Kittamaru said:
Interesting... do you have any evidence to support this theory that Obama is not a Citizen?
Of course he doesn't; that's not his point.
See, Republicans and the so-called "independents" who willingly parrot their talking points aren't actually engaging in good-faith discussion. This is
especially true when it comes to the racist conspiracy theories so many of them advocate.
The thing is that the question of being a natural-born citizen for the purposes of the presidency, while never specifically resolved, was never this complicated. The way they taught it when I was in school was pretty simple: If you were born to an American mother on sovereign American soil, there was no question that you were a natural born citizen. This definition did include a curious question―the difference between, say, being born at the hospital in Okinawa or on the actual military base―but has generally never been tested. John McCain, on the other hand, is a natural-born American citizen by statutory declaration after the fact.
But look at where this racist Birther nonsense is at. We've even heard how the birth announcements in the local newspaper were part of the conspiracy to ... to ... er ... ah ... huh?
If Obama's father was white and, say, English, the question would never have arisen.
In the end, the racists have nothing, so this is pretty much what it comes to:
Anything to disqualify Obama.
By the standard I was taught, Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president. To the other, that standard isn't definitive, and we might actually see it tested. By another standard, the phrase has been defined over time as meaning one who does not require naturalization; in this case, Cruz is eligible.
Meanwhile, a couple notes from a Birther episode worth recalling here:
• In 2011 or so, George Stephanopolous interviewed Michele Bachmann; their discussion included her support of the Birther conspiracy theory. Stephanopolous showed her a Certification of Live Birth, explained why it was legal and binding, and asked her directly if this resolved the controversy. Bachmann acknowledged that it did, and then blamed Obama for waiting so long to present the document. It was, however, the one we got from him originally, the one we had the whole time.
(1) Facts and evidence were never part of their argument.
(2) That's not important, anyway.
When we look at how far these people took it, rejecting the U.S. Constitution itself in order to make their case, it never really did make sense. The whole thing really was a temper tantrum, a neurotic spasm of denial over the injustice of America electing its first
black president, and these people will say
anything in order to erase that sin from their minds. Whatever it takes, as long as they get to believe the first black president really wasn't president.
And at this point, that's all people like our neighbor have left. Racist embitterment is a dreadful fashion on anyone.
But the point isn't to actually provide evidence, but, rather, to comfort themselves because, you know, the black guy in the White House really
shouldn't be there, and look at how magnanimous they're being not holding an armed revolution against our hateful, anti-white, anti-American, Jewish-Nazi-Muslim-Communist-Hollywood conspiracy to destroy Christ and Freedom.
In other words, extreme petulance is the point.
As with other bullies, they are best ignored unless they demonstrate a clear and present danger.