Black Crime

Are you a parrot? Does the need to reiterate what has already been written seem the best use of your intellect? You are a twit which is why I am placing you on ignore. Have fun now you uneducated, myopic dust particle floundering in the wind. :rolleyes:
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Lucysnow said:
Are you a parrot? Does the need to reiterate what has already been written seem the best use of your intellect? You are a twit which is why I am placing you on ignore. Have fun now you uneducated myopic dust in the wind.

shit. you white folks dont know how to swear!!
Fafnir665 said:
Haha you dont know anything ;)
actually meant to say mzzz prizzy over'educated' white supremacists cant swear

i',m from up north and this is a swear swearer into world lad

and i am assuming Cottontop3000 is white and he swears reeeeal gurrrrrrrd
How can you hold up your head with that gigantic chip on your shoulder. It is interesting how, when another point of view is presented, you go into attack dog mode. Go ahead bite my leg if it makes you feel better but don't waste that top class education that you had the privilege to receive. Remember some people have had to 'self-help' themselves to that.

For the record: I think gangsta rap is a crock of shit designed to part impressionable youths from their money. A passing fad (fading already). Yes they are a bunch of clowns getting jiggy with it and flashing their bling but who the hell are you to judge them? For those who really have come up from the street music presented a momentary respite from the sheer hell of everyday living. But those who live by violence usually die by it and gun toting rappers are no exception. They are all whores to money and materialism. Tupac for sure never got to take any of it with him. However, Black people are not as stupid as you all like to make out they know if you take the ill-gotten path it leads straight to hell and they are not fooled by it.

The 'solution' for the ills facing black people are not rooted in any one answer because not all black people are the same and therefore don't all face the same challenges. Black people are as diverse as any other group so to suggest that there is a one size fits all solution (segregation!) is moot. Of course everyone should continue challenging racism, individual or institutionalised because nobody is going to be shipping back to Africa anytime soon. Appeasement? No sir that tends to lead to world wars.

Black people have always resisted the heavy hand of racism not just the folks from Yazoo but escaped slaves before them, the Moors in Jamaica, the Rastafarian movement, Harlem, Black Islam, The Panthers, The non-violent Church movement.... Others have recognised that education is the key. Different solutions for different people.

You say I'm impotent but you know nothing whatsoever about me or the way I live my life! Most of the people here are posting racist shit and you know it so I'm going to carry on with my solution to that - pointing it out!

But how about these. Got to be small got to be local:

Tackling gun crime:

Lobby Governments to amend the gun laws. Right to bears arms? What kind of shit is that? Automatic weapons freely available on the street? Get a hold!

Police do your job! Work with local communities where necessary to shop the 'big boys'. Illegal gun runners, pimps, drug gangs, etc. Everybody knows who they are. Fear rules. Offer protection to those willing to disclose information. Institutionalised racism currently a barrier to this simple, effective solution.

Peers and reformed gang members (yes there are some) working with those who are 'at risk' of gang membership. With rights come responsibilities then "respec'". Firstly to yourself not to be an asshole and secondly to your family.

Working with families, mentoring, parenting classes, etc focusing on managing young people going through puberty (it's a biological phase you know). NON VIOLENT CONFLICT RESOLUTION SKILLS, anger management, assertiveness, self esteem. And something to do at night that is exciting and confidence boosting.

Reforming the education system to include the SHARED history of black and white. How the two are inextricably linked and how black people have made a significant contribution to various economies AND CONTINUE TO DO SO. Facing up to the difficult issues. Acknowledging them and moving on.

No doubt you'll dismiss these as 'liberal'. Now let's hear some of your 'solutions' missy.
alexb123 said:
However, if you were to mention that there is also a general black crime problem you would be labelled racist.

Any outsiders attempting to solve the problems of an ethnic group will be labelled racist.

I like the term "One law for the ox and the raven is tyranny," and from it I derive the idea that the races should live apart, so they have self-rule.

Here's a highly credible report on racial dimensions of crime in America:

"• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent."

They take their data from US uniform crime reports.
It's a hell of a problem, but the root cause isn't that people from Africa are genetically predisposed towards violence, at least, no more than every other human being.
Debater 1: Black crime is a serious problem. What are it's causes and implications? Perhaps Blacks commit more crime because of sociological and economic conditions, or perhaps because of their biology they have a greater propensity towards violent behavior. Now I'm going to show some statistics, hypothesize a bit, and take a look at society with scientific detachment.

Debater 2: Blacks don't commit more crime than Whites, and if they do it is because of sociological and economic reasons, and White racism! It has to be, we are all equal as human beings (when discussing race, all good and moral people must forsake the scientific method temporarily)! To question those factors I gave makes you a racist. And to even bring this subject up in the first place makes you racist! And we all know racism is the worst idea a person could have because we have been programmed to think this by society!

Debater 3: Debater 1, you Nazi piece of racist shit. Die.

That is a summary of this whole thread.


My conclusion is that Black sociological conditions and crime rates can be explained through biology.

