Atheism is Great

That's not an explanation.

I don't think a change from religious to atheist or vice versa necessitates a profound change in personality.

Let me try again :)

Religious arseholes think their waste matter does not smell

Atheists sphincters know their waste matter smells and are honest about it making them better arseholes

Funny how some theists say religion makes them free.


Just like many mental unstable people consider themselves the sane ones


If many mentally unstable people believe they are sane, how can you know you are sane?


I don't

I rely on the judgement of others

If they are not
  • Putting me in a straight jacket
  • Pumping me full of medication
  • Keeping me in a padded room
  • Putting high voltage through my skull
it's a good day :)

I don't

I rely on the judgement of others

If they are not
  • Putting me in a straight jacket
  • Pumping me full of medication
  • Keeping me in a padded room
  • Putting high voltage through my skull
it's a good day :)


I cannot rely on others for that.
Everyone is crazy except for you & me & sometimes I wonder about 1 of us.

Let me try again :)
Translation: "Let me repeat myself."

What I'm saying is that I disagree with your premise. I don't think there is a magical transformation of personality when somebody "becomes" an atheist.

For myself, the realization that there is no God was disappointing, somewhat like a child realizing that there is no Santa Claus. There was no noticeable change in personality. I certainly did not become a better person.
Translation: "Let me repeat myself."

What I'm saying is that I disagree with your premise. I don't think there is a magical transformation of personality when somebody "becomes" an atheist.

For myself, the realization that there is no God was disappointing, somewhat like a child realizing that there is no Santa Claus. There was no noticeable change in personality. I certainly did not become a better person.

I really agree with you

A person is who they are

Subjectively <---- only however

I think Atheists beat the brown stuff out theist :)

Translation: "Let me repeat myself."

What I'm saying is that I disagree with your premise. I don't think there is a magical transformation of personality when somebody "becomes" an atheist.

For myself, the realization that there is no God was disappointing, somewhat like a child realizing that there is no Santa Claus. There was no noticeable change in personality. I certainly did not become a better person.

It is different for different people.

"many mental unstable people consider themselves the sane ones

Ther crazy... myself... im atheist an im the sanest mos stable person i know of.!!!

As Evidence:::

Nobody here disagrees wit my statement... however... i humbly admit that thers lots of NuTz here.!!!
the reason why it's freeing is because good people are already ethical, self-reflective, conscientious etc so they don't need to be hampered with undue guilt to bend over backwards even more. it can be weakening to good people. but for those where religion empowers, it can give them a respectable good cover for their shit or it can give them (especially predators) a sense and justification that everything is in working order. since "creation" is made by god and underneath it is predatorial at root. from my experience, there were more predators who were religious than not. this can't be a mistake or coincidence. consider the republican conservative party, they are mostly religious. republican conservatives are classic archaic dinosaurs on the human evolution chain. they are very, very, very strong but not for all good reasons. they may know right from wrong but are masters at cunning, deception and hypocrisy. they have no moral scruples from using these.
Becoming an atheist is like leaving a stuffy room and walking out into a field of wild flowers on a sunny day.
It's like being a retired pit-pony.
It's like having the jailer take off your chains, open the prison door and hear him say, "You are free to go !"
I felt the same way becoming an atheist. Once you take control of your life, doors open. But, over the years I've come to question maybe that's really what God intended life to be, and it's humans who have muddled the intent. Paul's teachings were exactly as you are describing is how Christianity should be.

Scriptures convict and set free is some folks interpretation. I never got it then, but it makes more sense now...

There is some truth taught in scripture, but I believe much of it is contradicting and paints God as possibly jealous to the point of being evil and without mercy. My definition of love has evolved into what I know is love through relationships I've had, and God does not demonstrate that love today, so I question scripture as being true, or possibly just wrong and not what God intended. Love is bigger than a single act, no matter the act. If you love someone today, you love them and plan to love them, not just yesterday. Otherwise, it could be said, you loved them yesterday.

I really don't know how anyone can take it as valid, with more than what the overall theme of alturism , as good or righteous or true.
I felt the same way becoming an atheist. Once you take control of your life, doors open. But, over the years I've come to question maybe that's really what God intended life to be, and it's humans who have muddled the intent. Paul's teachings were exactly as you are describing is how Christianity should be.

Scriptures convict and set free is some folks interpretation. I never got it then, but it makes more sense now...

There is some truth taught in scripture, but I believe much of it is contradicting and paints God as possibly jealous to the point of being evil and without mercy. My definition of love has evolved into what I know is love through relationships I've had, and God does not demonstrate that love today, so I question scripture as being true, or possibly just wrong and not what God intended. Love is bigger than a single act, no matter the act. If you love someone today, you love them and plan to love them, not just yesterday. Otherwise, it could be said, you loved them yesterday.

I really don't know how anyone can take it as valid, with more than what the overall theme of alturism , as good or righteous or true.

Through every act of kindness , understanding , your Soul grows .
I am an atheist, but have some envy for theists. Their belief is comforting when considering human mortality.

My only mechanism for dealing with the knowledge of my eventual demise, it to avoid thinking about it.

Some of my religious friends can be annoying when they say "After we both are dead, I will be able to say I told you so."
I am an atheist, but have some envy for theists. Their belief is comforting when considering human mortality.

My only mechanism for dealing with the knowledge of my eventual demise, it to avoid thinking about it.

Some of my religious friends can be annoying when they say "After we both are dead, I will be able to say I told you so."
It is sad to me that people can be comforted by a belief system which has billions of people horribly suffering for eternity. IF somehow I were to end up in heaven, I could not be happy knowing about that. Some claim we would be made to forget it but I do not want to be happy in ignorance. This is not a criticism of your feelings but I do not envy theists. They are screwing up the only life we do know we have & IF there is an afterlife, there are many possibilities beyond their limited beliefs.

IF there is not an afterlife, it will not hurt or discomfort me in the least. I did not suffer before I existed & I will not suffer after I exist & not existing will be better than suffering for eternity.

IF there is no afterlife, of course we cannot tell them "I told you so". IF there is an afterlife, we will probably be able to tell them "I told you so", that is, IF we recall this life at all which I think is very doubtful. IF the afterlife turns out the way they think, their "I told you so" will not truly mean anything for we all only did our best with what we had to work with. IF they turn out to be right about the afterlife, they yet are not right about believing without proof & tho they will be proven accurate about some things, humans will not be deserving of eternal suffering because they did not have the "correct belief".

I have no choice but to not believe in gods. I just cannot do it. I am guessing the same for you. We certainly do not deserve to suffer for that. Theists who were born into the "wrong religion" & were never convinced to change do not deserve to suffer for that.
I do not envy anyone who goes along with the idea that humans should suffer for eternity because of their beliefs or lack of such.

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