9/11 was an inside job

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ok. so someone already mentioned the moon landing, so i will talk about 9/11 instead. it was an inside job. according to zbignu brezenski, it is part of the u.s regime's desire to control central asia. it can be used as a training ground for terorists that will be sent into China, and Russia. Occupying central Asia will also block any attempts to link the east to the west with regards to railway, or pipelines. The main way that the u.s, and the west is able to stay on top is by preventing others from developing, rather than innovation, or ideas. physics experts, lets talk about how a steel building cannot melt in a few hours, and cause the building to collapse.
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physics experts, lets talk about how a steel building cannot melt in a few hours, and cause the building to collapse.
steel buildings such as the twin towers cannot melt in a few hours.
good enough?

there were many factors that contributed to the collapse itself, none of those were "planted explosives".
ok. so someone already mentioned the moon landing, so i will talk about 9/11 instead. it was an inside job. according to zbignu brezenski, it is part of the u.s regime's desire to control central asia. it can be used as a training ground for terorists that will be sent into China, and Russia. Occupying central Asia will also block any attempts to link the east to the west with regards to railway, or pipelines. The main way that the u.s, and the west is able to stay on top is by preventing others from developing, rather than innovation, or ideas. physics experts, lets talk about how a steel building cannot melt in a few hours, and cause the building to collapse.

Big claims, especially referring to a man I respect a lot, Zbigniew Brzezinski. I'd be interested in knowing your sources for such thoughts? Did you read one of his books?

Lately Zbigniew Brzezinski has said that the US has blown the opportunity available to her after the fall of the Soviet Union. I don't doubt that there are actors who'd benefit immensely from the strategic objects you've outlined; however, there are those with the patients and will to outlast anything.
lets talk about how a steel building cannot melt in a few hours, and cause the building to collapse.

OK, let's. You go build a scale model, pour a few thousands of gallons of fuel into it, and set it alight, and let us know how it fares.

The steel doesn't need to 'melt' btw, go look up data for steel, strength vs temperature, you'll see as it gets hot, it gets weak. This is how blacksmiths manage to make horse shoes from steel using coal and bellows!
Someone somewhere in that nasty holocaust denial thread or one of its associated threads, mentioned that 9/11 has been done to death on SciForum and in earlier years a moratorium was called.

Can't we please just let those people rest in peace?

And Winston, if you want to be taken seriously you really ought to obet the rules of spelling and capitalization. I can barely read your post because the errors are so distracting. They make me not care about what you want to say. Sorry, but it's true.
Can't we please just let those people rest in peace?


No they cannot. There's actually a group of truthers that believe all of the deaths on 9/11 were faked....that no one died in the towers..or in the plane crashes. I can't find the link right now...but one of the "vicsims" (simulated victims) had a memorial service, and one of these "vicsim" guys was passing out literature about a victim who was made up...yet for some reason...hundreds of people gathered to morne their passing...and raise money for a college scholarship in her name. Thw police were called.

There's some completely crazy people in his world.
ok. so someone already mentioned the moon landing, so i will talk about 9/11 instead. it was an inside job. according to zbignu brezenski, it is part of the u.s regime's desire to control central asia. it can be used as a training ground for terorists that will be sent into China, and Russia. Occupying central Asia will also block any attempts to link the east to the west with regards to railway, or pipelines. The main way that the u.s, and the west is able to stay on top is by preventing others from developing, rather than innovation, or ideas. physics experts, lets talk about how a steel building cannot melt in a few hours, and cause the building to collapse.
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It all makes such perfect sense!....Same BS that they tried to pass in Zeitgeist: The Movie( which was debunked by the way)http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/zeitgeist/
I wonder if there's a seasonality to the woo-woo visits.

Your here year round, and other guys pop in and out. Doesn't seem like it.

Anyways, it was an inside job, and yes it was a conspiracy. I have plenty of theories as well. The only real one is the Illuminati did it.
Your here year round, and other guys pop in and out. Doesn't seem like it.

Anyways, it was an inside job, and yes it was a conspiracy. I have plenty of theories as well. The only real one is the Illuminati did it.

Really, the Illuminati? I've always leaned more towards Bush and Halliburton
Your here year round, and other guys pop in and out. Doesn't seem like it.

One benchmark most woos have to pass to be called woos is essentially grammatical. 'Anyways' is also a no-no.

Anyways, it was an inside job, and yes it was a conspiracy. I have plenty of theories as well. The only real one is the Illuminati did it.

I have no doubt that you have plenty of theories: but of all the theories you do have, the only one that is real is that the Illuminati did it.

Well, consider me sold. It must be real!
So do you have a complete 2012 list of the Illuminati?

Daniel Tosh, and James Holmes. Tosh is the leader, Holmes isn't inducted yet, he is a reincarnated leader of them. Interview these two guys. Check them for schizophrenia, the Illuminati has kept a lid on telepathy for seventy years.
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