BOOGABOOBABOO: Gendanken's Free Thoughting Vagina in Free Thoughts

Let the evidence shine.

*One middle aged dude to another here*: I don't think you're going to find what you're hunting on this forum right now, but certainly hunt away because there are definitely a few souls around here that need your particular brand of curb-stomping analysis.

But all I'm saying is your tired old attention whoring stuff is stale. Try to freshen it up a bit if you do indeed tend to hang around and play.
Ach, the queen of intellectual provocation has fallen. What will we do now?

...Nothing. Pretty much go on as usual. In your rush to Prophethood, you forgot not to be an abusive arse preaching bigotry. You slipped on a well-worn stone. A person carrying less of the burden of the education of the grey, drab proles might have trod lightly on it, but those weighted so heavily with their own immaculate self-reference must be more careful, perhaps. Thou Philistines! They do not know what they do.

Look over there.
An evil muslim!
Kill him, Geoff!!!!!

By the way, I think you're the first gloater. Figures it'd be you.
Jews love to gloat.

Don't these threads normally go in ``about the members''?

This is a thread about Free Thoughts, isn't it?
These posts are off-topic, who's going to delete them?

Too bad your master isn't involved, you footman.
Get laid, for Christ's sake, you're pathetic.
Look over there.
An evil muslim!
Kill him, Geoff!!!!!

Oooh. Classic misunderstanding. You're shaking out nicely. Good for you!

By the way, I think you're the first gloater. Figures it'd be you.
Jews love to gloat.

Well, I'm not the first gloater, or even Jewish, but thanks anyway. Good call on the 'challenging society by attacking people's ethnicity' approach; you and Baron Max keep paddling that tub out to sea. OK?


Look over there.
An evil muslim!
Kill him, Geoff!!!!!

By the way, I think you're the first gloater. Figures it'd be you.

Damn it!

I knew I should have started a running bet. I'd have won.:bawl:

GeoffP said:
Well, I'm not the first gloater, or even Jewish, but thanks anyway.
Actually, yes you are. The first gloater that is.

You still don't understand what is meant by "Jew", do Jew?

I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with one's ethnicity. More to do with attitude. I believe Tiassa touched on it in another thread, in reply to your hair tearing.

you and Baron Max keep paddling that tub out to sea. OK?
You really have no idea, do you?

Baron Max is probably more on the same page as you, then he has ever been on Invert's. Get some perspective.. actually read what is written with a clear mind.

Damn it!

I knew I should have started a running bet. I'd have won.:bawl:


Actually, yes you are. The first gloater that is.


You still don't understand what is meant by "Jew", do Jew?

I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with one's ethnicity. More to do with attitude. I believe Tiassa touched on it in another thread, in reply to your hair tearing.

Let me give you a hint: when Gendanken talks about the control "the Jew" has in Hollywood and how that demonizes Arabs - which was partially true some time ago - and raises the issue of Jewish bums in directors', producers' and writers' seats, then it has everything to do with ethnicity, and nothing to do with anything else. Or which "attitude" is it you're comparing to "Jewish", then? Does that not strike you in any way as stupid or bigoted itself? Normally your trigger for the detection of such attitudes is pretty tightly wound. I'm surprised it's failed to fire here.

Let me just say that the level of conceptual disjunct being illustrated by you, invert and Tiassa is astounding. I've never seen the like. It's as though you never read her comments in the first place; yet, I know you at least did. Invert and Tiassa could plead ignorance, I guess. But they claim to be in the know. What shall I say?

Baron Max is probably more on the same page as you, then he has ever been on Invert's. Get some perspective.. actually read what is written with a clear mind.

Rather, please carry on with your experiment; if you can illustrate how I've got it all wrong, I promise to be amazed. Pull off the cover and amaze us all.

Oh, and please don't compare me to a racist bigot, you self-indulgent little child. Thanks.

Best regards,


You may open your mouth and bare all of crooked teeth all you want. But I would have won that bet.:)

Gives you a warm fuzzy glow, doesn't it?

Let me give you a hint: when Gendanken talks about the control "the Jew" has in Hollywood and how that demonizes Arabs - which was partially true some time ago - and raises the issue of Jewish bums in directors', producers' and writers' seats, then it has everything to do with ethnicity, and nothing to do with anything else. Or which "attitude" is it you're comparing to "Jewish", then? Does that not strike you in any way as stupid or bigoted itself? Normally your trigger for the detection of such attitudes is pretty tightly wound. I'm surprised it's failed to fire here.
And you reiterated exactly what she was trying to say in the first place. Instead of actually contemplating what she was saying, you, like many others, grabbed onto the term "Jew" with your hot sweaty little hands and ran with it. And you're still running, even though its true meaning has been pointed out to you.

