Blacks Less Intelligent Than Whites?

Is Watson Right, Are Blacks Less Intelligent Than Whites?

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I have worked with many types of people over the years in the engineering field. There is no conclusive evidence either way.

I have seen blacks that are dumber than door nail, at the same time, I have a black friend who can take on the Chinese (the smartest) in complex and abstract thinking. Russians are book smart but not application smart. Same for the Indians. The Chinese are smarter than whites and blacks but just a little bit. As to females, some blonde's are smarter than the men.

Bottom Line - test your people and make up your own mind. I used to stay away from blacks until I found a super smart one and told him to find his caliber people for the business. I think it is a percentage game and find the best.

Irrespective of color, race or origin 10% will be at the top (that Bell curve thing) so stay with them. Rest will be so so for the sciforum members anyway...:D
Here is a very detailed thread on race and intelligence: There are some 15 pages of pure data.

But, regardless of race, almost every single human falls far short of the IQ I consider the minimum for acceptability: 160. As such, I consider almost every human as genetically stupid and expendable.
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I have noticed that mix breeds between white and blacks will most likely lead to a kid that behaves possibly no different in the toddler stage than a white child.

Intelligence a dominant gene?
According to the data the top 10% will be nearly entirely white and Asian.

No, they will be from all types of groups.

Why is it so easy for you to admit this but not that whites are more intelligent than blacks?

Have you seen whites in Eastern Europe? and rednecks in Louisiana?:)

But, regardless of race, almost every single human falls far short of the IQ I consider the minimum for acceptability: 160.

I agree.
No, they will be from all types of groups.

On what scientific data or evidence do you make that claim. As I see it, every single test, of all kinds and over many years, shows a distinct difference of intelligence ...blacks being consistently lower than whites.

But if you have accurate, scientific data to prove your assertion, please provide it. And please don't post someone's opinion, even if it's from some "scientist".

Baron Max
I have noticed that mix breeds between white and blacks will most likely lead to a kid that behaves possibly no different in the toddler stage than a white child.

Based on your personal observations of many of those mixed breed kids? And was it a scientific observation technique that you used?

Baron Max
On what scientific data or evidence do you make that claim. As I see it, every single test, of all kinds and over many years, shows a distinct difference of intelligence ...blacks being consistently lower than whites.

But if you have accurate, scientific data to prove your assertion, please provide it. And please don't post someone's opinion, even if it's from some "scientist".

Baron Max

would it be considered racist to do a study on the lack of intelligence of blacks?
would it be considered racist to do a study on the lack of intelligence of blacks?

In the USA, the answer is a definite YES! Our politically correct scientists and educators don't want us to know the answers definitively ...they prefer to hide their heads in the sand.

Baron Max
the top 10% of any high school class is usually comprised of many different ethnic groups including african americans as well as indians, asians, and caucasians.

This should show that when it comes to superior intelligence, more than one race is represented and is in a different class than the averages of the rest.
the top 10% of any high school class is usually comprised of many different ethnic groups including african americans as well as indians, asians, and caucasians.

And where did you get that interesting bit of info?

Just saying something, even if it's politically correct, doesn't make it true.

Baron Max
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