Ants, Us, and God.

What Gro$$ concerns, he is no longer at the Forums. Guess he didn't like our cozy community as much as he wanted.:) His good right to let go of us.

As far as authorities concern. I run into stupid authority rules every day and have stopped letting them upset me. I am upset by what they do to humans feelings and how they hide the most important items for the public, but that is another case. That concerns more the whole government. All over the world and the US in particular. (god bless america???, yeah, the money god!)

No counsel about the adds in our food supplies and what these adds are doing to human bodies. Most humans go shopping and buy their food and drink without even looking at it.

At the moment the numbers of babies born autistic has increased with 80%. Polio is back. Heart diseases and cancer are increasing. Perhaps it is a good thing to pay more attention to your own living surrounding first and than start fucking up the authorities all together.

These diseases are coming forth from our consumption society, which is totally overdue with foodsupplies and modified weats. Even Corn is modified, nothing seems to be what it supposed to be now a days.

Than you have the mentality of local authorities. And here I stop, for I am getting real angry about that subject.:confused:
Mr. G,

This is the last post I will make on the subject as other members have already made it known they wish to continue.

So, let's get back to reminding authoritarian-minded authorities that they serve the community, not that the community serves them.

If you have a problem with this I think you should take it up with the Admin, Porfiry. After all the posts will speak for themselves. I have no issue with authority and should Porfiry think that things are not as they should be then I will abide without quibble with what ever he should decide. He has always been fair.

As for your authority problem; if you have problems with authority then maybe you should become the authority so that you don’t have to deal with it. But if you do that puts you in the same position as you have a problem with. You are in a no-win situation until you resolve your conflict. It is far easier to potshot than to come up with a solution. Everyone can come up with gripes rather easily, it is the solving that is the problem.
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Mr G

You may be well educated and knowledgeable in astronomy (as Tristan asserts), however reading your last few posts has led me to the conclusion that you have an inferiority complex.

It does not impress me to watch a battle of wits being undertaken in a public forum for the benefit of making you look intelligent. Wet1 does not seem to want to pursue this issue with you and if it is that important to you, why not send him private messages instead of disrupting a topic that some of us were interested in continuing.

Your posts now resemble Tony1's posts, and at times I have the impression that you have more than one identity and use it/them in your own defence.

I am not seeking to add fuel to this fire, but if you don't like what I have just written, please keep it between ourselves, send me a private message in reply and let the thread revert to its original topic.
Thank you,

You should have noticed that Mr. G did not start the 'battle of wits' you've described. In fact, he is simply defending himself from ad hominem attacks and accusations. He is doing what any other member would do under the same circumstances. Responding.
To Q,

It doesn't matter to me who started what. The point I'm trying to make is that a couple of us have asked to revert to the original topic, but Mr G continues 'stirring the pot', so to speak.

Actually you, Q, sound a lot like Mr G. Could you be related?

I realise I've dragged myself into this idiotic banter, so I'll shut up for a while (only in this thread) and see what happens.

Have a nice day.
Actually you, Q, sound a lot like Mr G. Could you be related?

Thank you. I'm flattered. Unfortunately my skills of perception and use of the English language pale in comparison. I should be so bold.

I realise I've dragged myself into this idiotic banter, so I'll shut up for a while (only in this thread) and see what happens.

Please do continue to bring the thread back on track. It would appear hostilites have ceased. In fact, let me help. I believe that last bit o' jargon, just after Mr. G was dubbed Satan and just before this thread went awry, went something like this:

But in the spirit of the thought experiment, were I to meet Satan on my way to meeting your god, I'd tell him I'd seen your god fondling Satan's own little sister.

I find this statement fascinating! Notice how the entire motive is based on revenge. Although both entities, Satan and God in the thought experiment are not considered in the subjects mind, the desire to pit one against the other is surreal. Its as if the subject must inflict such pain on Satan that Satan would have no choice but to seek retribution. Satans wrath would be amplified a thousand-fold. Not only would he be enraged that God would do such a thing, he would be infuriated that it was his own flesh and blood God had sullied.

*sigh* If only I had the movie rights. :D
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No god, no satan...

The great creator god is an invention by the human race. So is the creation satan an invention of the human race.

