A world with a loving God.

Dave's reply to
''Why would God create beings that don't deserve it?'' Dave says ''freewill''
Yet, according to Dave it's not a person's choice to be born with a God Gene.
Well, some of us were born with the God gene, and some not. People who were not cannot believe in God, it's not their choice it just is.
''it's not their choice.''
The overwhelming amount of evidence shows that there is not and never was a loving God.

If there was a good-hearted God then this world would not be such a crazy and cruel mess like it is now.

If there was a good-hearted God then there would be no ugly people who can't get love and affection from beautiful young girls because God would have made everyone beautiful and attractive enough in the eyes of the opposite sex to get enough reciprocal affection from each other.

But in the cruel and completely godless world that we live in there are many ugly people who will very probably never get laid or get any reciprocal attention from pretty young girls and are doomed to live a very hard life of extreme loneliness, social isolation and hardship.

No wonder that so many people commit suicide at a young age because the world we live in is truly crazy, cruel and unfair for many people.
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The overwhelming amount of evidence shows that there is not and never was a loving God.

If there was a good-hearted God then this world would not be such a crazy and cruel mess like it is now.
Well, that would be true if that good-hearted God was the sort of cartoon, lighting bolt hurling, child saving God that many people believe in. But I have seen no evidence that that's the case.
The overwhelming amount of evidence shows that there is not and never was a loving God.

If there was a good-hearted God then this world would not be such a crazy and cruel mess like it is now.

If there was a good-hearted God then there would be no ugly people who can't get love and affection from beautiful young girls because God would have made everyone beautiful and attractive enough in the eyes of the opposite sex to get enough reciprocal affection from each other.

But in the cruel and completely godless world that we live in there are many ugly people who will very probably never get laid or get any reciprocal attention from pretty young girls and are doomed to live a very hard life of extreme loneliness, social isolation and hardship.

No wonder that so many people commit suicide at a young age because the world we live in is truly crazy, cruel and unfair for many people.
How old are you?
The overwhelming amount of evidence shows that there is not and never was a loving God.

If there was a good-hearted God then this world would not be such a crazy and cruel mess like it is now.

If there was a good-hearted God then there would be no ugly people who can't get love and affection from beautiful young girls because God would have made everyone beautiful and attractive enough in the eyes of the opposite sex to get enough reciprocal affection from each other.

But in the cruel and completely godless world that we live in there are many ugly people who will very probably never get laid or get any reciprocal attention from pretty young girls and are doomed to live a very hard life of extreme loneliness, social isolation and hardship.

No wonder that so many people commit suicide at a young age because the world we live in is truly crazy, cruel and unfair for many people.

Hi Pluto

Mate no one is ugly.

You are not ugly.

You just have a rather negative view of yourself...that is what you need to address...trust me on this..girls go for confidence..in fact most people like to be around confident people ... We just need to build your confidence mate...you simply have to go to the gym..tone up your body...if you are fat lose it...if you are thin put on some mussel...go to a hair dresser and get a trendy cut...go to a beauty parlour if you have skin problems.. whatever.. just work to improve what you have....now go to a shopping centre and look around...most people are not movie stars..look at the couple's...few are Hollywood material...mate pull yourself out of this hole you have dug for yourself...

Now stop this nonsense and get on a program...and look in the mirror each day and say..I am looking great...and if you really are as ugly as you say go to a plastic surgeon and do something...you can become what you choose to be...you sound like a very nice chap, clearly inteligent, good at conversation and best of all not full of yourself..to most girls that's all they want in a man... And learn astrology...they love it...most men tell them it's BS and they shut up...but if you go with it.. believe me you are there...and I don't think they believe it but they like it
...know the attributes of each star sign...

You must take control and don't accept being a loser..you are not a loser unless that's all your self talk offers...it will be work but that's life nothing at all is easy... nothing..I recon I have it all..but so hard won..the fights..the rejection..the bull etc it took me a lot to be confident and get to where you could say is just a reasonable expectation for a human...but I stand up straight look people in the eye and know they are probably more scared of me than I am of them...well of course no one scares me these days...I won't lose unless they kill me.

And as to "pretty" girls..often they are brain dead and pretentious and usually just terrible in bed...the ones I have had that are more concerned about messing their hair rather than getting wild you would not believe. Disappointing.

Anyways you will find that out in time..but get to the gym..and think why are people going there...yes they are trying to make themselves sexually appealing...what a great place to put it out there... Now here is a pick up line for you.." do you come here a lot and what would you think about us getting it on later"

You will be surprised the responces you get..just keep a straight face and keep looking them in the eye...whatever they say just reply well you can guess why I asked . .

Good luck Pluto Your next post I want you to be able to say that you have been bonking the not so pretty girls at the gym.
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The overwhelming amount of evidence shows that there is not and never was a loving God.

If there was a good-hearted God then this world would not be such a crazy and cruel mess like it is now.

If there was a good-hearted God then there would be no ugly people who can't get love and affection from beautiful young girls because God would have made everyone beautiful and attractive enough in the eyes of the opposite sex to get enough reciprocal affection from each other.

But in the cruel and completely godless world that we live in there are many ugly people who will very probably never get laid or get any reciprocal attention from pretty young girls and are doomed to live a very hard life of extreme loneliness, social isolation and hardship.

No wonder that so many people commit suicide at a young age because the world we live in is truly crazy, cruel and unfair for many people.
You scare me.

Right about what? Your take on ''Reality'' with ''God Genes'' ?
What's your theory on how some people cannot believe in God?

My brother is a scientist and his view on God is a reasonable position, it allows you to enter philosophical debates within your agreed form of reality. Interesting debates.

The quote is : "I think God is unknowable.". This is his current position. Previous was atheist.
What's your theory on how some people cannot believe in God?

My brother is a scientist and his view on God is a reasonable position, it allows you to enter philosophical debates within your agreed form of reality. Interesting debates.

The quote is : "I think God is unknowable.". This is his current position. Previous was atheist.
It's not that they cannot. It's that they don't. I don't believe in Bigfoot but I could if one were found.