28 Weeks Later


Registered Senior Member
Anyone else seen this newest zombie movie following the film 28 Days from a few years ago? Jesus Christ on a Stick! I was freaked out. I jumped and shrieked and even involuntarily snorted a couple times it was so scary! The metal soundtrack and the ZOMBIES, the in your face style of it all, I was impressed but once was enough. I was shaking in the car on the way home! And my blinds were CLOSED too when I got there! I even had to sleep with the bloody light on!
Anyway, it reminded me of Children of Men but with the zombie element. A link for those that haven't heard of it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0463854/
Anyone else seen this newest zombie movie following the film 28 Days from a few years ago?

Any extra money I have I use to help poor, hungry children of the world, not for my own selfish entertainment.

Baron Max
"Any extra money I have I use to help poor, hungry children of the world, not for my own selfish entertainment. "

How ironic - I use any extra money I have to molest the poor, hungry children of the world.
Baron Max:
Any extra money I have I use to help poor, hungry children of the world, not for my own selfish entertainment.

Don't be absurd. Those poor niggers and ragheads exist in such squalor so that I can live in luxury. Why would I want the status quo to change???
Any extra money I have I use to help poor, hungry children of the world, not for my own selfish entertainment.

Baron Max
Not me. I see about one movie each weekend. Since you are without friends I should imagine your life would be desperately lonely.
Not me. I see about one movie each weekend. Since you are without friends I should imagine your life would be desperately lonely.

Why do you hate Jesus?
More importantly, since only one or two movies per three months are worth watching, why do you hate yourself?

Sigh. Anyone see 28 Weeks Later?

Awesome film, but anyone who has to sleep with a light on afterwords qualifies as a woman.
Great date movie, I loved all the scenes with eyes being pushed into someone's head. Makes me horny, you know?
Xev;1392298How ironic - I use any extra money I have to molest the poor said:
There's no irony, Xev. I don't give my money to help the poor, hungry, little kids who've been molested. :D

Baron Max
Not me. I see about one movie each weekend. Since you are without friends I should imagine your life would be desperately lonely.

Maybe that's part of your problem, Genji ....thinking that one needs "friends" to keep from being lonely. All it mean, Genji, is that you're dependent on someone else to make you happy. And ...if I may say so, that's sucks giant donkey dicks!

Baron Max
Maybe that's part of your problem, Genji ....thinking that one needs "friends" to keep from being lonely. All it mean, Genji, is that you're dependent on someone else to make you happy. And ...if I may say so, that's sucks giant donkey dicks!

Baron Max
I loved 28 Weeks Later.
Hey, Genji and Baron Max.

Why don't you guys become friends? I'm sure you'd love each others company. You could then maybe go to the cinema together.
Why don't you guys become friends? I'm sure you'd love each others company. You could then maybe go to the cinema together.

Because Genji hogs the popcorn and Baron Max expects a handjob if he pays?
They can always go dutch. That way Genji buys his own popcorn and Baron can fiddle himself.

Although those two becoming movie pals would be like a Milo and Otis adventure.
Hey, Genji and Baron Max.

Why don't you guys become friends? I'm sure you'd love each others company. You could then maybe go to the cinema together.

Now that's an idea with the potential for a good comedy series.:D
They can always go dutch. That way Genji buys his own popcorn and Baron can fiddle himself.

And when the movie gets scary, Genji can hold Baron Max's hand.
If he were to try that, he'd get a .38 slug in his forehead, blowing out what few fuckin' brains he has in his pointy little head.

Geez, so I guess he can't lean his head on your shoulder, either.