of the male version but couldn't :eek:

Incidentally, hysterectomy is usually just done for cancer and other diseases; female sterilization in humans merely involves clamping the fallopian tubes (which can be reversed) - but I can't remember the name of that procedure either.

One could just hand out oral contraceptives, why the all or none?:shrug:

PS its called tubal ligation.
Harder to enforce. When I said free, I meant as in 'price'. Not as in 'will'. ;)

How do you propose to "enforce" free vasectomies/hysteroctomies?

Here is one way being tried in India:

Take a man along to the Raj Bhavan for a vasectomy operation and come home with a cool Rs 100 in your pocket. The man who gets operated on is paid Rs 500.

The Governor’s Mission NSV (non-scalpel vasectomy) campaign to curb Mumbai’s population in particular and Maharashtra’s population in general, by birth control measures, is gaining ground.

The drive hopes to make vasectomy popular. “It makes sense that both are rewarded for their effort,” said Dr U Deshpande, Governor Mohamed Fazal’s doctor, the brain behind the vasectomy drive.
The usual way. Send vans full of candy to the villages to lure out the kids. They arrive back later a little dazed, but with a big bag of candy.

Better to do it to kids on the basis of 'can't miss what you never had'.
The usual way. Send vans full of candy to the villages to lure out the kids. They arrive back later a little dazed, but with a big bag of candy.

Better to do it to kids on the basis of 'can't miss what you never had'.

Unfortunately there is such a thing called informed consent and another little hitch called litigation.
Unfortunately there is such a thing called informed consent and another little hitch called litigation.
Don't you mean tubal litigation? :p

What you mention is only a problem in non-totalitarian countries. But the way America's been behaving, people are starting to doubt this whole 'freedom' thing. Soon the world will again be in equilibrium.

Warfare, the tradition way of "keeping the population in check" largely obsolete. I agree we need to think up new ways to deal with the population problem.


"[anything which] is a living and not a dying body... will have to be an incarnate will to power, it will strive to grow, spread, seize, become predominant — not from any morality or immorality but because it is living and because life simply is will to power... 'Exploitation'... belongs to the essence of what lives, as a basic organic function; it is a consequence of the will to power, which is after all the will to life."
– trans. Walter Kaufmann, Beyond Good and Evil,

Life does not like to be "held in check". There are consequences to this. Yes China is a very very good example...warfare is about to come back "in style".
Don't you mean tubal litigation? :p

What you mention is only a problem in non-totalitarian countries. But the way America's been behaving, people are starting to doubt this whole 'freedom' thing. Soon the world will again be in equilibrium.

Feeling dystopic today, are we?:p

1. because it is not realistic/practical.
2. even if it were, we would just overpopulate the other planet. Same problem then.

Now, why not just think about returning to the ocean? Living underwater is still way way cheaper than trying to get on another planet...

I personally think mother earth will take care of the problem if wars won;t a nice new virus can whipe out half of the population in no time...
Looks like the problem is taking care of itself, although I think the current population is already too high:

"You need a TFR -- a Total Fertility Rate -- of about 2.1 children per woman to maintain a population. It's a little higher in backward countries.

55% of the world now lives in countries with TFR's at or below 2.1 -- these include Brazil (1.9), China (1.2-1.7), Turkey (1.9), Iran (1.8), Algeria (1.87) and Tunisia (1.75), by the way. And probably (nobody's quite sure) Indonesia.

On current trends this percentage will increase to 75% in the next 10 years, as India dips below 2.1. Large parts of India already have.

The _world_ TFR is now 2.59, down from over 6 in the 1970's. The decline is accelerating and it's pretty well universal. Even the most backward countries have seen fertility declines. The world TFR will drop to 2.1 or below by 2020 on current trends, quite possibly earlier.",,2036598,00.html