2016 Republican Presidential Clown Car Begins!

I think you need to go back to my post and read my Wiki reference. It was a bio and it was documented. Your reference wasn't a bio. It is a listing and it was clearly wrong. Nowhere in your link does Vermin say he is a Democrat or will run as a Democrat. A quick check of the FEC website shows he is not a 2016 candidate as your reference claims...oops. Where in your reference does Vermin say he is a Democrat as you allege? He doesn't. He said he was going to run, but he never said he was running as a Democrat.

Here is the part of the Wiki bio you are ignoring:

Political views[edit]
In a promotional video, Supreme discussed his political views. He stated he was registered Republican at that time, but that he leaned toward anarchism. He asserted that libertarians "are just about abolishing the government and letting shit fall where it may,"[16] which he called a mistake; he also asserted that Republicans want to nullify the government, but "offer no alternative to helping people other than charity."[16] Supreme's vision of anarchism holds no need for government, but also depends on citizens to take responsibility for themselves and for others, citing "mutual aid and support and care to our fellow citizens" as key elements. To reach that end, Supreme called for a gradual dismantling of the government, while citizens take up the slack. He asserted that Americans do not know anymore how to be citizens, placing some of the blame on schools that teach in "very twisted and jingoistic fashion".
In the video, Supreme discussed his presidential campaign. He describes his "joke humor" campaign as a response to the lies people are fed by the media and the government. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Supreme

Add to it - House Republicans have passed a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act...

Can you imagine the rioting there would be if this goes through? We're talking, at a minimum, twelve MILLION people having their health care cut off... more if this happens next year (it's estimated 19 million additional people will be in the ACA this year)
Well you know it is a right of passage with Republicans, they have to be able to say "hey, I voted against Obamacare". I think a third of the bills passed by the House these last few years has been to repeal Obamacare. If Republicans succeed in repealing Obamacare, boy will McConnell's Kentucky Republican based be upset when they find out their popular Kynect is Obamacare and it's gone, and McConnell did it.
Your reference wasn't a bio. It is a listing and it was clearly wrong.

Then tell that to EIKI for putting him in with the Democrats so they will change his party affiliation. I use the link that I thought was a good link to show all Democratic candidates but alas you think it is wrong but refuse to make WIKI change their insert. Don't blame me for not posting a link that you want to use because I use links that are not biased, WIKI, to one point of view. Again just tell WIKI to make the changes needed and I'll await them doing so. Until that is done I'll keep using WIKI as a source for I find it to be very unbiased.
Then tell that to EIKI for putting him in with the Democrats so they will change his party affiliation. I use the link that I thought was a good link to show all Democratic candidates but alas you think it is wrong but refuse to make WIKI change their insert. Don't blame me for not posting a link that you want to use because I use links that are not biased, WIKI, to one point of view. Again just tell WIKI to make the changes needed and I'll await them doing so. Until that is done I'll keep using WIKI as a source for I find it to be very unbiased.
Did I refuse to change the Wiki post? Where did I do that? It isn't my job to police Wiki. But the fact remains, per my original post on this matter, Mr. Vermin is a registered Republican and is on video laying out his no government platform. That sounds Republican to me. You have no evidence Mr. Vermin ever registered as a Democrat or claimed to be a Democrat or ran on a Democratic ticket as opposed to all the individuals listed in the OP who are registered Republicans and are accepted by Republican groups as Republicans and in most cases have actually held office as Republicans.

Cosmictraveler said:
Until that is done I'll keep using WIKI as a source for I find it to be very unbiased.

Setting aside the fact that many American schools prohibit the use of Wikipedia as a cited resource in research papers for the observable fact of content instability and symptomatic inaccuracy, you've just offered what sounds like a politician's line, like the time Rand Paul said he didn't plagiarize Wikipedia because he credited the authors of a movie.

However, I also find this focus on a wannabe also-ran sideshow rather quite strange. Is anyone here seriously comparing this guy to any real candidates? I mean, I might not have much respect for the GOP field, but even I don't think so poorly of them.

To the other, I wouldn't suggest people shouldn't talk about these people as if they're serious candidates; it's good to know who we don't have to waste our time trying to take seriously.

And it's that or wondering if it is possible to run a genuine, good-faith discussion in the Politics subforum. Then again, it's hard enough to get good-faith discussions out of people in any subforum these days.

But, honestly, there will come a point in a discussion where someone gets very offended that they aren't being taken seriously, and in some cases when this happens it does occur to me to wonder at what point that member decided to take a thread seriously and why anyone would presume his or her conduct has suddenly taken that turn.

Jokes should only be beaten like dead horses if one intends to resurrect the joke and kill it again. True, that's a debatable assertion of comedic principle, but in our case it really helps one sort the jokers from the comedians proper.

• • •​

Kittamaru said:
Can you imagine the rioting there would be if this goes through?

Actually, we're more likely to see another Brooks Brothers Riot staged by Republican operatives when Obama vetoes the bill.

