Are there any Online Bullies on SciForums?

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I'm sorry to have missed it:
Resurrecting some of those distant past threads, have revived some memories and recollections. The three brothers I previously mentioned, that were finally banned Rajish, The God, and I was unable to remember the third...Expletive deleted!!!
The three were renowned for their forlorn continued attempts at deriding science and trying to squeeze in their version of a deity.
Rajish was probably the most "sensible" out of them, the other two were really gone man! :D
I also recognised another well established and resepected member in AlphaNumeric, and of course Trippy one of your fellow mods, who also wasn't afraid to highlight the inane and senseless comments by some. ;)
Again, nice post, but a bit long!:)
I'm sorry to have missed it:

• Been reading posts for a while now and finally registered to post! I honestly have to say that I am surprised at the responses to this thread! Being as Dumb as I am, the first thing I did was look at the pictures - they did not appear empty to me! Seemed to get a lot thinking going on in smarter people though! (Oct., 2011↗)

• I know I'm DUMB and probably more than a little foolish, but should I be worried about a power outage,virus, malware or someone spilling coffee on a keyboard or something like that? Even being as dumb as i am (obviously!!), I have learned to accept help from the really smart people that I've met and would like to feel comfortable knowing that a computer glitch somewhere out there would not have me waking up tomorrow an old Bic pen, a stripped lug nut or a mosquito or something like that. You have a lot of posts, so maybe you could help me make some sense of this. Only a couple billion other things scare the HECK out of me on daily basis (I live in United States), but one less would be weight off of my shoulders! Hope you will not mind helping one of us little people out! (Dec., 2011↗)

• I can tell you for sure that it is not so easy a life being Dumb as I am - so I can only imagine it must be hundreds of thousands of times harder being truly intelligent like you. (Dec., 2011↗)

• But heck, even as dumb as I am - I understand ; It's all my fault!! (Dec., 2011↗)

• Virtual Sheeple...HOPEFULLY will ALWAYS ACCEPT me as The Dumbest Man On Earth!!
My virtual identity is, I HOPE, Dumb enough to BET MY VIRTUAL LIFE SAVINGS that the majority of posters on this forum DO NOT, let me repeat DO NOT have a facebook page !!!!!!!
ERGO; being that I am indeed the Dumbest Man On Earth.... NOT ONE OTHER SINGLE POSTER ON THIS SITE SHOULD MISCONSTRUE MY MEANING!!! (July, 2012↗)

• Sorry, but my moniker forces me to post these dumb thinks. (July, 2012↗)

• First off, I must confess to being The Dumbest Man On Earth, so therefore I must confess that I can follow all that you are saying - but can only understand about 00.0000003% of it! (Aug., 2012↗)

• I do not care if you get back to me or let me know what you think of this above - because, even as DUMB as I am, I am still leaning toward casting my ballot for CESSPOOL MATERIAL. (Aug., 2012↗)

• BTW, do not let my user name dissuade you - most operating systems are designed so that even people as dumb as myself can use them. Heck I've even heard tell (hearsay evidence, mind you) that computers are used by Lawyers, Policemen, Car Salesmen, Politicians, Churches, Corporations, CEO's, Governments, Sheople... (Aug., 2012↗)

• Of course it was Dumb. I, the Dumbest Man on Earth, posted it. (July, 2013↗)

• Now, back to my "Dumb Theory", I think it only fair at this point, to tell you that my favorite flavor of "Kool-Aid" is Grape - though when I am feeling really Randy or Wild and Crazy, I prefer to Guzzle Copious amounts of the Lime flavor. (July, 2013↗)

• Geez, I read post #6 and by the time I was able to organize my thoughts and get them typed (hunt and peck), and then re-read them for spelling or grammar - 5 more posts got in front of me
I am slow and old in addition to being Dumb. (July, 2013↗)

• Would my being "high" or not when I wrote it make it any more "coherent" to you? Is it common for people to get "high" and try to have a meaningful conversation? (July, 2013↗)

• I only brought up Wal-Mart because, to me at least, it does not seem to be the place that I would find the CEO of a major corporation shopping at on a regular basis - but alas being as dumb as I am - I am often wrong, also. (July, 2013↗)

• … as I have stated numerous times in numerous threads, the meaning of "dumbest", as I use in my moniker, has nothing to do with intelligence or level of learning, education or even knowledge. From my involvement on SciForums, it could, probably, more accurately be defined as meaning "most cursed"! A quip!
I actually use "dumbest" as meaning - suffering the heavy restraints of values, morals, tenets, beliefs, principles and honesty. (August, 2013↗)

Those are the relevant uses of the word, "dumb", I found from your arrival, in October, 2011, through August, 2013; that last is worth taking a moment to consider. Between then, here are a couple occasions when you responded to people calling you dumb, as in ignorant, foolish, ridiculous, &c.:

• Perception. "One picture is worth a thousand words". Non-Queens English. Communication goes both ways. (Aug., 2013↗)

• Gee, I have only been reading the Posts on SciForums for maybe 5-6 years, and to me, it hasn't even made the move over into the turn lane for Dumb Street yet.
Of course, with my moniker...well...I...probably shouldn't... (Aug., 2013↗)

And then:

• Anyway they were saying science like words so I must have figured that I could look dumb less by Posting it to grab grab a...well any way thanks for letting me know why I did that. (Jan., 2014↗)

• I am not as think as you Dumb I am. (June, 2014↗)

The earliest mention I find of congenital anomalies is July, 2014↗. And again some days later↗. There's kind of a gap, but the issue resurfaced yesterday↗, after you took a pass on the point earlier this week↗.

