A world with a loving God.

You are seriously delusional if you believe that
Jan: "These body suits are perfectly complete in their design."
You lost this debate ages ago.
No one but you thinks that.
They weren’t designed for that, but if it happens then their body can go there.
So women were not designed to give birth. Gotcha. But the human body is perfect and has no design flaws.

Are you listening to yourself?
It’s funny how some people Eventually always use children, in terrible situations to win hearts and minds. I think it’s pathetic.
It's sad that you don't give a shit about children. Ah well, another example of religious morality I suppose. "Let them die; God's will and all that."

But I bet you oppose abortion because o the poor little babies!
We are human beings. To be a human being, you have to be complete.
Jan from a few pages back: "We’re all physically incomplete."

You're funny. You are your own worst enemy in this discussion.
I think it's all about self control. He's just the same as you except when he farts a volcano in Egypt might erupt, depending what he's thinking. Do you think he has a plan? Some vast eternal plan?

Self-control is an important aspect on road to bliss. As for God, I think he is just trying to stay safe until his final battle with the hate devil who he must save.
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Yes, apparently about 3% of scientists don't see it that way.
Can you cite the sources?
Except for the fact that many people who exercise, aren't obese and don't sit in a slump position still have those same problems. How do those 3% explain that?
Aside from the fact that there are more sensible reasons that could potentially cause back problem, nobody, including you, any scientist, general practitioner, or the person with the back problem, can not be aware of every activity, diet, or habits if the patient.

It’s certainly no reason to jump to some notion of Darwinian evolution, as a reason for it.

Are you seriously telling me that we accept something as true, because more people believe it. No matter how ridiculous the proposition is?
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Jan: "These body suits are perfectly complete in their design."
That’s what I said. Trickster.
Show how what you said equates to that.
No one but you thinks that.
Liar. You know you’ve lost.
So women were not designed to give birth. Gotcha. But the human body is perfect and has no design flaws.
Where did I say that?:D
Where have I said the any type of body, let alone a human body, is perfect?
You are a pathetic liar.
It's sad that you don't give a shit about children.
You’re pathetic. Either that, or you are on some kind of medication that does not allow you to think straight.
Otherwise how could you lie so blatantly?
But I bet you oppose abortion because o the poor little babies!
I feel sorry for you.
Jan from a few pages back: "We’re all physically incomplete."
I also said we, as human beings, are more than physical bodies. Plus, our bodies are subject to the harsh, and pleasant realities of living life.
A flawless material body can not exist in place where destruction of all material manifestations is a natural, predictive, law and principle.
So the human being is perfectly complete in its design, to live under such conditions.
Get over it!:Do_O
You're funny. You are your own worst enemy in this discussion.
Let me correct you. Yet again!!!
You have made yourself my enemy in this discussion.
You’re delusional.
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That’s what I said. Trickster.
So I am a 'trickster' because I posted what you said.

You must really, really hate voice recorders. They record what you said and play it back! Evil trickster machine!
Where did I say that?:D
Where have I said the any type of body, let alone a human body, is perfect?
Jan: "Essentially we are perfection."
Jan: "These body suits are perfectly complete in their design."
Jan: "The design is perfectly complete. Perfection can only be God."

From what I can see, you’re giving props to a religious belief, while trying to give it scientific credibility.
Nope! Try again.

It's funny what is happening here. You are getting angry and incoherent because I am repeating your words back to you. You no longer have any rational argument; indeed, your own words are now arguing against you, and you are losing to yourself.

And as you get angrier, you get more incoherent; your posts are becoming a long thread of content-free, furious rants, full of personal attacks and vitriol. I can almost feel the spittle flying out of your mouth as you rage against your own words on the screen.

What a good representative of religion you are!
So I am a 'trickster' because I posted what you said.
Jan: "Essentially we are perfection."
Jan: "These body suits are perfectly complete in their design."
Jan: "The design is perfectly complete. Perfection can only be God."
I’m still waiting to see where I said the human body is perfect. I will humour you a little longer.
It's funny what is happening here. You are getting angry and incoherent because I am repeating your words back to you. You no longer have any rational argument; indeed, your own words are now arguing against you, and you are losing to yourself.

And as you get angrier, you get more incoherent; your posts are becoming a long thread of content-free, furious rants, full of personal attacks and vitriol. I can almost feel the spittle flying out of your mouth as you rage against your own words on the screen.

What a good representative of religion you are!
Another tactic. Make out your opponent is angry.
You’re a cliche.
You crack me up.
Can you cite the sources?

Aside from the fact that there are more sensible reasons that could potentially cause back problem, nobody, including you, any scientist, general practitioner, or the person with the back problem, can not be aware of every activity, diet, or habits if the patient.

It’s certainly no reason to jump to some notion of Darwinian evolution, as a reason for it.

While there are medical reasons that contribute or trigger back problems, the root causes are based on evolutionary changes as humans went from walking on all fours to bipedal. This is all based on evidence of our common ancestors.

Are you seriously telling me that we accept something as true, because more people believe it. No matter how ridiculous the proposition is?

That question should be posed to the 2.4 billion Christians in the world who have no evidence for what they believe.
Another tactic. Make out your opponent is angry.
Jan: "Liar . . pathetic liar . . .you're pathetic . . . you're on medication . . .lie blatantly . .. feel sorry for you . . . delusional."

Again, for people to see you lying, they don't need to read anything I write. They can just read your own words.

I have this image of you screaming at someone, red in the face, saying "I . . . AM . . . NOT . . . . F*CKING . . . . ANGRY, YOU A**HOLE!" Let us know how that sort of thing works out. I'm sure you'll get lots of converts to your religion.
I think it's time to not think of every discussion as a contest. I think people need to chill out, just let me lose my temper! People don't seem to entertain ideas at all, their posts are like a knee jerk reaction. If you want to learn you need to hear and learn from both sides of an argument. One of my favourite music albums is 3 sides to every story by Extreme, amazing album, most coherent album I've heard hands down.