And remember, McConnell comes from Kentucky. You can have a party-line vote and even a Republican president to sign a Republican bill into law, and folks in Kentucky will still blame Democrats when the law does what it was designed to do and makes people miserable.

It's one of the reasons people make such rude jokes about Republican backwaters like Kentucky, Kansas, Iowa, and Louisiana. These are places full of contradiction. Small-government philosophies that specialize in targeted bureaucracy laws to destroy what offends their supremacist notions. Christian values driving hatred. Fiscal responsibility in the form of a deliberate deficit. And the thing is that sure, we want to respect their rights of conscience and all, but when their consciences demand that other people suffer, there is a functional problem.

And listen to these fucking weak imbeciles: They tremble at the thought of equal rights. They rage at the prospect of not being driven to bankruptcy by medical need. They're furious at the idea that their kids should be educated well enough to compete in the marketplace.

And the rest of us have to suffer for their delusional arrogance and ignorance and subsequent hatred.

There is a difference between acknowledging human frailty and exploiting it. While we accept as nearly axiomatic that "politicians lie", it is also true that they did not always, during my lifetime, lie in the way and to the degree that Republicans do. And that sort of political lying did not always infect the voters the way it does. These days it has gotten to the point that I appreciate the smarmy bumper stickers about being a Republican, or how many of one's liberal neighbors a person thinks he can shoot. That way I know who to keep away from any children under my care.

But that's what it comes to. You know, I used to mention from time to time how one of our Republican neighbors and I probably would have gotten along just fine over a beer and a football game. And then one day I finally went too far and pissed him off by refusing to stop calling deliberate misrepresentation intended to confuse people and change the subject dishonest. So he pitched a small fit and left. And, you know, by that time there was nothing surprising about how he did it. That is to say he behaved exactly according to archetype.

In that form, the problem is that conservatives cannot distinguish between basic differences. In questions of scandal, for instance, it could easily get confusing to the point one thinks their conservative neighbors are stupid for being unable to comprehend that, say, we probably wouldn't care about the adultery, or the closet gay affair, if said politician wasn't a "family values" thumper; with civil rights none seem to want to address the question of how equality for all must equal supremacy for some; in this thread, the question of how seriously to take this comparison of a bizarre fringe candidate to the GOP field would only reinforce

Or, as one might remind Eri Ninamori, transcending the mask isn't always a good thing.
Actually, we're more likely to see another Brooks Brothers Riot staged by Republican operatives when Obama vetoes the bill.

And remember, McConnell comes from Kentucky. You can have a party-line vote and even a Republican president to sign a Republican bill into law, and folks in Kentucky will still blame Democrats when the law does what it was designed to do and makes people miserable.

It's one of the reasons people make such rude jokes about Republican backwaters like Kentucky, Kansas, Iowa, and Louisiana. These are places full of contradiction. Small-government philosophies that specialize in targeted bureaucracy laws to destroy what offends their supremacist notions. Christian values driving hatred. Fiscal responsibility in the form of a deliberate deficit. And the thing is that sure, we want to respect their rights of conscience and all, but when their consciences demand that other people suffer, there is a functional problem.

And listen to these fucking weak imbeciles: They tremble at the thought of equal rights. They rage at the prospect of not being driven to bankruptcy by medical need. They're furious at the idea that their kids should be educated well enough to compete in the marketplace.

And the rest of us have to suffer for their delusional arrogance and ignorance and subsequent hatred.

There is a difference between acknowledging human frailty and exploiting it. While we accept as nearly axiomatic that "politicians lie", it is also true that they did not always, during my lifetime, lie in the way and to the degree that Republicans do. And that sort of political lying did not always infect the voters the way it does. These days it has gotten to the point that I appreciate the smarmy bumper stickers about being a Republican, or how many of one's liberal neighbors a person thinks he can shoot. That way I know who to keep away from any children under my care.

But that's what it comes to. You know, I used to mention from time to time how one of our Republican neighbors and I probably would have gotten along just fine over a beer and a football game. And then one day I finally went too far and pissed him off by refusing to stop calling deliberate misrepresentation intended to confuse people and change the subject dishonest. So he pitched a small fit and left. And, you know, by that time there was nothing surprising about how he did it. That is to say he behaved exactly according to archetype.

In that form, the problem is that conservatives cannot distinguish between basic differences. In questions of scandal, for instance, it could easily get confusing to the point one thinks their conservative neighbors are stupid for being unable to comprehend that, say, we probably wouldn't care about the adultery, or the closet gay affair, if said politician wasn't a "family values" thumper; with civil rights none seem to want to address the question of how equality for all must equal supremacy for some; in this thread, the question of how seriously to take this comparison of a bizarre fringe candidate to the GOP field would only reinforce

Or, as one might remind Eri Ninamori, transcending the mask isn't always a good thing.

I want to say you are wrong, Tiassa... I desperately, desperately want to say that even those foolish party-line voting Republitards cannot possibly be so stupid... to defend them in some way...