So, yeah. Sorry I missed it. Can't imagine how that happened. Let me know if I overlooked anything.

Of course not.

The [supremacist] has chosen hate because hate is a faith. At the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and frvolous discussions about the reality of his hatred appear to him. He has placed himself on other ground from the beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for someone to defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by supremacists, all of them absurd: "I hate [them] because they make servants insubordinate, because [one of them] robbed me, etc." Never believe the supremacists are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words respnosibly, since he believes in words. The supremacists have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to indimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.

(adapted from Sartre; boldface accent added)

Honestly, the irony that the above paragraph on supremacism is adapted from one on anti-Semitism ought to be irrelevant. Then again, here we are.


Sartre, Jean-Paul. Anti-Semite and Jew. 1944. New York: Schocken Books, 1995.
It is true, Tiassa, that it was really not all that long ago when a little humor, even self-deprecating humor, could be enjoyed on this Forum.
And, yes, to this day quite alot of remarks from the Peanut Gallery are simply ignored.
So, yeah. Sorry I missed it. Can't imagine how that happened. Let me know if I overlooked anything.
Please sir, I have one you missed.
Is a member expected to read every back post posted by a certain member (dmoe) before replying to posts containing such remarks as.. ''Please be patient with me -note my moniker!!'' ? What an odd thing for dmoe to expect of members.
Dmoe gives a nod again to being dumb in the upper storey. Dec 2011:
Please be patient with me -note my moniker!!
Ps. I'm seeing you Tiassa in a new light, I have given your other post a ''like''.
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Maybe it's time for everyone to forget the past and resolve to be nice to each other in the future.

But what counts as being nice to each other?

• • •​

Is a member expected to read every back post posted by a certain member (dmoe) before replying to posts containing such remarks as.. ''Please be patient with me -note my moniker!!'' ? What an odd thing for dmoe to expect of members.

By policy, obviously not. Indeed, we can see why it would be unreasonable. Customarily, extraordinary demand is circumstantial. If you put the evidence in front of people and ask them to point out the part they mean, and they refuse to do so, there isn't much left to do. Sure, that might seem like something else, entirely, but like I said, extraordinary demand is, customarily speaking, circumstantial. In that circumstance, I'm apparently asking too much.

By contrast, well, I can see why some people aren't more accurate about their descriptions of the past that others are left to figure out. But that's hardly new; this is Sciforums.

There are patterns, and they do reflect trends afoot, but these are the sort that are as unreliable as the people setting them. You just take note, and every once in a while, something gives, so I'm not sure what valence of patterns built from patterns of patterns within patterns anyone might decide is the real thing, but at that point you can look at the trend and say, 「Well, sure, not each and every, but, still, could you please fail, now and then, to fulfill type?」
But what counts as being nice to each other?

Please sir, I have one you missed.
Is a member expected to read every back post posted by a certain member (dmoe) before replying to posts containing such remarks as.. ''Please be patient with me -note my moniker!!'' ? What an odd thing for dmoe to expect of members.
Dmoe gives a nod again to being dumb in the upper storey. Dec 2011:

Ps. I'm seeing you Tiassa in a new light, I have given your other post a ''like''.
I spent the best part of an hour looking at some of those older threads that Tiassa ressurected...bloody hilarious in parts and the non compos mentis posts by a member...
Recalling other members also, like Trippy, Aquious id, Alpha Numeric, Kittamaru...hope all are going well and enjoying their time/s away from the forum.

Hey, it would have been callous of me to pressure you into more info on the FAMILY GUY conspiracy, I think for some reason...

I don't know if subsequent editions used new commentary, but I used to have a DVD set of the first three seasons. If you listen to the commentary tracks for "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" (season 3, the "banned" episode) and, I think, "Da Boom" (season 2) you'll have what I was talking about in terms of the television show, which in turn was just an analogy; the Jewish media conspiracism was in someone's posts.
I don't know if subsequent editions used new commentary, but I used to have a DVD set of the first three seasons. If you listen to the commentary tracks for "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" (season 3, the "banned" episode) and, I think, "Da Boom" (season 2) you'll have what I was talking about in terms of the television show, which in turn was just an analogy; the Jewish media conspiracism was in someone's posts.

