A world with a loving God.


Valued Senior Member
I look at our world and as wonderful as it is I do wonder what it may be like if there was really a loving god at the wheel.

What could we expect to be different...anything????

And what could be designed better if it were just not only left up to evolution?

Would we be immortal rather than grasping at the unsupported promise of an after life where it seems we are only destined to sit around gods feet much like a loyal dog.

I think for a start dogs would no doubt wear pants and animals could talk...would any animals be carnivours ?...would senseless killing be present in such a mythical world?...would sexual abuse exist..well would any abuse exist...?

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I look at our world and as wonderful as it is I do wonder what it may be like if there was really a loving god at the wheel.

What could we expect to be different...anything????

And what could be designed better if it were just not only left up to evolution?

Would we be immortal rather than grasping at the unsupported promise of an after life where it seems we are only destined to sit around gods feet much like a loyal dog.

I think for a start dogs would no doubt wear pants and animals could talk...would any animals be carnivours ?...would senseless killing be present in such a mythical world?...would sexual abuse exist..well would any abuse exist...?

God could take away cash, re-model how economies work and throw down the Holy Spirit, and you'd be in paradise. Easy? No, because you don't deserve it.
I look at our world and as wonderful as it is I do wonder what it may be like if there was really a loving god at the wheel.

What could we expect to be different...anything????

And what could be designed better if it were just not only left up to evolution?

Would we be immortal rather than grasping at the unsupported promise of an after life where it seems we are only destined to sit around gods feet much like a loyal dog.

I think for a start dogs would no doubt wear pants and animals could talk...would any animals be carnivours ?...would senseless killing be present in such a mythical world?...would sexual abuse exist..well would any abuse exist...?

The response will be "he gave us a free will" although a God that was any good at creating humans should be able to give us free will and make us so that we are good little boys and girls at the same time.
Why? Do you have a dog?
Why? I think dogs deserve to be fashionable....and think what they might want to put in their pockets ...Instead of burying that bone..he could put it in his pocket...now that is inteligent design.

I thought the use of the words "if I had a dog" was perhaps a little too vague...so no I don't have my own personal dog ...there is one at the house but he is not my dog...and besides he is probably evil as he is a black dog...evil or just a placeholder dog.
I bet a loving good would adjust free will to have boundaries...maybe you could still make choices but programmed not to be stupid and cruel, not to hurt or kill other humans, at least ....maybe have priests that don't use their position of trust to sexually abuse children...maybe take away the ability to lie but leave a free will to decide what car to drive.

Free will would be described by some folk, simply those rational atheists intent on truth and justice, as just another lieing cop out to excuse some mythical
god being capable or interested to prevent
the deaths of inoccent victims who never are able to exercise their free will not to be a victim.
A mildly giving-a-shit god would not have invented predation and parasitism.
A truly loving god would have given us all photosynthetic wings.

Why give us such small birds...you can t ride any of them and most are even to small for a decent feed.
Of course..how silly of me ... If only be had the power to do something...he must have felt so damn powerless having to sit and just watch... It must have had him thinking " these little bastards need another flood"...
Free will. Do you know what started WW1?
Would this God have free will? Might he freely decide to be bad for a day and good for a (god's)day?

Maybe he decided to change the real meaning of "good" and "bad".

Does he wrestle with the God Paradox at night /day?

If god was really loving he would have made supercalifragalisticexpialidocious easier to spell.