Another year without pro football

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The funniest angle that the GOP has used in the past few years is the "We're the party of the people! The democrats are the party of the rich elites!" Up next - GOP claims that their shit doesn't stink; only liberals do.

Of course he is.

He claims to a proponent of fair trade - but skews the playing field towards himself and his companies, and enacts draconian tariffs to "force fairness."
He claims to hold GOP values - but has sex with porn stars while his wife stays home with his newborn.
He claims to be tough on crime - but pardons, enables and supports convicted criminals.

He is the perfect Republican. That's why he left the democratic party; they wouldn't support his greed and hypocrisy.

The only reason the Koch brothers are supporting democrats is that Trump is currently enriching himself instead of them. As soon as he throws them a billion dollar bone they'll fall right back in line.

Barack Obama: Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches cast her as an 'insider' and helped her lose to Donald Trump
Ms Clinton is said to have earned $22 million in ‘speaking fees’ over two years

Barack Obama: Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches cast her as an 'insider' and helped her lose to Donald Trump
"Hillary may have been more vulnerable because she was viewed as an insider . . . .I don’t think it was fair, but that’s how it played itself out." Definitely true. The right wing media portrayed her as an 'insider' and that helped sway opinion against her.

Sad how much more influence lies have over truth nowadays. Again from the article, the proliferation of such lies “means everything is true and nothing is true. An explanation of climate change from a Nobel Prize-winning physicist looks exactly the same on your Facebook page as the denial of climate change by somebody on the Koch brothers."
as/re racism:

So it will be gone as soon as we ignore it.

Yeh, pretty much.
If you keep speaking of race as important, then you are singing a racist toon.
The more people sing that toon, the more people hear it.
The more people hear it, the more they think about it.
The more they think about it, the more likely they are to act on it.

If you are capable of independent thought then you should act wisely on that thought.

By focusing on race, you become a racist.
If you become a racist, then you further racism,
Is that what you would foster?
Yeh, pretty much.[
If you keep speaking of race as important, then you are singing a racist toon.
The more people sing that toon, the more people hear it.
The more people hear it, the more they think about it.
The more they think about it, the more likely they are to act on it.
So ignore cancer and it will go away. After all, the more you talk about it, the more you are inviting your own death. The more you think about it, the more surely you will die. The more you pester doctors about it, the more they will think about it - and soon everyone will be talking about your cancer.

But if you are capable of independent thought, just think about something else and the cancer will go away.
You do yourself a disservice when comparing racism to cancer.
And you do the whole board a disservice by claiming that racism only exists because people talk about it. It is a foolish thing to say, easily disproven by anyone living in the real world.
If you keep speaking of race as important, then you are singing a racist toon.
So the description, not the abuse, is racist.
The complaint, not the abuse, is racist.
The people who object, not the people who abuse, are racist.
The more people sing that toon, the more people hear it.
The more people hear it, the more they think about it.
The more they think about it, the more likely they are to act on it.
The reason people think, talk, and act as racists is that they hear complaints about their behavior - it puts ideas in their heads.
Like triggerhappy cops (the thread topic): if people would quit complaining, they'd quit shooting the black ones four times as often as the white ones - they wouldn't have the idea in their heads, see. Before people started making a big deal out of it, they probably weren't shooting anybody.

Joke? Parody? Onion article? Nope: actual and sincere claims by adult men in America.

The situation is so bad in the US that grown men can say things like that in public and expect to be treated as sensible, as worthy of consideration for their political views.
You got it exactly backwards. Go and reread 1984, if you can.
1984 seems especially relevant today.

Trump lawyer: "Truth isn't truth."
Orwell: "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. "

Trump spokesperson: "Our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to these [claims], but the point remains that . . ."
Orwell: "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."

Trump: "What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
Orwell: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Trump: "I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do [have a trade deficit.]’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea."
Orwell: "And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth."
You speak truth, do you? Fooled me. It sounds like you repeat idiocies.

Trump is more than half an idiot, granted and happily admitted.

Given that, why don't you and your "liberal" buddies go and have a soy shake? It might help you get rid of that bad hormone that makes men...

Insult aside, why the hell do you think that CNN and other "news" services, including Fox, don't have a political agenda? Should we all lap up that pabulum from the sidewalks?

Oh, wait! You can go to San Francisco or LA and get all the pabulum you want from the homeless who prefer to stay that way. Why not? Someone cleans up after them, they can get clean needles and pester people who actually do something other than sit, shit and do drugs. Why change?

What happened to people who can think? Please, don't answer. You'd get it wrong anyway.
You speak truth, do you? Fooled me. It sounds like you repeat idiocies.
I quoted Trump and his team, and also George Orwell. You may think them all idiocies, but if you are going to claim you're more visionary than George Orwell, I'll have a good laugh at your expense.
Given that, why don't you and your "liberal" buddies go and have a soy shake? It might help you get rid of that bad hormone that makes men.
Tell you what. Why don't you pick up some guns so you feel a little more like a real man, and head on out to protect all the special snowflakes who are so upset by a black man who dares to disobey them? On your way you can tell all the veterans that they better fall in line and support the politically correct position that Trump has fed you.