But I know you're right. *headdesk* Why are people so stupid... and why do we let them vote XD
Because we must. And it's true, just like letting the KKK march down Main Street, I wouldn't have it any other way. What we have in this country, and what we can do if we ever get our heads out and our dignity on, is far too awesome to piss away for the sake of a few bad apples.
The more candidate we have, the bigger the entertainment, not to mention the more money is wasted until 2016 January, and if you are a Dem that is a good thing.

The unwritten rule is, that last election's loser doesn't run but lets others try. Romney might going to end this nice tradition further dividing the field and the money.

In the end this is going to be a Clinton-Bush rematch, just wait and see....
cosmic said:
Don't blame me for not posting a link that you want to use because I use links that are not biased, WIKI, to one point of view.
Can't you find an "unbiased" source that doesn't have you posting silly and obvious falsehood on this forum?
The more candidate we have, the bigger the entertainment, not to mention the more money is wasted until 2016 January, and if you are a Dem that is a good thing.

The unwritten rule is, that last election's loser doesn't run but lets others try. Romney might going to end this nice tradition further dividing the field and the money.

In the end this is going to be a Clinton-Bush rematch, just wait and see....
Republicans oligarchs are attempting to rally around one candidate. We will have to see how that works out for them. Last election cycle, each Republican candidate had their own Oligarch. Newt Gingridge would have had no campaign were it not for of billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
Republicans oligarchs are attempting to rally around one candidate.

used to, not anymore. Just think of the last election when huge money was wasted on completely unelectable candidates, but that was good if you are a non-Republican....A good example whom you mentioned, Adelson I think gave like 20+ million to Newt. But Newt didn't have base support at that time so it was completely wasted....

They will rally eventually around one, but that might be too late like arounf 2016 April by the time both time and lots of money could be wasted...
used to, not anymore. Just think of the last election when huge money was wasted on completely unelectable candidates, but that was good if you are a non-Republican....A good example whom you mentioned, Adelson I think gave like 20+ million to Newt. But Newt didn't have base support at that time so it was completely wasted....
These guys are not merely pushing a given candidate, but also attempting to control and frame the public discourse - influence all the candidates, including the Democratic ones. The money spent on Newt was not wasted.
It has been a bad week for Christie. He still has Bridge Gate brewing and his week his extravagant lifestyle funded by outside interests became known. The King of Jordan gave Christie a 30K dollar paid vacation. United Airline created a special route to his vacation home. Billionaire Adelson gave his private jet to Israel. And on top of all that, the straight talking Christie evaded a simple question on vaccines - not so straight talking.


Oh, please. Pleasepleaseplease ....

Now that's a lede I need to read:

Birther ringleader and Celebrity Apprentice host Donald Trump just threw his hat in the 2016 pool.


Despite all the talk of other candidates, Mr. Trump is only the third Republican to go so far as to form an exploratory committee. Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) and Dr. Ben Carson are the only others.

It would be one thing to suggest it significant that no serious candidate has thrown in, yet, but at this point the list of "serious" candidates is pretty weak, too: Rand Paul, Scott Walker, and Jeb Bush. There are occasionally rumors about Chris Christie, but come on, really? Or Marco Rubio, but he seems to be setting himself up for a campaign of complaints about the media. (No, really, what is he going to say when people remind him of last week's gaffe↱ about Iran? Or even his participation in the #GOP47? He'll have nothing left but to denounce the media for pretending these events are remotely relevant to anything.)


Timm, Jane C. "Trump moving from sideshow to actual candidate". mnsbc. 18 March 2015. msnbc.com. 18 March 2015. http://on.msnbc.com/1BUh1Q2
Canadian Ted is scheduled to announce what I think all of us have known for some time, he is running for POTUS. So now all those Republican Birthers who have been complaining, out of ignorance and fanaticism, that Obama wasn't born in the US, regardless of the mountains of credible evidence to the contrary, and therefore not constitutionally qualified to be POTUS, have an interesting dilemma which I am sure they will promptly ignore. Canadian Ted really wasn’t born in the US and was as recently as a year ago a Canadian citizen and he is running for POTUS in their Republican Party and more than that Canadian Ted is a Tea Party (i.e. Republican) darling. Canadian Ted has on multiple occasions attempted to engineer a US debt default and actually played a leading role in the government shut down of 2013 – not really a very patriotic thing to do. That Constitution Birthers have been thumping for 7 years now hasn’t changed. Cruz by his own admission and Canadian government confirmation wasn’t born in the US. Are those same Birthers going to sue Cruz as they did Obama?

In a physics forum where these people are supposedly thinkers post with their emotions and not there brains. The home of the free and the brave cannot survive if this is an example. I am very sad that we have become a nation of dullards.
In a physics forum where these people are supposedly thinkers post with their emotions and not there brains. The home of the free and the brave cannot survive if this is an example. I am very sad that we have become a nation of dullards.

Except this isn't a physics forum (at least, not this sub-forum) - this is the Politics sub-forum.

I eagerly await your evidence for your claim in the other thread though :)