A Riddle

yes, that must be it. I never played monopoly, so that thought didn't occur to me. :) (it's true, but it is also a lame excuse)
Monopoly takes too much time to play. Therefore, I only play when I am really in the mood...
Here is another, same rules apply.
A man goes into a house turns off the light and goes to sleep,
in the morning he looks out the window and kills himself.
Originally posted by esp
No matter how much of it you lose or gain, you've still always got one and one only?

Your Mind
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Originally posted by bbcboy

A farmer is digging in his field when he spots a coin. He looks it over and sees that it's dated 44bc.
Yoiks thinks the man I'm rich beyond the dreams of avalanche
Turns out the coin is completely worthless...

Because in the time we refer to as 44bc they were using a different calander system. You can't really call a year 44 before christ when you don't know yet that christ is coming. If the coin is dated 44bc it's obviously a fraud.
Don't know if it has been posted yet, here are a couple of my favourites that I found a long time ago.

If anyone has an answer that fits, email me or send a message, have fun.

OMEGA july/august 1983

Here are the 2 unsolved riddles.

The will of Miss Anna Seward an 18th century poet who was a friend of Darwin's grandfather and known as the Swan of Lichfield, contained a riddlelike puzzle and directions to pay 50 pound to the person who solved it.

The noblest objects in the works of art,
The brightest scenes which nature can impart;
The well-known signal in the time of peace,
The point essential in a tennant's lease;
The farmers comfort as he drives the plough,
A soldier's duty, and a lover's vow;
A contract made before the nuptial tie,
A blessing riches never can supply;
A spot that adds new charms to pretty faces,
An enngine used in fundamental cases;
A planet between the earth and sun,
A prize that merrit never yet has won;
A loss which prudence seldom can retrieve,
The death of Judas, and the fall of Eve;
A part between the ankle and the knee,
A papist's toast, and a physician's fee;
A wife's ambition, and a parson's dues,
A miser's idol, and the badge of Jews.
If now your happy genius can divine
The correspondent words in every line,
By the first letter plainly may be found
An ancient city that is much renowned.

By Miss Anna Seward 18th century poet.

The Bishop of Salisbury offered a mere 15 pound to the person who solved this riddle.

I sit lone on a rock
Whilst I'm raising the wind,
But the storm once abated
I'm gentle and kind.
I've kings at my feet
Who await but my nod,
To kneel down in the deep,
On the ground that I've trod.
Tho' oft seen by the world,
I am known to but few;
The gentiles despise me,
I'm pork to the Jew.
I never have passed
But one night in the dark,
And that was with Noah
Alone in the ark.
My weight is three pounds,
My length is a mile;
And when I'm discovered
You will say with a smile-
That my first and my last
Are the best of our isle.

By the bishop of salsbury.
The answer to the first one is Rome i think.