This liberal fear of admitting the truth is absurd. Blacks score lower on IQ tests, on the SAT, on basically every measure of intellegence. They also tend to have dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips. I wonder what possible mechanism there could be for so many blacks having kinky hair? Hmmmmm. It must be the lead paint. Yes, that's it. The lead paint is causing kinky hair.
There's nothing racist about noticing something that's obvious. It doesn't mean every black is stupid, just that the bell curve is shifted to the left a bit. Big deal.
And you can say, truthfully, blacks are better athletes.
But woe to anyone who tells the truth about intelligence!
Give just a few Blacks a golf Club? Tiger Woods.
A Tennis Racquet, Ashe and the Wiliams sisters. Blacks don't even play these sports usually- but gives you an idea what would happen if they did- when a true athlete takes up 'golf'.
And what makes better sense evolutionarily?
You all believe in evolution-- but you don't when it's not PC?
Take two groups at the opposite ends of the chart.
'Successful' blacks for the last few thousand years were the best hunters- the best physical specimens able to have more progeny and be more dominant in the culture. Enhanced even further perhaps by who survived/thrived (and were even selectively bred) in Slavery.
Whereas in the case of Ashkenazi Jews, they were ghettoized in Europe, denied land ownership and other restrictions; becoming merchants and scholars. The Most 'fit' evolutionarily in his environment was the most intelligent. Dumb ones less successful in every realm, including finding mates.
There's just no way one can account for the fact Jews have won 28% of the Nobel Prizes and comprise Half the World Chess Champions.
Jews do not account for anything like that amount of junior or aspiring Chess players relative to the total- even within one country- Russia.
And similarly, Blacks account for a far higher percent of Professional athletes than they are of College and High School Athletes.
There are Far more White Athletes by a Good Multiple in every sport before the best get culled in college- Blacks are the best and make up 80% of the NBA, and probably half the Professional Football and Baseball players- and they are 10-12% of the population.
Of course, Blacks also account for Half the countries 2,000,000 prison population. (including a few of the athletes)
Poverty stricken Hungry Indian sub-continent and East Asians, just as deprived nutritionally as Africans, score Much higher on IQ tests.
"Environment" Fans?
These differences can be verified both Intra- and inter- continentally.
They can be verified within the same socioeconomic strata of society where the only difference Is race.