You fail to see your own bigotry when pointing out Gendy's supposed bigotry. Hence the irony.

Let me just say that the level of conceptual disjunct being illustrated by you, invert and Tiassa is astounding. I've never seen the like. It's as though you never read her comments in the first place; yet, I know you at least did. Invert and Tiassa could plead ignorance, I guess. But they claim to be in the know. What shall I say?
What makes you think we didn't read it? Do you think I would not have spoken up if it was racist or bigoted? On the contrary, I'd have been telling her where to shove it if it had been as you appear to have read it.

But it is not. The funny part of all of this is that you simply fail to have seen what is plainly obvious and you have proven her point perfectly.

Rather, please carry on with your experiment; if you can illustrate how I've got it all wrong, I promise to be amazed. Pull off the cover and amaze us all.
Do you need pictures drawn to make you see? Visual cues?

It has been pointed out to you on several occasions. Sam tried in the thread. Invert tried. Tiassa tried. I have also tried. What don't you see? Or more to the point, what do you refuse to see or acknowledge?

Oh, and please don't compare me to a racist bigot, you self-indulgent little child. Thanks.
Here is one thing you have never caught on about Baron. I doubt he actually is a racist at heart. During one of our chats, he let slip that he likes to rock the boat, get people angry, and he did.. silly old coot, I wonder what has become of him. Bigoted? Maybe. He is probably as bigoted as you are. But "Jew" will deny being a bigot, because well, you're Geoff who wuvs everyone equally... a good Christian soul.. Just so long as everyone who happens to be a Muslim denounce their religion because you happen to disagree with it or find it morally wrong. No, not a bigot at all. No hypocrisy there.


The difference between you and Baron is that he is at least honest enough to admit what he is.

Best regards,

As always, eh Geoff?

I'm feelin' the wuv Geoff.
For someone who isn't Jewish, Geoff sure is sensitive regarding dem Jews, eh?

You noticed?

Funny thing is it wasn't even about Jews.

*Shakes head*

I'm too tired for this today. You can only watch someone run around in circles, chasing their own tail, for so long. At some point, it does get tiring and a tad frustrating.
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Gives you a warm fuzzy glow, doesn't it?

You know, it does. :eek:

And you reiterated exactly what she was trying to say in the first place. Instead of actually contemplating what she was saying, you, like many others, grabbed onto the term "Jew" with your hot sweaty little hands and ran with it. And you're still running, even though its true meaning has been pointed out to you.

You fail to see your own bigotry when pointing out Gendy's supposed bigotry. Hence the irony.

You are a dolt. How does citing a Holocaust denier and throwing about the comment "the Jew" illustrate any little moral lesson? "Uh, I think people are mean to Jews, so I'll put in this here accusation and cite this guy, who hates Jews." Brilliant. Can you even put the lesson in a sentence?

Here, I'll do you a favour: run through the entire exercise. Illustrate where the "larnin" came in. I promise to watch all the steps. Cite a thread. A post. Anything. Or find my own "bigotry". Look at it closely.

What makes you think we didn't read it?

Because you missed the part about her accusation of "the Jew" having too much control, and the part where she cited a Holocaust denier. Bells: you're just too much.

It has been pointed out to you on several occasions. Sam tried in the thread. Invert tried. Tiassa tried. I have also tried. What don't you see? Or more to the point, what do you refuse to see or acknowledge?

Aha! Geoff is a conspiracy. I reiterate. Try reading it sometime:

Let me give you a hint: when Gendanken talks about the control "the Jew" has in Hollywood and how that demonizes Arabs - which was partially true some time ago - and raises the issue of Jewish bums in directors', producers' and writers' seats, then it has everything to do with ethnicity, and nothing to do with anything else. Or which "attitude" is it you're comparing to "Jewish", then? Does that not strike you in any way as stupid or bigoted itself? Normally your trigger for the detection of such attitudes is pretty tightly wound. I'm surprised it's failed to fire here.

Let me just say that the level of conceptual disjunct being illustrated by you, invert and Tiassa is astounding. I've never seen the like. It's as though you never read her comments in the first place; yet, I know you at least did. Invert and Tiassa could plead ignorance, I guess. But they claim to be in the know. What shall I say?

Here is one thing you have never caught on about Baron. I doubt he actually is a racist at heart.

:eek: Say on!


The difference between you and Baron is that he is at least honest enough to admit what he is.

He's a racist! He's not a racist! You're a racist! Please, shut up.