And of course keep telling yourself that it's everyone _else_ who is in the wrong.
Fuck you. Report me, asshole, so you can feel better.
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Insult aside, why the hell do you think that CNN and other "news" services, including Fox, don't have a political agenda?
Nobody thinks that.
Other people can even see what they are. You cannot.
The reason you cannot is essentially the same as the reason you cannot see the legitimacy of the players's protests.
Nobody thinks that.
Other people can even see what they are. You cannot.
The reason you cannot is essentially the same as the reason you cannot see the legitimacy of the players's protests.
never forget that the reason people like toad are pissed is because its a black man in the lime light standing up for people of color who are denied a voice. All their whining about the the flag, and the anthem, and the troops is all bullshit and all a lie. remember Kapernick specifically said his protest had nothing to do with the troops, the flag, or anthem and they castigated him. Tim tebow kneelled during the anthem in 2012 and specifically said he was protesting the flag and what it represented ;he was treated just a wee bit differently. funny to Timmy boy is white but directly attacking the flag and none of these guardians of the flag, anthem , and troops gave 2 shits.
If we can't unite under our flag, then the country is lost.

Our country already is lost - just look at how we (read, our government) treat our allies and partners... and now we're trying to threaten the international criminal court if they investigate any US Citizens...

We've lost our way.

For that matter, look at how discourse here goes...
The funniest angle that the GOP has used in the past few years is the "We're the party of the people! The democrats are the party of the rich elites!"

And then they elected a billionaire....

Yeh, pretty much.
If you keep speaking of race as important, then you are singing a racist toon.
The more people sing that toon, the more people hear it.
The more people hear it, the more they think about it.
The more they think about it, the more likely they are to act on it.

If you are capable of independent thought then you should act wisely on that thought.

By focusing on race, you become a racist.
If you become a racist, then you further racism,
Is that what you would foster?
Oh look..

White dude saying that people should ignore racism and it will all magically disappear..

Want to know what this is?

  • Yet another attempt to deny what minorities experience.
  • Yet another attempt to silence minorities who dare to speak out about the bigotry and racism they experience.
  • Yet another attempt to blame minorities for the racism and bigotry they experience.
You do yourself a disservice when comparing racism to cancer.
You do your credibility a disservice when you compare racism to cancer.

Do you find it offensive that someone compares racism to cancer?

Racism is insidious like cancer. It is overwhelming, like cancer. It affects one's life, like cancer does. It dictates how people live their lives, like cancer does. It is pervasive, like cancer is. It affects everyone around you, like cancer does. It affects what you can and cannot do, like cancer does. It can kill, like cancer does.

There is one major difference between the two though..

Cancer does not discriminate...
Just to sign off this cesspool, here are some comments I've made, and probably should have made more emphatically.

I am not a racist. I'm not going to virtue-signal by saying that a black man was my best man at my second wedding, nor will I mention that I have both Muslim and Jewish friends. I will, however tell you people once again that my family was and is actively anti-racist. Do any of you remember the three civil rights workers who were murdered in Mississippi in the early '60s? My father had members of CORE and NAACP at our house for many nights to convince them that going to Philadelphia, MS to confront the murdering bastards would only result in more murders. My uncle had a cross burned in his yard during the same time period for being a "nigger-lover". Never call me racist. I'm so goddamned mad about that still that I'm shaking while I type.

I am not a "gun nut". Firearms were a part of my upbringing in the south. The only time I haven't owned weapons was when I lived in Massachusetts because the laws there were prohibitive: You had to petition the county sheriff to even own one, much less carry. I am responsible and legal in all aspects of my state's laws. I carry openly when I'm on my own property because we live jamb-up on a nature reserve. Have you ever seen what a pack of coyotes can do to someone's stock or their pets? We have heard cougars up there as well, and they wander. We might even have bears, but they're shy for the most part. We also have to deal with the threat of robbery and home invasion by drug addicts, and I choose not to be a victim.

If that bothers anyone, tough shit, and fuck off.
Just to sign off this cesspool, here are some comments I've made, and probably should have made more emphatically.

I am not a racist. I'm not going to virtue-signal by saying that a black man was my best man at my second wedding, nor will I mention that I have both Muslim and Jewish friends. I will, however tell you people once again that my family was and is actively anti-racist. Do any of you remember the three civil rights workers who were murdered in Mississippi in the early '60s? My father had members of CORE and NAACP at our house for many nights to convince them that going to Philadelphia, MS to confront the murdering bastards would only result in more murders. My uncle had a cross burned in his yard during the same time period for being a "nigger-lover". Never call me racist. I'm so goddamned mad about that still that I'm shaking while I type.

I am not a "gun nut". Firearms were a part of my upbringing in the south. The only time I haven't owned weapons was when I lived in Massachusetts because the laws there were prohibitive: You had to petition the county sheriff to even own one, much less carry. I am responsible and legal in all aspects of my state's laws. I carry openly when I'm on my own property because we live jamb-up on a nature reserve. Have you ever seen what a pack of coyotes can do to someone's stock or their pets? We have heard cougars up there as well, and they wander. We might even have bears, but they're shy for the most part. We also have to deal with the threat of robbery and home invasion by drug addicts, and I choose not to be a victim.

If that bothers anyone, tough shit, and fuck off.

Honest question - what does any of that have to do with the protests in question?
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