An atomistic theory of matter

The transition from classical physics to modern and correct quantum physics was difficult because
It was difficult because it was a big change.
- the gravity was experimentally not sufficiently correct investigated,
Actually it was. That is why you can use Newtonian Physics to land a space craft on the moon and General Relativity for more subtle investigations (such as the precession of the perihelion of Mercury).
- in the classical physics the precise inertial conditions of the position and of the velocity were assumed,
Yes, it was incorrectly assumed that there was an absolute frame.
- in the Maxwell equation one does not differentiated between the continuous field Aν (x) and the probability charge and current density (x),
Of course Maxwell's Equations do.
- and the conservation of energy was assumed as fundamental principle.
As it still is.
No theories were developed for particle number conservation and for open physical systems in order to include also the interacting fields which propagate with c.
That is because particle numbers are not conserved. Mass/Energy is conserved.
The physical revolution at the beginning of the 20th Century has lead only to bad conventions (energy quantization, energy-mass-equivalence relation). Not more!
20th century physics has led to a deeper understanding of the physics of the universe. Your ideas are mere musing based on ignorance, which is fine and I hope your website brings you happiness, but we are not interested in your self-aggrandizing fantasies.

PS. You keep saying 'bye' and then you come back - that is just cruel.....:(
Atomsz posts are getting weirder and I didn't think that was possible.

Well, origin
Valued senior member
It keeps getting funnier...

this is just the new, most correct way to say things.

Giant hyrax
36 from Denmark
PS. You keep saying 'bye' and then you come back - that is just cruel.....:(
While agreeing totally with the sentiments of your posts in this thread, it does though smell slightly hypocritical considering that all I have been doing of late, is refuting another rather questionable, and self admitting anti cosmology poster, and in which you have given me a blast for.:rolleyes:.
I havn't gone back and counted your replies here [I don't believe its worth it] but I do believe that all our anti mainstream science posters need to be refuted when ever possible.
See the connection?
While agreeing totally with the sentiments of your posts in this thread, it does though smell slightly hypocritical considering that all I have been doing of late, is refuting another rather questionable, and self admitting anti cosmology poster, and in which you have given me a blast for.:rolleyes:.
I havn't gone back and counted your replies here [I don't believe its worth it] but I do believe that all our anti mainstream science posters need to be refuted when ever possible.
See the connection?
I see your point, but it seems that there are way too many pages of just you and Yahweh just slugging it out. I could be wrong (it certainly wouldn't be the first time).
I see your point, but it seems that there are way too many pages of just you and Yahweh just slugging it out. I could be wrong (it certainly wouldn't be the first time).

No, I totally agree, as I did when OnlyMe pulled me up on it.
If you note my posts of the last few days, I have avoided insults in the main, but to no avail.
When posters keep contradicting professional experts [not me] while failing to produce their own references no matter how many times asked, then something certainly needs to be done.
The intellectual dishonesty, the outright lies and deliberate taking out of context, cannot go unanswered while the mods let such dishonesty stand.
The only problem I have with moderation here is the inconsistency.
Eventually, yes a crackdown on the nonsense will occur. This puts the god at a distinct advantage. If we were both banned, he has rajesh to revive.
But as usual, I'll stand by any judgement call.
I think this has run its course... Atomz has been warned repeatedly to stop spamming links to his pet website.