such a panorama would show the BH, Big Bang in one corner and the present expanded spacetime in the other, would it not?I would have a single horizon at the equator plus an event horizon at the BH entrance. At the WH exit there would not yet be life to make any observations.
Mathematics is not a force, it is a property of the spacetime fabric. Things happen via logical mathematical guiding equations which physical things and actions must obey, naturally, inevitably.Mathematics " guides " no thing nor things . In and of its self Mathematics has No Physical Properties at all . Hence has no possibility to guide any thing .
Mathematics is not a force, it is a property of the spacetime fabric. Things happen in a logical mathematical guiding equations which physical things and actions must obey, naturally, inevitably.
How physical things respond to the mathematics of the universe is implied by their inherent values even before they are explicated from the most subtle to gross expression in realty.
Actually, the BH and the WH are at the center singularity of the toroid See the colour illustration on page 1039 where everything falls into the BH phenomenon until it is converted into pure energy, reaches a threshold, and gets spewed out the other side as a WH phenomenon, which is basically a repeat of an ancient original BB but each repeat evolving slightly different from previous versions in an endless recycling of matter and energy.such a panorama would show the BH, Big Bang in one corner and the present expanded spacetime in the other, would it not?
We've covered that before, but my take is that mathematics is inherent in 3D spacetime geometry.How does the mathematics exist before the physical ?
We've covered that before, but my take is that mathematics is inherent in 3D spacetime geometry.
Example: Circles are all similar, and "the circumference divided by the diameter" produces the same value regardless of their radius. This value is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and is called π (Pi).
IOW, all circles have a mathematical circumferential value in common, Pi. This suggests that Pi has an independent existence as a necessary and sufficient part of a circular pattern, regardless of the physical materials involved.
No matter, Pi (an abstract mathematical entity) exists in every circle, regardless of size or physics.Highlighted
And Pi calculation goes on for infinity . 3.14 is not a perfect mathematical thing .
No matter, Pi (an abstract mathematical entity) exists in every circle, regardless of size or physics.
All Platonic solids have similar unalienable abstract properties regardless of size.
Chaos theory.
The probabilistic spontaneous formation of regular patterns by quanta with specific values, within the initial chaotic condition,Go on
First though define chaos theory to you . So we don't misunderstand each other .
The probabilistic spontaneous formation of regular patterns by quanta with specific values, within the initial chaotic condition,
everything falls into the BH phenomenon until it is converted into pure energy, reaches a threshold, and gets spewed out the other side as a WH phenomenon, which is basically a repeat of an ancient original BB but each repeat evolving slightly different from previous versions in an endless recycling of matter and energy.
Probability, a mathematical function.Based on ?
to rephrase my reply:I would have a single horizon at the equator plus an event horizon at the BH entrance. At the WH exit there would not yet be life to make any observations.
View attachment 1886
I copied this image from the thread on gravity in and out form Janus58 post # 96 page 5. Here is depicted Sirius' mass gravity well in red as a star or neutron star in black. This would correspond to what the ES membrane could look like if the expansion of the universe were subject to relativistic effects, that is, movement through time reduced by increased gravity.
A spherical expanding membrane with laggards like this and black holes sticking into the empty past. dimples in the curvature.
credit to Janus58
The standard model of cosmology predicts that the universe is infinite and flat. However, cosmologists in France and the US are now suggesting that space could be finite and shaped like a dodecahedron instead. They claim that a universe with the same shape as the twelve-sided polygon can explain measurements of the cosmic microwave background – the radiation left over from the big bang – that spaces with more mundane shapes cannot (J-P Luminet et al. 2003 Nature 425 593).
Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Observatoire de Paris and colleagues believe that the finite size of the universe itself is responsible for this behaviour. Moreover, they show that the predictions of a model in which space consists of 12 curved pentagons joined together in a sphere agrees with the WMAP observations (figure 2). Their ‘small’, closed universe should be about 30 billion light years across.“Our work really addresses this ancient question of whether the universe is finite or infinite,” team member Jeff Weeks, a freelance mathematician based in New York, told PhysicsWeb. “The exciting point is that this is no longer pure speculation – we now have real data.”