About the Members Round 5: inzomnia


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Hi, so now time for Round 5.

Some questions for inzomnia:

<> Where were you born and where are you living right now?
<> What has been your most interesting journey/trip?
<> Do you have any hobbies, what are they?
Hi, so now time for Round 5.

Some questions for inzomnia:

<> Where were you born and where are you living right now?
<> What has been your most interesting journey/trip?
<> Do you have any hobbies, what are they?

Omg, you are very fast! :D I have just sent a PM to shorty (I am so sorry,
Shorty, I did not login for many days, I have just seen your PM just now, and
so I could send the reply only just now). My PM to her was too long, when I
click 'send', all that I wrote is disappear, because apparently I have been
automatically logout :bawl:

<> Where were you born and where are you living right now?
I was born in West Java in Indonesia, on the foot of Tangkuban Perahu mountain.

Lets make avatar impressed.

Since two years ago I live in Koeln (Cologne), Germany.

<> What has been your most interesting journey/trip?
All has been interesting, but I guess I love Nepal the most.

<> Do you have any hobbies, what are they?
Yes, I have many. Reading, cooking, surfing (only on internet, lol), travelling, swimming, teasing my bf, hem.
No, no, nothing like that, just that I have offered you to the volcano gods as a sacrifice. :p

(I meant that I offered you to become Round 5)

I have moved your question from Round 4 here so that my thread will stay on top :cool:

People, pls ask me extreme questions. :eek: *dying for attention*
do you have any children?
Do you have any gay family members?
Did you ever write a letter to Santa?
Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
How old were you the first time you got drunk?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Do you know how to drive a motor cycle?
What is the scariest movie you have ever sen?
What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Have you ever torn up/broken down/ blown up in the middle of an exam ?
Did you have strange thoughts during an exam ?
What would make you quit Sciforums ?
1. what's the best thing you ever cooked?
2. did you ever want to kill anyone?
3. has anyone ever hated you? if yes, why?
4. do you want to get married?
5. how did you end up in Germany?
6. if you were President of Indonesia, what would you change?
7. have you ever felt suicidal?
8. have you ever made a decision you'll always regret?
9. if you were on a lonely road and four aggressive guys surrounded you, what would you do?
10. have you ever run away from home?
Hi, Orleander, how is your new job? I read a couple of days ago, you got an
engineering job? Congratulations! :)

As for your question:

do you have any children?
*big grin* No. I wanted to, but I don't have any and I have not tried yet.

Do you have any gay family members?
As far as I know, no. My brothers are very beautiful, one of them is a bit feminine,
but no, they are not gays..

Did you ever write a letter to Santa?
No. I have a strange feeling that I have "never been a kid". Oh wait, yes, but thats
because my teacher asked us once.

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
lol, no.

How old were you the first time you got drunk?
Never. I never drink a single drop. I am boring :bawl:

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A detective.

Do you know how to drive a motor cycle?
Yes, I used it everyday during my undergraduate years back then. If you live in
Indonesia, you should have a motor cycle, otherwise you will never arrive anywhere,
too many traffic jam.

What is the scariest movie you have ever sen?
*think hard...* Ok, I give up. I never feel I've been influenced till scared by any movie. :p

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Any movie with poor special effect. Movies should have good special effect,
or else just keep it simple.
Have you ever torn up/broken down/ blown up in the middle of an exam ?
Did you have strange thoughts during an exam ?
What would make you quit Sciforums ?

Thanks, Challenger, I like questions about exam, every exam gave me special impression, no joke, lol.

Have you ever torn up/broken down/ blown up in the middle of an exam ?

Yes, once. During my BSc, there was an exam where I fall asleep in the middle
of it. I did a praktikum in lab for like 72 hours with nearly no sleep in between.
The next morning I had this exam where we had to draw process vessel carefully.
I thought I will sleep 10 minutes to recharge my energy before I answer the
question, but I woke up when exam time is over :eek:

Did you have strange thoughts during an exam ?
What do you mean by strange thoughts?? Anyway, during exam I always
tried to concentrate. Most of the time.

What would make you quit Sciforums ?
Earthquake? Fire? No internet connection? :D According to big-boards, sciforums
is #15 of the most popular science forum.


The first 14 is not so interesting for me, so I probably will stay somewhat long..
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1. what's the best thing you ever cooked?
2. did you ever want to kill anyone?
3. has anyone ever hated you? if yes, why?
4. do you want to get married?
5. how did you end up in Germany?
6. if you were President of Indonesia, what would you change?
7. have you ever felt suicidal?
8. have you ever made a decision you'll always regret?
9. if you were on a lonely road and four aggressive guys surrounded you, what would you do?
10. have you ever run away from home?

Hi, Sam.

1. what's the best thing you ever cooked?
According to my bf it is fish soup. But thats gotta be because I am poor at other foods, lol.

2. did you ever want to kill anyone?
huh? No. :D I want to kill all my classmate. j/k

3. has anyone ever hated you? if yes, why?
To be honest, I think none, because.. nothing to be jealous with me, lol.

