Another year without pro football

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I think eventually the Russians will ally with the U.S. against China. The message will be that we love the Chinese people. The leaders that want war will be placed on an island for a month with machetes. At the end of the month, those that remain will be given jobs as street sweepers in NYC.
talk about fantasies. this is borderline delusional. none of those countries has anywhere near enough in common to truly ally against the third. and the alliance that makes the most sense would be china and the US against russia.
Will I stand with pro football players protesting against excessive police violence?
.....Not while the National Anthem is playing. Why not? I think it's unethical.
It's a song. You seem to place more value to what is essentially a song over the lives and fundamental human rights of black people.

Think about that for a moment.

These football players are protesting a racist system that sees black people shot by law enforcement and others, with very little by way of consequences. They are protesting how the State murdering black people has become the norm.

You keep forgetting that that anthem also represents those football players and black people and their right to protest it as they so choose.
I beg to disagree. The system is depicted as racist by people who have another agenda entirely. Whites are more frequently killed by police, and by percentage, more whites are killed by police than are blacks.

If black lives matter, why do they persist in killing their children, neighbors, and random strangers in a far higher proportion than whites do? It isn't racist to point these things out, but the left chooses to ignore facts and skew "statistics", a la Mark Twain, to push fucking morons into the corral. Ever heard of a Judas goat?

And on top of that, our national anthem is just horrid, especially when some pop star tries to hit every note in her range by butchering the poor thing at a football game.

And now, I'll say what first came to mind when reading your post: Bullshit!
I beg to disagree. The system is depicted as racist by people who have another agenda entirely.
The "system" - US national and State government, and society - is racist, very clearly and obviously and without the slightest question or doubt.
Furthermore, it's racist in large part because of people like you. As adult men, you have a responsibility to not sucker for wingnut bs that panders to your psychological problems. When you fail in this basic responsibility of citizenship, you betray your fellow citizens - especially the black ones, of course: the people you call "they".
If black lives matter, why do they persist in killing their children, neighbors, and random strangers in a far higher proportion than whites do?
For starters, there isn't any such "they" except in the fetid imaginations of racial bigots.
Downhill from that, we can dredge from your mud the observation that being killed by the police acting with impunity is not the same thing as being killed by criminals the police and "system" have failed to protect you from.
It isn't racist to point these things out, but the left chooses to ignore facts and skew "statistics",
It is racist to sucker for pandering racially biased idiocy from wingnut media.
These people you call "left" are just competent researchers and so forth, and they handle statistics much better than you or your wingnut media sources.

When you choose to believe and parrot multiply exposed and obviously corrupt liars and deceivers, over and over and over, after a while it's on you.
or the 3rd Reich arm either for that matter.
it is called "The Nazi Salute" and is illegal in one or two countrys but not the USA.
it is porbably not illegal to do "The Nazi Salute" so your suggestion seems some-what intriguing.

it would be classed as "freedom of speech" political correctness by the political right.

Germany and Austria
Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Switzerland and Sweden

in an ever increasing market place of proposed fake news it pays to keep a breast of the actual laws if they are to be seen as mechanisms of social culture(order).
If black lives matter, why do they persist in killing their children, neighbors, and random strangers in a far higher proportion than whites do?
If whites are so superior in that respect, why do white supremacists continue to kill people at a far higher proportion than even Islamic extremists? Why not solve your own problem first?
Bullshit, or provide statistics. Please.
Sure. Here's a description of two reports documenting this:
More Americans killed by white supremacists than Muslim extremists, studies show
  • By Yonat Shimron
  • Oakland Press
  • Feb 2, 2018

To hear it from the Trump administration, Muslim extremists pose the greatest risk to Americans today. . . .

But two independent studies issued last month show that the number of Muslim Americans associated with violent extremism in 2017 continued to fall, and the number of Americans killed by white supremacists in the U.S. last year was far higher than those killed by Muslim extremists. More specifically, over the last decade 71 percent of all terrorism-related fatalities have been linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 26 percent of the killings were committed by Islamic extremists.

. . .

One report, issued by the North Carolina-based Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, finds that 33 Muslim Americans were associated with violent extremism in 2017, a 25 percent drop from 2016. Of those, just over half traveled or attempted to travel to join militant groups overseas. Fourteen were associated with plots against targets in the United States, and two cases involved unknown targets.

“We have not seen hundreds, much less thousands, of Muslims in the United States responding to the call of militant organizations each year,” said Charles Kurzman, the report’s author, a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a specialist on Islamic movements.

The other study, by the Anti-Defamation League, found 34 extremist-related killings in the United States in 2017.

Muslim extremists have been accused in nine of those killings: According to authorities, eight people died after Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbek native, rammed a rental truck down a New York City bike path in October; the ninth fatality, a Denver Regional Transportation District security officer, was shot dead by Joshua Andrew Cummings, a convert to Islam, in February.

The remaining 25 extremist killings in 2017 were at the hands of white supremacists, black nationalists and other radical groups. The victims included Heather Heyer, an anti-racism activist, killed when white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. drove his car into a crowd of protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

“There’s a great deal of concern about all kinds of extremism, but we need to be concerned about the reality that right-wing extremism is simply the larger share of the murder and the greatest source of the violence,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and national director for the ADL.

From the ADL report:

"a majority of the 2017 murders were committed by right-wing extremists, primarily white supremacists, as has typically been the case most years."
Bullshit, or provide statistics. Please.
You were first.
Show us how the wingnuts do the statistics thing.
Here's your claim, completely unsupported so far:
If black lives matter, why do they persist in killing their children, neighbors, and random strangers in a far higher proportion than whites do?
You would start by defining who "they" is. Then you would correct for the usual demographic and environmental stuff - city/rural, income, age and gender, lead exposure, two parent family, educational attainment, employment, community infrastructure, mental health care, etc.
Then you can attempt to explain the significance of your findings, taking care to include the role of policing standards.

And good luck.
Speaks for itself, Sculptor.

Billvon, quoting a dubious source without context isn't what I mean. Links, and hopefully links to the opposition point, if statistics can lie. Since you're the one who made the assertion, it's up to you to support it.

Stats, not opinions from people with a vested interest in something other than truth.
What if you subtract Chicago, New York, Detroit...?
I am sure if you massage and alter the numbers enough you can make them say anything you want.

Isn't it funny, though, that just a few posts ago you were demanding objective stats and context, not opinions. Now you don't want the stats because they don't say what you want - you want them altered to support your opinion.

C'est la vie.
According to that, which is not broken down by "armed", does not include incidents such as the latest Texas cop (off duty) event, doesn't even include things like the famous vigilante hoodie shooting, hides the "unknown" in a large box, and so forth,

a black person in the US is about four times as likely to be shot by the police as a white person.

Breaking it down by "unarmed", "innocent", "mistaken identity", and so forth, enlarges the disparity even more - even dramatically.

And notice the apparent effect of BLM and related publicity - it turns out the police can, if motivated, curb their behavior.
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Looks like I am going to go another year without any real american football, not because of any protesting, it is because my team is the Buffalo Bills and it looks like they are going to suck again this year.:(
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