Yes, thank you and the same to you.
No thanks needed - just promise to enjoy life!
We can't do anything else but assume.
Bebelina, I am not sure who these "we" are that you speak of, but I can, and do everything else, other than "assume"!!
There are no "facts" that are not based on a series of assumptions.
Is gravity a "fact based on a series of assumptions"? What are the series of "assumptions" that led to the "assumed fact" that stepping off of a 50-story building, accelerating through free-fall, then being suddenly impeded further progress by solid concrete will cause certain bodily injuries and most likely death?
Bebelina, gravity is not an "assumed fact". It is a Proven Fact!
Whether or not the exact Nature of WHY Gravity is has been entirely figured out - it has still been proven conclusively, through study, experimentation and observation.
You and your "we" may choose to "assume" that gravity is a fact.
However, myself and possibly just a few (maybe 6 or 7 billion) other people KNOW it to be a concretely evidenced and accepted, Proven Fact. - Pun intended -
We must agree, assume that certain rules apply to this universe and from there do our investigations, but that platform can't be constant in order for us to evolve, it has to be open for re-evaluation on a regular basis.
Sorry, Bebelina, but I, dmoe, must humbly disagree.
Bebelina, The Fundamental Laws of Observable Reality that Science is based on are not evolving or changing. That is why they are Fundamental Laws.
Life on this planet has kept on evolving for billions of years with gravity obeying the same exact Fundamental Laws of today. Though we may know MORE about it tomorrow or in another billion years - The Fundamental Laws will remain The Fundamental Laws.
As for being "open for re-evaluation on a regular basis", gravity is Tested and Confirmed (re-evaluated) on an almost daily basis - and to this very day, has yet to ever be PROVEN NON-EXISTENT.
I have noticed that it's very common for americans to assume animals have no feelings or thoughts for example, but there is absolutely no proof of that and serves more as a way to avoid getting attached to the beings we torture and abuse to death for money and food.
So...Bebelina, you also "assume" that actions/events that you notice, can only occur because of what you also "assume" are the only Beliefs/Feelings/Motivations that could serve the person performing the actions/events you witness!
Bebelina, I have been aware of all life on this planet from my very first exposure to cognitive awareness nearly 6 decades ago.
What part of :
Different species of animals evolved by the same "rules", but along divergent paths, and there are indeed similarities. But, they are not the "same" as humans.
Do I think Humans are "special"? Yes, but not in a "better" way - I think most if not all other forms of life are more attuned to their actual "role" in the scheme of life/nature on this planet. They do not seem to suffer the various self-produced calamities of Humans - though they do suffer the consequences of Human produced actions.
So...yes, I do think Humans are "special" - as in a, please pardon the expression, short-bus "special" kind of way - although we think of ourselves as superior, we constantly show our inferiority, to each other and to everything else in nature.
...led you to "assume" that I, dmoe, "...avoid getting attached to the beings we..." share this awesome world of nature alongside of, just so I can "... torture and abuse (them) to death for money and food."?
I think psychics can be consulted about NDE aswell as any other person/profession.
Which is the reason I mentioned that fact in the first place.
We will always get outside the currently visible and discover more and more and more.
Again, Bebelina, I am not sure who these "we", nor am I sure I Grok'd, completely, your ^^above^^ statement!
However, I do firmly believe that we should be constantly striving to expand our intelligence and understanding of all of nature.
That expansion, can only be accomplished by diligent study, experimentation and observation. Assumptions, Fantasies/Wishes to be True, Crackpot Measures and Delusions will only serve to impede that expansion!
Later, and again, Happy Holidays Bebelina.