Basically, Negroids are the least neotenic, Caucasoids are in the middle, and Mongoloids are the most neotenic. Mongoloids have evolved towards a K-selection strategy the most, with Caucasoids in the middle again, and lastly Negroids.

I could elaborate and digress more, but I don't feel like it. :p
spidergoat said:
It's a hell of a problem, but the root cause isn't that people from Africa are genetically predisposed towards violence, at least, no more than every other human being.

I don't think it's a question of genetically disposed toward violence.

I think different populations have different ideal societies and when put in another type of society, conflicts arise.

Think about what you know of crime. It's rarely done because someone thinks, "I need to commit some violence." It comes about because of social friction and desire for something (usu. money or power).

The same society won't work for both blacks and whites.
as soon as you start believing and talking about 'genetially prepossessed' look in the mirror and slap yourself. all of that is getting you into nazi ideology, and we know all about that....riiiight? you've seen what it does. its evil and totally irrational. scapegoating a race,person, etc., whilst IMAGINING the sun shines outta you OWN ARSE---'you' being 'pure' in theprocess of your nasty vile pearn from histpry for fuks sake is what i mean

look. you are in a ghetto. the whole culture is denigrating black people......the whole culture is institutionally racst, and doesn't REALLY accept black people as equal, althoug it may claim it does

and listen....the WAR ON DRUGS. haven't heard many if any even mention this profound factor here!!!!!!

you are in the gehtto, young black, full of have a choice between shit job, welfare, or making VAST sums of money dealing in drugserrrr which one you gonnapick. and dont come it all smucg with 'ohhh IIII would get an education'....try and empathize the reaity of the actual life. grim surroundings, peeer pressure, TV beaming stuff about how you can onlt be authentic if yer rich.....only then do you et respect. tis propaganda is suffused throughpout the whole ulture...right?

so young lad wants some o that. but when he beginsdealing he also needs a gun, to protect HISrihes....ten he she finds themsevles as gangsters and with that comes violence

it's ab fukin c

nowWHO the livin fuck do you suppose is supporting this war on drugs?

lets see how educated you are?
android said:
I don't think it's a question of genetically disposed toward violence.

I think different populations have different ideal societies and when put in another type of society, conflicts arise.

Ahh, I agree. But that doesn't explain, for example, why the violent crime rate is higher in black communities as opposed to the violent crime rate in, say, white or yellow or red or!

There are many Chinese, Vietnamese, Hispanic, Jewish, ..... "ghettos" in the USA, but why is the black ghetto overrun with violent crime, while the others are not?

Sure there are conflicts between various cultures/races, but why do black resort to MORE violent crime, while the others don't? See? THAT is the crux of the issue.

spidergoat said:
It's a hell of a problem, but the root cause isn't that people from Africa are genetically predisposed towards violence, ...

Then what is it? What is the "root cause"?

I would ask another question: Is the "root cause" an excuse/reason for the high incidents of violent crime? Does that "root cause" make the crime less? should that "root cause" be justification for, say, a lesser sentence?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
There are many Chinese, Vietnamese, Hispanic, Jewish, ..... "ghettos" in the USA, but why is the black ghetto overrun with violent crime, while the others are not?

My answer is that Africans are adapted and need a different type of civilization. Ours is not working for them, and the result is violent crime. Place them in a different circumstance, and their actions might not be interpreted as violent crime, and clearly they will not come into conflict with their fellow citizens as much as is illustrated in America:

"The awful truth is that 90 percent of the approximate 1,700,000 interracial violent crimes reported each year involve black perpetrators and white victims."
will you listen to yourselves--seriously!

you without any shame--of your ignorance (tho of course, ignore-ance meas ignorance)--actually assert that ALL Africans are criminals. ......No. it is a criminal elements in the African community which includes all community. right? is tis clear to you?

we have criminal Chines, English, Lithuasian, Frencxh......and on and on, but tat doesn't mean ALL Chinewse etc are criminals, does it now? what do you say.....????!
Yes, Duendy, all races have criminals .....just not at the RATE of blacks!! There's a difference ...and if you don't know about "rate of crime", check some books.

I also had a chance to check some of the violent crime in Nairobi ......and it's fuckin' horrendous!!! In Nairobi, it ain't even safe to go out in the fuckin' daylight, for god's sake, let alone at night. And if you're a foreign tourist, they take bets on how many hours you'll live! See? Another great example of the violence of blacks ...and that's in their OWN fuckin' home nation.

Baron Max
duendy said:
actually meant to say mzzz prizzy over'educated' white supremacists cant swear

i',m from up north and this is a swear swearer into world lad

and i am assuming Cottontop3000 is white and he swears reeeeal gurrrrrrrd

No man, you really dont know who youre talking about ;)
Lucysnow said:
JB: Hey, look at me I'm helping a negro to learn about his own people.

Ironic isn't it? Don't waste your time.

kickass posts
however.... an alliance with jb the retard?
But that doesn't explain, for example, why the violent crime rate is higher in black communities as opposed to the violent crime rate in, say, white or yellow or red or!

I don't believe it is. Got any crime statistics for African countries?