10 Ugliest Foods

And this is the ugliest food I absolutely love:

This is simply yummy and should be eaten with rice, preferably sushi rice (sweatened with sugar and vinegar) and wrapped in seaweed. Drink beer to wash down :)
Balut soup, OMG I want to barf looking at it. But, again, if offered some in Nanjing I'd eat it.

Have you personally eaten any and does it really have a strong smell?

I've never eaten one, but the host of Travel Channel's "Bizarre Foods", Andrew Zimmern, lists it as one of the only foods he refuses to eat again...and that dude is paid to eat weird shit. :)
I've never eaten one, but the host of Travel Channel's "Bizarre Foods", Andrew Zimmern, lists it as one of the only foods he refuses to eat again...and that dude is paid to eat weird shit. :)

Just because you get paid to eat weird shit doesn't mean you have to like it. But fruit just doesn't seem to be as bad as some of the other stuff I've seen on this thread.
I have century eggs in my refrigerator, they're yummy if you get good ones. Nice in rice soup. I prefer with white vinegar, salt, soy sauce and have with a beer.

As for the duck embryo, that would make me barf, but, if offered some, I'd be a good guest and eat it.

I found another top 10 just for you, as you seem to actually like stuff I'd have trouble touching with a 10 foot pole.:D


Top 10 Most Gross & Disgusting Food

It may come as no surprise to learn that, due to limited resources, many citizens of poorer countries are forced to eat whatever they can get their hands on. However, when it comes to gross foods, not all are born from utter necessity. You’d be amazed to learn what disgusting things many people eat by choice. And, while some foods can be identified as gross with a simple glance, others aren’t as easily spotted until you learn about their ingredients.
Except the plate had sashimi on it, which isn't technically sushi (which is defined by the vinegared rice). That is kind of creepy though. ;)

Yeah, you know sushi is for wimps, that like to say they've eaten raw fish. But sushi just hides most of the rawness from both sight and taste. I was out on an over night ocean tuna fishing trip with the guys, and I watch this guy pull in the first yellow fin and before he even took it off the hook he cut a slice out of the back and ate it. (Now that's what I call fresh):D
I haven't tried Durian, as they put me off just by the look of them, to say nothing of the price for something that is only 30% or so edible. They were kept in the cooler and only put on display for a few hours each day, as it helped to control their ripening and until they are cut, the very strong smell associated with them is minimal.

I haven't tried Durian, as they put me off just by the look of them, to say nothing of the price for something that is only 30% or so edible. They were kept in the cooler and only put on display for a few hours each day, as it helped to control their ripening and until they are cut, the very strong smell associated with them is minimal.


Okay I'm convinced. Bad smelling food puts me off a lot more than bad looking food does.
Here's a couple for your 'mildly revolting' chapter, as many people eat the following two 'specialties'.

This one is actually very colorful.......chicken feet.


The next one always makes the guys squeamish........Rocky Mountain Oysters, or the testicles of a young (formally) bull. Here they are shown post-op and prior to cooking.


A good lot of you probably know what that is. For those who don't, I won't euphemize: a Rocky Mountain oyster is the testicle of a castrated bison or bull, carefully peeled, typically pounded, breaded, seasoned and deep-fried until crispy. Dipping sauce is optional.

To the vast majority of all people, that might sound strange, crude, revolting, even unnatural. Yet for those of us who grew up where the skies are not cloudy and such, it's hardly uncommon. You can't find Rocky Mountain oysters absolutely everywhere in the mountain west, but it's not unusual to see them on the menus of rural cafes, in the frozen foods aisle of many grocery stores and even at the concession stands at Denver's Coors Field.

And I have to say, they ain't so bad. It takes a bit of suppression to get over the thought of it, but ultimately the oysters taste not unlike a basket of chicken strips. The seasoning and preparation is what makes it; the testicle is just the vehicle.

So. Do you have the cojones to try this down-home delight?

Chicken strips will never be the same after reading this.....;)
Here's a couple for your 'mildly revolting' chapter, as many people eat the following two 'specialties'.

This one is actually very colorful.......chicken feet.

The next one always makes the guys squeamish........Rocky Mountain Oysters, or the testicles of a young (formally) bull. Here they are shown post-op and prior to cooking.

Chicken strips will never be the same after reading this.....;)

I've actually seen a plate of chicken feet. I think my comment at the time was it looks like more work than it's worth. (referring to the fact that there wasn't much meat on those feet).

I won't be trying the mountain oysters anytime soon.
I've actually seen a plate of chicken feet. I think my comment at the time was it looks like more work than it's worth. (referring to the fact that there wasn't much meat on those feet).

I won't be trying the mountain oysters anytime soon.

We got the "testicle festival" in Rock Creek just out side of Missoula . One wild all night Party. People run around naked as the night comes on . Bands play . beer gets drunk . People in sleeping bags fucken . Guys with big dicks waving them on stag . One wild party . Rock Creek is the mouth of Rock Creek a blue ribbon trout stream . What ever happens in Rock Creek I would love to say stays in Rock Creek , but you know me and my Magol Mouth . No worries . I never been to the festivities . My Mother and my Aunt have . They went one year when they came up to visit . When the sun started going down they were done for the day . They had a great time and ate the Testicles with beer backer. I am glad they came home before the vampires and zombies came out . I only learned of the decadence recently from Larry ( Our bass player ) Larry has a monster peeker and has been known to wave it in Public . After the sun goes down at the testicle festival . I guess it is like Smokem if you got em . I am almost afraid to go to the Testicle Festival now . I might get molested or something . If I do I think I will follow my mothers example and get the fuck out of dodge before the sun goes down .

There was crack down on the decadence at Testicle Festival and I heard some complaining about it . They brought up Maggot Fest . Another story that involved Rugby Players from the U.K. From What I hear it makes Testicle Festival look like a childhood production of Winny the Poo
We got the "testicle festival" in Rock Creek just out side of Missoula . One wild all night Party. People run around naked as the night comes on . Bands play . beer gets drunk . People in sleeping bags fucken . Guys with big dicks waving them on stag . One wild party . Rock Creek is the mouth of Rock Creek a blue ribbon trout stream . What ever happens in Rock Creek I would love to say stays in Rock Creek , but you know me and my Magol Mouth . No worries . I never been to the festivities . My Mother and my Aunt have . They went one year when they came up to visit . When the sun started going down they were done for the day . They had a great time and ate the Testicles with beer backer. I am glad they came home before the vampires and zombies came out . I only learned of the decadence recently from Larry ( Our bass player ) Larry has a monster peeker and has been known to wave it in Public . After the sun goes down at the testicle festival . I guess it is like Smokem if you got em . I am almost afraid to go to the Testicle Festival now . I might get molested or something . If I do I think I will follow my mothers example and get the fuck out of dodge before the sun goes down .

There was crack down on the decadence at Testicle Festival and I heard some complaining about it . They brought up Maggot Fest . Another story that involved Rugby Players from the U.K. From What I hear it makes Testicle Festival look like a childhood production of Winny the Poo

If somebody will eat it, somebody will make money from it.

See to Believe: Testicle Festival
scheherazade;2819382...The next one always makes the guys squeamish........Rocky Mountain Oysters said:
those are yummy. very very tender. Some places have a pig roast, well back home we had Rocky Mountain Oyster feasts