About The Members Round 16: Draqon

well that was fast. You seem to know it already. Allright than perhaps something harder:

как вы?

what did I ask? can you spell it out how it is read?

I've already taught myself a little bit of Russian. I've got the alphabet down, and I can say:
до свидания!

And thats about it!

как вы?

Я хорош.

I decided I wanted to learn Russian when I read The Brothers Karamazov, and I wanted to read it in Russian so I could fully grasp what the book is about.

Oh, and I would like to watch Russian Ark and not have to read the subtitles, cause it is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen and reading the subtitles takes away from the filmography.
If you had to make a choice between being solely responsible for colonizing mars or composing the most wonderful poetic treatise that would revolutionize human society on earth, what would you do?
I've already taught myself a little bit of Russian. I've got the alphabet down, and I can say:
до свидания!

And thats about it!

как вы?

Я хорош.

I decided I wanted to learn Russian when I read The Brothers Karamazov, and I wanted to read it in Russian so I could fully grasp what the book is about.

Oh, and I would like to watch Russian Ark and not have to read the subtitles, cause it is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen and reading the subtitles takes away from the filmography.

well let me assure you that the way to learn Russian is long and tedious. And although you know some of it I see mistakes.

First: you wrote "здравствулте!" which means "hello" ...however it should be written здраствуйте

also...I asked "как вы?" which means in short version "How are you?" and you answer "Я хорош." which although from dictionary style is indeed correct is however wrong, there is no such thing in Russian language as in English were people ask "How are you" and you reply "I am good"...there is no such thing in Russian. A good answer to the question would be "everything is good" or "всё хорошо" or you can say "I am feeling good" or "Я хорошо себя чуствую"

now skaught...lets try this again,

I tell you: "привет" and ask you "как вы?" or I can ask you "как вы себя чуствуете?" ...what will you say?
If you had to make a choice between being solely responsible for colonizing mars or composing the most wonderful poetic treatise that would revolutionize human society on earth, what would you do?

are you kidding me?! :eek: :p obviously Mars is more important.
Are you an only child?

Do you have a drivers license?

If you could visit any country, where would it be?

What is your favorite thing about the new girl you met?
well let me assure you that the way to learn Russian is long and tedious. And although you know some of it I see mistakes.

First: you wrote "здравствулте!" which means "hello" ...however it should be written здраствуйте

also...I asked "как вы?" which means in short version "How are you?" and you answer "Я хорош." which although from dictionary style is indeed correct is however wrong, there is no such thing in Russian language as in English were people ask "How are you" and you reply "I am good"...there is no such thing in Russian. A good answer to the question would be "everything is good" or "всё хорошо" or you can say "I am feeling good" or "Я хорошо себя чуствую"

These are the things that help! Thank you! Sadly, anytime I want to write something in Russian, I have to go to an online translator. I don't have a Cyrillic keyboard :(
Are you an only child?

Do you have a drivers license?

If you could visit any country, where would it be?

What is your favorite thing about the new girl you met?

yes I am the only child...even though I asked her for more.

can I pick many countries? Japan would be number one there...than Kazakhstan, India, Antarctica (not a country...)

I like her open attitude to everything is possible deal and her high moral values (actually the most important thing about her)
Would you live on mars if the only space to live in was a 10x10 ft room with no windows (virtually impossible to go outside since the environment is so bad and firing up your mars explorer suit is only possible once a week for 25 minute sessions only - even then - nothing much to see except an empty expanse of land) and the only thing to eat was stuff that has the taste and consistency of soggy cardboard and the only person living on the planet with you is some guy who rarely talks since he is busy working on a poetic treatise to revolutionize life on earth?
Would you live on mars if the only space to live in was a 10x10 ft room with no windows (virtually impossible to go outside since the environment is so bad and firing up your mars explorer suit is only possible once a week for 25 minute sessions only - even then - nothing much to see except an empty expanse of land) and the only thing to eat was stuff that has the taste and consistency of soggy cardboard and the only person living on the planet with you is some guy who rarely talks since he is busy working on a poetic treatise to revolutionize life on earth?

let me put it to you this way, I would stay on Mars even if it meant I would have only one breath of air to see its dunes, before I die.