Thanks for your response, but I thought I had deleted that "saved" part of my post.
Another incident I became involved in was just prior to Xmas one day...I was down the local 7/11 store, which was being attended by two young Asian lasses and a young Asian boy. Picked up whatever it was I wanted, and stood in line to pay.
Suddenly in walked 6 young [18,19 20ish] blokes, that immediatley started to trash the place...knocking items off the shelf, tipping over a slurpy machine, while the young attendants started screaming and shouting at them...Anyway they then proceeded to run out of the store, having to go past the four people, including myself, waiting to be the last of them ran by me, something came over me, and I automatically threw my arm up [rugby league stiff arm tackle like] and collared the last bloke fair square around the throat. Down he went like a ton of bricks, with me on top of him. Coppers came, arrested him, interviewed me and 2 weeks later, I get a knock on the door, with this same young hoodlum and his parents, who forced him to apologise to me. I simply told them to take the little arsehole down to the 7/11 and apologise to the staff there, who had been literally traumatised.
Sometimes it pays to stand up to bullies and pretentious ratbags.

racist gang targeting people of different ethno-genetic descent
gang hazing/initiation/freshman hazing/fraternity hazing etc etc
that's very American
usa has some of the worst racist groups in the world
do you think they suddenly decided to act spontaneously in a racist violent manner ?

when it is white people doing the racist attack deadly force is usually not used
and other people are cult programmed to stand around and watch and not stop it.
when it is black people doing the attack deadly forced is used immediately by default

it is american culture
gang behavior & violent oppression normalization & demonstration to rule with fear
racist gang targeting people of different ethno-genetic descent
gang hazing/initiation/freshman hazing/fraternity hazing etc etc
that's very American
usa has some of the worst racist groups in the world
do you think they suddenly decided to act spontaneously in a racist violent manner ?

when it is white people doing the racist attack deadly force is usually not used
and other people are cult programmed to stand around and watch and not stop it.
when it is black people doing the attack deadly forced is used immediately by default

it is american culture
gang behavior & violent oppression normalization & demonstration to rule with fear
I don't believe it was a racial thingy...simply a group of teenage cowards, out to impress each other.
And yes, we also have racists in Australia, although probably not to the extent you do in the States.
I don't believe it was a racial thingy...simply a group of teenage cowards, out to impress each other.
And yes, we also have racists in Australia, although probably not to the extent you do in the States.
We have racism because we have another race in fairly large numbers in parts of the country that stands out due to skin color and most importantly due to economic disparity (no economic power).

The cops are a different case. Legal discrimination has largely been eliminated but the cops are a special case. They are simply out of control and have too much power.

Even though whites fare better overall in their interactions with the cops, most whites don't go out of their way to "bring the man" into their lives either.

If blacks start more businesses, and invest more in owning a home and therefore had more of an economic base, most racism would disappear. They would have money to donate to their political candidates, they would have more economic buying power if they had more businesses and they would have the same influence that other groups have.

Economics and racism are closely related.
This is off topic and we will have dmoe down on us like a ton of bricks shortly!!! Heavens to mergatroyd!! :eek:
We have racism because we have another race in fairly large numbers in parts of the country that stands out due to skin color and most importantly due to economic disparity (no economic power).
Speaking as an outsider, I would have guessed it was more to do with the African/American person, first being brought to the States as religion to now dispel that fact from some is hard?
The cops are a different case. Legal discrimination has largely been eliminated but the cops are a special case. They are simply out of control and have too much power.
We also have problems with the Police and some of indigenous population. I also accept that there are moves to help alleviate that....

Economics and racism are closely related.
? Well first people need to be given equal opportunity.
This is off topic and we will have dmoe down on us like a ton of bricks shortly!!! Heavens to mergatroyd!! :eek:

Speaking as an outsider, I would have guessed it was more to do with the African/American person, first being brought to the States as religion to now dispel that fact from some is hard?

We also have problems with the Police and some of indigenous population. I also accept that there are moves to help alleviate that....

? Well first people need to be given equal opportunity.
Of course slavery is at the base of it historically. I'd say the same thing about your aboriginal people (or ours for that matter). If the aboriginal people had an economic base the police (and everyone else) would treat them differently.

As I said, the police can be a special case however.

Sure, people need to be given equal opportunity. They also have to take advantage of that opportunity. If I was a member of a minority, disadvantaged group, whether there were valid reasons or just excuses as to why I wasn't doing well. I'd still have to make the same decisions.

People are faced with whatever their current reality is and they have to deal with that. Investing in something is the only way out. Having a lot of kids, buying Air Jordans, etc is the best way for nothing to change.

Look at those that do improve their situation and look at those who don't and that's one key to seeing what the solution is. Skin color is rarely the bottom line as to why people are treated differently.
This is off topic and we will have dmoe down on us like a ton of bricks shortly!!! Heavens to mergatroyd!! :eek:
And, yes, to this day quite alot of remarks from the Peanut Gallery are simply ignored.

...although derailed?/hijacked?/Steered "Off-Topic"? per usual! since Post #6...
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