Blacks Less Intelligent Than Whites?

Is Watson Right, Are Blacks Less Intelligent Than Whites?

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The Advocate
Registered Senior Member
So it is according to James Watson, one of the Nobel Prize winning scientists who worked out the structure of DNA. Read here. What do you think? Do his claims make any sense? He says further that genes linked to intelligence could be discovered within the next 10 years. So what scientific evidence are his claims based on?

My two cents: Sure, geographically separated evolution may, or will, lead to some genetic differences. But what genetic differences? His claims are baseless. He can't use IQ tests because those don't indicate that Blacks are less intelligent than Whites, or Asians or Indians. And if he wants to use African's IQ test results: the majority of the people are malnourished, opressed, and depressed. How well can your brain do on an empty stomach?
He has backed away from his statement. It's not something he studied in any detail.
So he is a bigot that uses facts to back up his claims.Anyone can use facts to substantiate what they believe because facts can be changed to fit the ongoing study like his. There's many things that he doesn't take into consideration but only uses what he can to bring out his bigotry.
He has backed away from his statement. It's not something he studied in any detail.
He has tried to quell the uproar with his brief text to the AP. I don't see that as backing away. He has not indicated that he does not believe Blacks are less intelligent than Whites. He just indicated that he didn't mean "Africa was genetically inferior." It seems he thinks the world is less intelligent than Watson? When he states unequivocally that he was misquoted, or that he does not believe Blacks are less intelligent than Whites, then he'd have backed away from yet another of his blunders.
I was originally going to post this in the thread that was started by Atom, but I decided to post it here because there is a better chance that people will read it.

There is definitely a difference in I.Q between whites and blacks, but I think Watson could have chosen his words more carefully. He could have done a better job of explaining his beliefs without sounding like a racist if he brought up the topic of epigenetics and sociology. Perhaps he is a bit of a racist, but I can’t blame him for his beliefs. We are all products of our environments. We are all victims of the past. We have all been socially engineered to accept the irrational traditions and beliefs that most of us have. We can try to think objectively and critically but it is something that the human brain is incapable of doing for an extended period of time. We will continue to pass on our stupid traditions and beliefs for many generations to come, until germline genetic engineering and artificial and advanced artificial intelligence becomes a reality.

There have been so many debates about the intelligence blacks and whites on this website. You have your racist Caucasians on one side that seem to believe that all sub Saharan Africans are nothing more than monkeys with puny brains. And you have the people on the other side that believe there is no difference in intelligence between blacks and whites. I wasn’t going to post anything in this thread until I saw an episode of Nova on PBS that was about the subject of epigenetics. I read some articles about the topic before, but the episode that I saw recently reminded me about a study that was performed by a group of psychologist about 2 year ago. The study was about the idea that males are better at math and science than females. They wanted to learn about social and biological factors that played a role in the differences between male and female test scores in math and science. The study involved one group of women that were made to believe that the female brain was less equipped to deal with subjects of math and science, and another group that was made to believe that females are just as capable as males. The results from the study showed that the group of females that were made to believe that they are just capable performed significantly better than the group that was made to believe that they are less capable.

The point that I am trying to make is that is that sociology plays an important role in determining how intelligent a person will be. It is highly likely that positive or negative feedback from individuals can cause chemical reactions which will eventually cause some genes to become active or remain dormant. Having access to the best education and health care also plays an important role. It's a well known fact that a large percentage of the blacks in the world are living in poverty. The so-called black people of the world have been programmed to believe that they are less intelligent than whites and the so-called white people of the world have been programmed to believe that they are more intelligent than blacks. A geneticist that hasn’t been corrupted by our stupid social beliefs and traditions wouldn’t even be using the word “black” or “white” to describe people. The word “black” is just another tool that the Europeans and North Africans used to make the sub Saharan Africans feel inferior when they were enslaved. Black is bad and white is good. They did such and incredible job of programming their slaves that the modern day sub Saharan African is no longer offended by the word black.

I am going to end this message by posting a link to a thread about eugenics. I truly believe that a eugenics movement is the only thing that can save us from our own ignorance.

I am also going to post an excerpt of an essay that was written by a man named Robin Hanson. It was written for a book called “Taking The Read Pill”.

Maybe facing the truth is really good, slavery is really bad, and humans are the rightful rulers of the future. Instead, I want to say that this simply cannot be the whole story. It cannot be the whole story because here in our real world today, we humans are in fact slaves to alien, hyperrational entities who care little about us, and who provide us with a dream world to distract us from the fact that they callously use our bodies to further their ends. We humans are not even likely to run the future, if things continue as they are. Yet when we are confronted with these truths, very few of us, the young included, rebel against our dream world. In fact, what rebels we have seem to be mostly concerned with preserving our dream world.

So who are our slave masters, and what is this dream world that they use to enslave us? Our masters are our “selfish genes” and our dream world is the world of love, humor, talk, story, art, music, fashion, sport, charity, religion, and abstract ideas that occupy the attention of our “mating minds.” Let me explain.

You are a body with a mind. Your mind is the result of activity in your brain, and your body has grown from a single cell following the instructions of your genes, which you acquired from your parents. Your parents acquired their genes from their parents, and so on back for billions of years. (The few genes not acquired from parents were created by random mutations.) The fact that you have certain genes and not others was determined almost entirely by a fierce competition between genes to create better “survival machines,” i.e., creatures that perpetuate and spread those genes. The genes that produced you are not a random sample from all possible genes; they are some of the few genes that, so far, remain in this competition.