As stated before, good and evil (god and satan) are within humans themselves.:)

Therefor humans are god and satan themselves. Believing in gods and demons have been existing on Earth as long as this species have discovered the ability to talk and it will never end.

All that hate and anger about who is right and who is wrong. Please stop with that and just live your life the best way you can. In harmony with yourself, Earth and Nature.:)

Even with the Ants and other Insects, for they are inhabitants of Nature...
If you read most of the current topics in diffrent sections in the sciforums, an interesting picture emerges.

Simplicity ---> Complexity
Cause -----> Effect
Animal emotions Vs Human emotions
The world has not ended due to Fermilab experiments
We may be inside a computer.
There is water in Mars
Our government is having problem in managing information.
So does Argentina
We are evolving
We use tools as a part of our evolution.
Change is getting time compressed
Change may be exponential
Next 5 years will see more changes than last 15 years
Chaos ---> Order ----> Chaos
AI is many years ahead of us
Sanatana Dharma ----> Kabbalah -----> Hinduism -----> Moses -----> Budhha ------>Jesus -----> Mohammed ------> Joseph Smith(Mormons) ------> ???
Faith and Belief are not the same thing
Uncertainity breeds innovation
Uncertainity creates stress
Prolonged Stress damages body, mind and spirit
You have only so much room in your brain

and so on....



Yes its been a discussion point for a long time isnt it?:D

"we use that much of our brain"
10%...:D:D hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha...

We are evolving...HAHAHAHAHAHA...
this is the best of all the posts(mean it;)).hahaha,thanks Km.
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hahahahahahhahaa...i am at it once again.


Satan is cracker of God's computer simulated world,a virus and nothing else.
hahahahahahaha...sorry for loudness.(i laugh that way usually...:D)

As to what is and is not within the scope of this thread's topic, let us revisit Gro$$'s original post:

Now: why do we think that we are the smartest end of the chain... Is it not possible that maybe there are beings out there much bigger and smarter and more complex than us?
How is the society of God (my addition: as in "the society of the extraterrestrials) set up? Well, I think they would group like we do...
Thus is the thread's discussions of comparative societial organization made open to discussion of issues of authority as a means of societal structuring. So, Teri2's point that:

...a couple of us have asked to revert to the original topic, but Mr G continues 'stirring the pot'...
I am comfortable ignoring.

And to Wet1's point:

As for your authority problem; if you have problems with authority then maybe you should become the authority so that you don’t have to deal with it. But if you do that puts you in the same position as you have a problem with. You are in a no-win situation until you resolve your conflict. It is far easier to potshot than to come up with a solution. Everyone can come up with gripes rather easily, it is the solving that is the problem.
(Argument from Authority Alert!) I was, for a period of thirteen years during my previous professional career, a department head responsibile for (among many other things) hiring and firing. For eight years I've owned and operated my own business, again responsible for hiring and firing. I have been the Authority. I am the Authority in my own little kingdom of Corporate Greed. I think I am amply qualified to pass judgement on authority where ever I see it, but most particularly where I see it poorly applied -- a very important distinction I made earlier in this thread (for the discerning reader). A point that parallels another I've made several times before in other threads: anyone is free to take me to task on anything I say. Thus am I prevented from insulting people's intelligence by involking Arguments of Authority as proof of argument. Frankly, I think my take on authority is rather enlightened: I understand that being granted authority over others does nothing to make an individual more than they already are unless that individual uses their authority judiciously and allows everyone at any time to question their use of authority.

I don't have a problem with all authority, just a problem with alot of people in authority for how they use it.

And to Wet1's point:

If you have a problem with this I think you should take it up with the Admin, Porfiry.
I don't have a problem with you or how you have exercised your fora authority. And even if I did I wouldn't go crying off to mama Porfiry to save me from the mean ol' Wet1. However, I am beginning to develop the opinion that you get so caught up in defending your virtue from lil' ol' Me that you often fail to pick up on salient, complex argumentative points -- such as this one that (Q), alone amongst all here, so perceptively understood and appreciated:

RE: my statement "But in the spirit of the thought experiment, were I to meet Satan on my way to meeting your god, I'd tell him I'd seen your god fondling Satan's own little sister."