4. do you want to get married?
What for a question, Sam? sure! Otherwise, how can I inherit money :confused: j/k

5. how did you end up in Germany?
The BMBF (German federal ministry of education & research) has been generous to me.
They give me scholarship.

6. if you were President of Indonesia, what would you change?
Oh, God, too many to mention. But I won't be one :shrug:

7. have you ever felt suicidal?
Nope, I told you my life is really boring.

8. have you ever made a decision you'll always regret?
Yes, there are few.

9. if you were on a lonely road and four aggressive guys surrounded you, what would you do?
I would told them, I have an aids. This is hypothetical ja? I have no aids, lol.

10. have you ever run away from home?
Huh, never. But my mom once left me in train. I was 3 or 4 years old. She
wanted to buy something and told me to wait in train, the train took me away.
I was with strangers for few days.
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Btw, I have 3 reports to be submitted by next Monday. I will be online while working on
my assignment and will check this thread every few hours. Thanks for all of your questions,
have a good day, folks.
According to horoscope, I should be a teacher or athlete, Sam ;):p

Do you play any sports?

Did you ask to go to Germany or was that just what the scholarship offered?

If you asked to go, what about Germany was so appealing to you?

What parts of Germany have you been to?

How is your German?
I graduated from a D.O.D. HS in Germany, that's why I'm asking so many Germany questions.

Have you ever gotten to go visit/pet any Komodo Dragons back in Indonesia?

What about orangutans?

Where were you when the 2004 tsunami hit?
Hi, Mike,

Do you play any sports?

Yes, I love and play some sports. Swimming, jogging, volley ball, martial arts
(very very long time ago). When I live in Indonesia, I like swimming a lot,
because swimming pool entrance fee is cheap :p We could also swim at
beaches, from my former office it was only 1 hour to go to beach.

I also love badmintons. Is hiking a sport? What about bungee jumping?
Done it once, but have not many chances.

Did you ask to go to Germany or was that just what the scholarship offered?

I applied for scholarship which is only applicable to study in Germany.

If you asked to go, what about Germany was so appealing to you?

Actually I wanted to go to US, Japan or Netherland, but chances to get in
Germany was bigger. I just take the opportunity with available time at hands.

What parts of Germany have you been to?
Not so many, let see.. Koeln (of course), Koblenz, Trier, Aachen, Frankfurt,
Dusseldorf, Dortmund, etc. Ok, many more. Anyway most beautiful places
was Trier (so old), Berlin, Koblenz, Muenchen, Helgoland (at the North Sea).

How is your German?
I graduated from a D.O.D. HS in Germany, that's why I'm asking so many Germany questions.

I passed level 2 DSH, but actually my German is really poor. The first year
courses are taught in English. Ah you were graduated from Germany hochschule?
Where and when?

Have you ever gotten to go visit/pet any Komodo Dragons back in Indonesia?

What is komodo dragons? I only know komodo, and there is a komodo national
park in Indonesia, but I have never been there. It is a protected species, but
as far as I concern, I have seen komodo in Indonesian zoo. Anyway it probably
not komodo dragons. *put on list to visit when I go back home*

What about orangutans?

I saw it closely in Taman Safari Bogor, a kind of zoo where visitor is the one
in the cage (car :p), in some zoos (for sure), and in nature when I visited Sumatera
for a project trip.

Where were you when the 2004 tsunami hit?

Was it 2004? I remember it was december near christmass, but dont remember
the year though. If it is December 2004, I was somewhere in my hometown or
near Jakarta, place where I worked in a Japanese company.

Have you ever been in Indonesia, Mike? We have nearly 17 thousands islands,
lots of beautiful places and attractive culture to see :)
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Are you easily bored ?
If you had to pick one Sciforumer to sit next too on a 16 hour flight (in economy class) Who'd you pick ?
Are you easily bored ?
oh lol. I am boring but not easily get bored, either alone or with people.

If you had to pick one Sciforumer to sit next too on a 16 hour flight (in economy class) Who'd you pick ?

Uh? :confused: What about you? :D Anybody, so long he or she is not crazy,
coz I just want a safe flight ;)

Btw, in the middle of March I will fly to Chile, will stay there till around June.
Anybody wants to accompany me in the flight? hehe.
p.s.: I have a class in 30 minutes from now, if there are more questions,
I would answer them tomorrow. Have a nice day n thx.

Extreme questions eh ? :D

<> Would you kill if you knew you would get away with it ?
<> Do you ever wish you would just disappear ?
<> Have you ever been depressed ?
<> How would you like to die ?
<> You are offered a paradisaical place with a thousand people of your choice if you except the death of all other people of the world. Would you do it ?
<> Would you rather be blind or deaf ?
<> If given the choice between losing both legs and losing one arm, what would you choose ?
<> Tea or coffee ? Sugar/milk ?
<> What is the meaning of life ?
<> Destroy humanity and save nature or destroy nature and save humanity ?
<> Die now or live forever ?
<> Never have sex again or never have love again ?
<> Do you want more extreme questions ?
Why do you live in Germany?
Did you feel unwelcome in Germany as a foreigner?
Is your boyfriend Asian?