ALMA sees old galaxies before they merged. two ways to look back into the past?

The Sun's magnetic field does not allow the density of the outside , to come into its system .

Two things , how much does it let in and how much is reflected back into its self ? From the Sun . Is the Sun's Plasma refected back intowards the Sun ? Because of its magnetic field shield ? Is the Solar System in a bubble ; Created by the Sun's magnetic field?

And does the cosmic radiation and plasma flow ( fluid dynamics ) over the magnetic field of the Sun ( outside the Sun's magnetic field ) ?
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The Sun's magnetic field intensity was no longer felt . An extremely dense cosmic radiation and plasma was encountered .
Comments on the implication of the heliopause would be great on the thread: "Stars pulsate as Planets orbit" or the like. The fine point here made was,

In the SEIT model, universal model Sphere expanding into time,
There is a difference in the relativistic effects in time dilation between gravity wells and speeds up to "c". both cause time dilation, change in the rate that objects move into the future.

Gravity effects of the rate of movement of universal membrane #3 through time #1 are real, making a real dent in membrane #3. .
The observation of time dilation of photons, on the other hand, or any moving entity are frame dependent, happen within #3 without distorting it. in other words,

Photons do not bend back toward the beginning #4 like dense object do.
There are gravity wells, but no "speed wells" .
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Aristotle . Spheres within Spheres ....

In the SEIT model above, there exist only one expanding sphere moving into time. the Now.present.
There is a lot of speculation about the past somehow still existing, scenes of happenings in a smaller earlier universe, spheres stacked up right back to the Big bang, to visit ones we have time machines.
dont believe it. The expanding membrane #3 in the SEIT model is the only thing we have.
In the SEIT model, universal model Sphere expanding into time,
There is a difference in the relativistic effects in time dilation between gravity wells and speeds up to "c". both cause time dilation, change in the rate that objects move into the future.


How so ? So time came first ? How is this possible ? Its not possible to me .
From post#1104 by
In the SEIT model above, there exist only one expanding sphere moving into time. the Now.present.
There is a lot of speculation about the past somehow still existing, scenes of happenings in a smaller earlier universe, spheres stacked up right back to the Big bang, to visit ones we have time machines.
dont believe it. The expanding membrane #3 in the SEIT model is the only thing we have.

Life membrane . We tend to forget that Life exists in this Universe . We Humanity are an example , not the penenicle , but an example .
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How so ? So time came first ? How is this possible ? Its not possible to me .

If you consider time as the first of 4 dimensions, then, even if it was only at a point in time #4 that the universe started, it was there right at the beginning.
Some theorist have postulated, that nothing or some potential, or balanced forms of energy existed before the, and our, beginning as a universe. Even the existence of potential energy that was needed to make the universe, is a given, would require the presence of time to contain it.

I believe the principle of conserved energy to extend beyond just our universe. With energy this way established to be eternal, so is time, co-infinite.

Time is fundamental, not emergent. enrgytime in timespace.
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If you consider time as the first of 4 dimensions, then, even if it was only at a point in time #4 that the universe started, it was there right at the beginning.
Some theorist have postulated, that nothing or some potential, or balanced forms of energy existed before the, and our, beginning as a universe. Even the existence of potential energy that was needed to make the universe, is a given, would require the presence of time to contain it.

I believe the principle of conserved energy to extend beyond just our universe. With energy this way established to be eternal, so is time, co-infinite.

Time is fundamental, not emergent. enrgytime in timespace.


Movement by objects ( duration , non measured movement ) is the essence of time . We should know this by now . And then know that time is the consequence of physical reality , with movement . And this movement is measured , hence time . Time then is not a real dimension . We should know this by now .
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Movement by objects ( duration , non measured movement ) is the essence of time

Even an object that does not move, exists in time,
energy is not an object. However, without energy the universe would not have emerged from the point in time #4.
time as such is a stationary dimension, like a road we travel on into the future. clocks measure our movement, on that "road", the expansion into the future #1.
The idea that time is secondary, our measurement how long things last, is a very narrow, local concept, like the antiquated flat earth, center of the universe pre - galilean world view. not a good reputation to defend imho.

Movement by objects ( duration , non measured movement ) is the essence of time

energy is not an object. However, without energy the universe would not have emerged from the point in time #4.

Energy is based on an object . From the Macro , Galaxies , Quasars , heat based . to the micro cold relems , absolute zero , superconductive speeds , zero friction ; hence unlimited speeds and kinetic energy . All with more mass than light .
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Energy is based on an object .

objects are made out of energy. endless, beginningless energy. some leftover energy from that gives dynamics. then the results is potential energy (heights )
1) energy
2) objects
3) dynamics
in that order of appearance.
objects are made out of energy. endless, beginningless energy. some leftover energy from that gives dynamics. then the results is potential energy (heights )
1) energy
2) objects
3) dynamics
in that order of appearance.

Physical energy , physical objects and and then physical dynamics . They are always present . They don't appear , physical objects , they always existed ( into infinity )
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But i think the things are much more simple :
The Universe is a creation, ta-da !!!
End of the story. :D

Yeah, running with that idea, let us re-name this alternative theory, the sphere #3, :
" A representative Bubble expanding into time "
Arbeit. (c) :biggrin::wink:
The "now" of zero length can also be called the "present" because it is a real gift, or present. :smile:
River: "physical objects , they always existed}
Nebel: "Back up that assertion with data, proofs, citations please."
[QUOTE: "river, post: 3690034, member: 179019"reason it out .
Its plain logical . Because nothing , not any assertion , data , proofs , citations , would exist . nothing exists , literally .[/QUOTE]

The only logic, reasoning is here, that
energy that all this is made of, is uncreatable , and time was required to contain it, energytime, timespace. but to assert by you, that
physical objects always existed, the past has all things still existing, that we could visit as time travelers one day , is fiction (people love fiction more than facts, check your library volumes ) so, to repeat:

The past #2 is empty, the universe#3, as a representative bubble expanding into time, #1, has passed on, travelling through the zero duration "nows". but

how can they exist, since the Big Bang, be real, always being in a "zero dimensional present"? never to stand still in time#1 long enough to even linger for a moment?
think of the cycloids in the "cancelling of the velocity? " thread on the pseudo science forum, , the time #1 being the road,

all matter, from quarks to galaxy clusters seem to be in a rotation, all rotators, at a given point have a zero velocity point of contact. can you see

time #1, as that contact point for all?