Evolutionary biology has made enormous progress understanding the patterns of life around us by thinking in terms of “selfish genes.” That is, you would not go very wrong in predicting the patterns of life we see if you imagined that our genes were intelligent, that they wanted only to make more future copies of themselves, and that they chose the behaviors of the creatures they coded with only this purpose in mind. (And you would do even better if you figured that these creatures could not help but assume that the future would be very much like the past few thousand generations.)

Of course genes are not actually intelligent, in the sense of basing their actions on computations that they run. But since they act as though they were intelligent, they act a lot like the cruel slave masters they would be if they were intelligent. Our genes do not care whether we experience more pleasure or pain. Our genes only care that we anticipate both possibilities, so that they can control us via our preference for pleasure over pain. When our bodies are no longer capable of reproducing, or capable of helping those who share our genes reproduce, our genes literally do not care if we live or die. Our genes will happily shorten our lives, or give us great pain, if that will help those genes to reproduce. Our genes will also lie to us to promote their goals, for example, by making us think that our happiness depends more on our success than it really does. Our genes can indeed be cruel slave masters.
I talked to my neuropsychology professor about this and she informed me that there is no evidence that whites are smarter than blacks, none.
he backed away from his statement because of the huge wave of society hate he has received. No one needs to hear the truth when it does not suit anyone else. He is just not strong enough to prove and also he has realized that revealing the truth will cause unbalance in the world.

I mean lets say blacks were indeed less intelligent and DNA showed it...well whether it is the truth or not, it must not be revealed to general public otherwise we will be back to having slaves and human laws under questioning.
Most people would claim to want to know the truth, yet in racial issues, they want to stifle any and all research or study about the differences between the "races". Why is that?

Aren't people able to handle the truth? Should some things like this be withheld from the people?

Baron Max
When someone comes up with a decent definition of "intelligence", let me know. There are apparently many varieties of intelligence. The general intelligence testing we're always yapping about seems to me to be so subject to cultural and personal influences as to be virtually worthless. E.g. so many test results seem to be correllated with economic and social status and no one's ever satisfactorily demonstrated which way the causality goes.

No one is stifling research into this, but he's wrong.

If nothing else, public outcry stifles the research. And public outcry is what causes politicians to give out research grants, etc. And lest you forget, such "political correctness" has now kept the FBI and other law enforcement agencies from reporting crime committed by the various "races". So now, whenever anyone wants to do some research, the data is fucked up!! ...all because of the stifling of the truth or research to find the truth.

Baron Max
Why would anyone want to research this anyway (not intelligence genes in general, but racial intelligence)? You almost have to be a racist to be really interested.
Why would anyone want to research this anyway (not intelligence genes in general, but racial intelligence)? You almost have to be a racist to be really interested.

So? If a racist wants to research it, why should he be denied that right? Hey, racists are people, too, ya' know!

If we want to know the percentage of crimes by blacks versus white, why shouldn't we have that data? If we want to know the drop-out rate of blacks versus whites in high school, why shouldn't we have that data? If we want to know if blacks have bigger cocks than whites, why shouldn't that data be available?

Baron Max
Why would anyone want to research this anyway (not intelligence genes in general, but racial intelligence)? You almost have to be a racist to be really interested.
Wrongo bub.

Read my little post up there.

Two scenarios:

1) The crime rates and low endemic economic status of certain minorities are not caused by lower-than-average intelligence. They in fact cause lower-than-normal IQ scores and are purely social in nature. What do you address as a solution? Societal repression and inequalities.

2) The crime rates and low endemic economic status of certain minorities are caused by lower-than-average intelligence. They directly and positively correllate. What do you address as a solution? Societal adaptation and integration based on a fundamental difference in ability to navigate current societal structures.
So? If a racist wants to research it, why should he be denied that right? Hey, racists are people, too, ya' know!

If we want to know the percentage of crimes by blacks versus white, why shouldn't we have that data? If we want to know the drop-out rate of blacks versus whites in high school, why shouldn't we have that data? If we want to know if blacks have bigger cocks than whites, why shouldn't that data be available?

Baron Max
Umm... exactly. And it could turn out to be the only way to achieve equitability (as much as the nature of the situation will allow at least).
Umm... exactly. And it could turn out to be the only way to achieve equitability (as much as the nature of the situation will allow at least).

The thing of it is, such research has been done in the past, but it's been suppressed by the politically correct psycho-babblist liberals of the world in order to further their own ideals of .......ahh, equality?!

Hiding from the truth is certainly no way to find the truth. Denying the truth is certainly no way to solve any problems that might exist.

Baron Max
The thing of it is, such research has been done in the past, but it's been suppressed by the politically correct psycho-babblist liberals of the world in order to further their own ideals of .......ahh, equality?!

Hiding from the truth is certainly no way to find the truth. Denying the truth is certainly no way to solve any problems that might exist.

Baron Max
Absolutely. The problem seems to be that we want to invent a "fact" that all people everywhere are "equal" in all respects, right down to the individual. Which is clearly BS.

And overall, no one is even suggesting that ALL blacks have lower IQ's. Only on average, true or not.

I happen to believe that there isn't a shred of correlative evidence to support even this. But suppressing research just because something is socially sensitive? Welcome to the bullshit-o-rama of modern PC life.
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