Just so long as everyone who happens to be a Muslim denounce their religion because you happen to disagree with it or find it morally wrong. No, not a bigot at all. No hypocrisy there.

Actually what I insist gets denounced is the oppression of religious minorities and homosexuals, and women and all those other things you say you care about. Is that a required part of the religion? I was under the impression it really wasn't necessary. Silly me. I forgot for a moment who I was dealing with. You pick the truths you like.

As always, eh Geoff?

I'm feelin' the wuv Geoff.

I'm just returning the favour. I've been feeling it for a while.

Best regards,

You know, it does. :eek:

Geez, who'd have thunk it?

Because you missed the part about her accusation of "the Jew" having too much control, and the part where she cited a Holocaust denier. Bells: you're just too much.
Sweet Mary, Jesus...

Ok, here is an exercise. In futility, but we'll give it a go anyway, shall we?

Lets imagine she is talking about this forum. About those who would are so easily offended while they themselves offend on a daily basis. Lets imagine it is they who are ultimately in control.. who spew their crap and inane sense all over the forum. And they will be the first to deny everything, to deny they are in any way at fault. Can you make the connection?

For fucks sake GeoffP, does the term "analogy" mean nothing to you? Does it not compute? You are an intelligent fellow, but in this, you are coming off as a blithering fool. Open your eyes dear and stop seizing that one word. Apply what she was saying in the current context.. She was commenting on what has happened to this forum of late. Does that make it easier for you to understand? Put it into some perspective?

Aha! Geoff is a conspiracy. I reiterate. Try reading it sometime:
I did. And maybe you should take your own advice and apply it to the obvious context.

Again, that thread was not about "Jews", but about Jews.. (ie. you and others on this forum)... Can you see it now? Read it again and take Jews out of the equation and put 'you' or 'you's' in there. Get it now?

You didn't know Baron very well, did you? He loved to get under people's skin. He liked to annoy. If you said the sky was blue, he would tell you it was yellow, just to get a rise out of you.

He's a racist! He's not a racist! You're a racist! Please, shut up.
I'd say 'make me', but that would have running off to have me removed as well.

Meh, stuff it.. Make me!

Actually what I insist gets denounced is the oppression of religious minorities and homosexuals, and women and all those other things you say you care about. Is that a required part of the religion? I was under the impression it really wasn't necessary. Silly me. I forgot for a moment who I was dealing with. You pick the truths you like.
You don't see the hypocrisy in all of that?

Tell me, spoken out about the Catholic Church's treatment of women and homosexuality? Yes? No? Are outed practicing homosexuals allowed to take communion yet? Yes? No?

I'm just returning the favour. I've been feeling it for a while.
I'm feeling more stabby stab in my back Geoff. I think you need to replace the blade though. It's getting a bit dull.
Lets imagine she is talking about this forum. About those who would are so easily offended while they themselves offend on a daily basis. Lets imagine it is they who are ultimately in control.. who spew their crap and inane sense all over the forum. And they will be the first to deny everything, to deny they are in any way at fault. Can you make the connection?

For fucks sake GeoffP, does the term "analogy" mean nothing to you? Does it not compute? You are an intelligent fellow, but in this, you are coming off as a blithering fool. Open your eyes dear and stop seizing that one word. Apply what she was saying in the current context.. She was commenting on what has happened to this forum of late. Does that make it easier for you to understand? Put it into some perspective?
Really? I only skimmed that car-crash. Let's have a replay. OP:

So you want to know about the Jew, do you? Deceptive, hypocritical, the perceptive acuity of Cheerios and snot, he will pillage a forum with threads such as
Ok this thrrad kinda talks about s*x so sorry don't read it if it if y don't like that kinda stuff.

So my friends were like talking about how i'm a virgin. They were basicly saying how great it is and how they feel sorry for me that I don't do that...

This and
Ok just for SHICH...since he wanted equal opportunity lol
Who do you think are the "hottest, studliest" SciForums men?
Off the top of my head from what I remember or from the pictures I have seen.

Enmos ( but he doesn't have a pic here i can post)
this...yet accuse little Gendanken of covering the forum in ‘shit’. Rich!!

An infant caught with his diapers down with the gall to accuse someone else of taking a dump- that’s what Jew are.

Oh, when willy Jew ever learn that I won? I came here, yelled and yelled an infantile ‘cunt’, and the meek, impressionable little female sheep that ewe are you bit- that’s right, you bit as in baited as in look-at-you-now-that-I-am-done-with-my-‘rampage’.
Jew, who actually sit here threatening to cut someone’s balls for disagreeing with your quantum theory on Crayolas and soap, were literally inveighing for Gendanken's banning on account of her being exactly what Jew are.