Notice how the entire motive is based on revenge. Although both entities, Satan and God in the thought experiment are not considered in the subjects mind, the desire to pit one against the other is surreal. Its as if the subject must inflict such pain on Satan that Satan would have no choice but to seek retribution. Satans wrath would be amplified a thousand-fold. Not only would he be enraged that God would do such a thing, he would be infuriated that it was his own flesh and blood God had sullied.
(Q) has been added to my short list of people here whose powers of assimilation and synthesis are worthy of respect and very positive public comment.

And it has nothing to do with payback for this particularly kind statement: skills of perception and use of the English language pale in comparison.

(Q), here, is wrong.
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I will concede that this thread has gone to hell in a handbasket anyway, and as you, Q, so politely invited my participation to continue, I'll go back to the words of Mr G who said-

"But in the spirit of the thought experiment, were I to meet Satan on my way to meeting your god, I'd tell him I'd seen your god fondling Satan's own little sister."

You found that interesting and wrote -

"Notice how the entire motive is based on revenge. Although both entities, Satan and God in the thought experiment are not considered in the subjects mind, the desire to pit one against the other is surreal. Its as if the subject must inflict such pain on Satan that Satan would have no choice but to seek retribution. Satans wrath would be amplified a thousand-fold. Not only would he be enraged that God would do such a thing, he would be infuriated that it was his own flesh and blood God had sullied."

This is something you would have to ask of the subject, Mr G. He is the one who stated what he would say to "satan" on his way to meeting "god". I find it very odd that someone proclaiming to be an athiest, (I thought I saw that written in an earlier post, but correct me if I'm wrong), would want to continue arguing a moot point. Do you think it's possible that deeply embedded in Mr G's subconscious is the belief that these two entities do exist?


Teri2 should not be suprised that an atheist is capable of temporary suspension of disbelief for the purpose of using someone else's ox of faith to gore itself.
Sniff, seeds here? God or Satan? Have to follow one or the other? No path for hamsters? Or Mr. G? (Big brains with big thoughts? Too big for a hamster.) Sniff, no seeds. Want to chew. Mmmm…chaos, exponential change, time compression…sniff good seeds?
Back on topic...

Can we go back on topic please? Thank you.

Mr G, put your problems with authority aside and post a little the way it belongs in the topic. You yourself quoted Gro$$ posts. Shall we continue to refer to that?

Talk to you all, later...;)
Surprised? No. Only curious of arguing a point that will never resolve itself.

I'm not surprised, Mr G, that you are capable of temporary suspension of disbelief. I'm just dubious about your motives. I get the impression that you would like to continue to stir this pot, and I have now become the contents to be stirred.
You're a funny old soul, aren't you?

As I said earlier I think the thread has gone to hell in a handbasket and will not be revived. Maybe you can start a new thread and we'll leave Mr G to look for new victims.
Mr. G

Thank you.


Perhaps you've missed the point. As one reads Mr. G statement one can instantly visualize the scenario. Try now, to visualize the scenario to its ultimate end.

Notice how it plays out the same on every level.

For example, on the physical level it would mean the total annihilation of the entire universe and everything in it including God and Satan.

At the mathematical level, the derivatives equal zero or infinity.

Even at the theistic level, the mind does not allow itself to let the scenario play out.

So you see, no matter how you slice it, the thought experiment always concludes in a paradox.

And it is precisely the reason why Mr. G is able to make the statement.
Dear Q or Mr G - whoever you are today.

I can't agree with your stance in stating that,

"For example, on the physical level it would mean the total annihilation of the entire universe and everything in it including God and Satan."

I am easily able to visualise the scenario, however this scenario would only have credence in a theistic sense, and that would only apply to people of faith.

The physical reality of the universe and all its contents, to some of us, does not include god or satan and the scenario you have presented would never be pondered.

I may be very well missing your point, but debating this topic is becoming tiresome.

Mr G insists he is an athiest, yet he insists on debating religious concepts. I cannot see the sense of it. Why is he bothering?

I do note, however, in some other threads, his proclivity for disrupting threads seems to be his only agenda.

Bye for now.