And how many moderators had to put up with your moral outrage thereafter?

Your gift to me was showing precisely how much these moderators, putting up with your moral bigotry and bullshit on a daily basis with little executive power to actually ban you, actually hate Jew.

We’ve all read the god-offal posts; yet I’m the one that’s covered Sciforums in shit.
Twenty nine thousand five hundred and sixteen members, all of which have procured a colossal 1,717,363 posts on this site, 1/5 of which is Shorty_37 rubbing her clit for the nerds, 4/5 of which are nerds posting back and forth about it.

And for all those that have presumed I'm a Nazi based only on the employment of language, thank Jew dearly but, as Garry Kasparov would say, checkmate and game over.

On to moderate!!
Oh yeah. She's a provocateur, Geoff. Let it go. :rolleyes:
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Well, to be fair, that thread was a reaction to the hissy fit thrown over her comments in another thread:

The financial, artistic, and last but not least political grip that the Jew has on Hollywood.

Consider your sources. Now consider the Muslim stereotype found in that same medium.

So, he has some modicum of a point, however he's just taken it way over the top. Especially seeing as how he's one of the biggest muslim bashers here.

So what? She said 'the Jew'... Oooooh.
Apparently there's something negative about having an influence on Hollywood, too.
Also, it's hilarious how she says something about the wily jew and the evil muslim in some other post and the only uproar raised was over 'the wily jew' but 'the evil muslim' was just taken as normal. "Oh? Evil muslim? Yeah? That's what he is alright. But what's this about the wily jew!!?? Kill!!!"

Anyway. ABout the holocaust denier, he pointed it out, she then posted references from, wait for it, a jew. He then decided that this was an example of an argument from authority and immediately discounted it.

But, this whole thing is pointless. Dealing with bored jewish housewives is not my idea of a good time. Smells like ... what would a jewish house stink of? I really don't know a goddamned thing about jews...
Well, it smells like jew in here.
And by the way, to illustrate the hysteria of the jewish hause frau, this is the quote from the holocaust denier:

In "Exodus" (1960), brutal Arabs kill an attractive 15-year-old Jewish girl played by Jill Hayworth; in "Cast a Giant Shadow" (1966), Arabs leer and laugh as they shoot an Israeli woman trapped in a truck; in "Network" (1976, and winner of four Academy Awards), a crusading television news commentator warns that Arabs, "the medieval fanatics," are taking control of the US; in "Black Sunday" (1977) an Israeli plays the hero, while Arabs are the villains and terrorists who want to kill Superbowl spectators, including the President of the United States; in "The Delta Force" (1986), "Iron Eagle" (1986), and "Death Before Dishonor" (1987), Hollywood shows viewers how to deal decisively with the low-life, no-good, dirty Arab terrorists; in the Disney studio's animated film production, "Aladdin" (1992), the theme song brazenly refers to Arabia as barbaric ("It's barbaric, but hey, it's home"); in "True Lies" (1994), an Arab terrorist with nuclear weapons has to be stopped; in "Executive Decision" (1996) yet another group of Arab militants hijacks an American plane; and in "Kazaam" (1996), an Arab criminal and a black genie enjoy eating a "centuries-old Arab delicacy," a plate of goats' eyes.

A simple list of examples of evil muslim stereotypes in movies. Yet, since a holocaust denier said it, anyone who quotes it is therefore also denying the holocaust, or so says the jew.
Fucking stupid.

She, by the way, simply googled a list of examples as she doesn't obsess over this topic as Geoff does. I'm sure he has lists of muslim offenses written all over the place for easy reference, but Gendanken doesn't. She's seen the evil muslim stereotype again and again, but never bothered to make lists. So she googled one up.
What a fucking horrible bigot she is!!!

God, Jews suck.
And, yeah, this whole thread is way off-topic. But whatever. It's not the first time, nor will it be the last. Sometimes the off-topicness is allowed to flow. So shut the fuck up about it.
So the question becomes:

1. Is her analysis of the ethnic makeup of Hollywood correct?
2. Is there any significance in the emotive language - do "the Jews" have a "grip" on Hollywood?
3. What's her motivation?

Continue. :wallbang:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes - but we know that two wrongs don't make a right, invert_nexus.

Three rights do make a left.
And three jews make a.... hmm... beginnings of a concentration camp?
A diamond syndicate?
Publishing company?
Accounting firm?
Movie company?
Hysterical hair pulling and flailing about?
Something bad, I'm sure.
Question: In time, will I see this as productive input or will I still see this as mental diatribe?