Why Do Women Hate Sex?

Do most women "hate" sex?

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I can't help but notice that the vast majority of women I've encountered seem to have a very strong natural aversion towards all forms of human sexual expression; in other words, most women hate sex. It often seems that the vast majority of women have virtually no interest in such things as masturbating to pornography, hiring male prostitutes for fun, picking up random men for sexual intercourse, being sexually aroused by fetishes or paraphilias, or even something as simple as merely fantasizing about sex. I mean, a substantial percentage of males will date and sleep with anything that looks female and has a vagina; however, there is virtually no such thing as a woman who will date or sleep with anything that looks male or has a penis. The only time women explore their sexuality is when they are being paid to do so, such as being offered a fast car or a big house in exchange for their efforts. Indeed, much female sexual enjoyment often seems to be feigned and probably for purely economic reasons. Otherwise, it seems that women do not engage in such practices because they are either devoid of sexual impulse or possess hardly any sexual desire to begin with. The same pattern can also be seen in nature, where males are always in pursuit of a coy, passionless female who spurns their efforts, except those of the dominant Alpha male.

Sometimes, I try broaching this subject with various female colleagues, only to be peppered with vicious insults and threats aganist my masculinity; many of these female threats often take the form of physical/chemical castration :eek:. Why are women so disgusted and uncomfortable with the notion of sex? I've often heard from many of my male companions that women possess very minimal sexual desires, with many amongst them being quite frigid. Apparently, for most women sex is a business transaction, not a means of sexual gratification. Women use sex to get money, fast cars, big houses, and muscle-bound tough guys.

Is any of this true? Why do women hate sex?
Welcome to Sciforums, Mr. Watson. You've picked a very thorny issue as your first topic. Some of the posters around here are very touchy on the issue of female sexuality. Good luck.:cool:
They don't.
Maybe it's just you... :p

Oh great, you substitute being rude for making an intelligent comment. By the way, that doesn't explain the virtual absence of such things as female-oriented pornography, male prostitution aimed towards the female heterosexual market, or female sexual variety in terms of partner preference.
Welcome to Sciforums, Mr. Watson. You've picked a very thorny issue as your first topic. Some of the posters around here are very touchy on the issue of female sexuality. Good luck.:cool:

Hey, how are you mad. Actually, my first topic was posted in the maths and physics section and dealt with probability. Anyway, the issue of female sexuality is surrounded by too much political correctness and I think the truth has to come out one way or the other.
Oh great, you substitute being rude for making an intelligent comment. By the way, that doesn't explain the virtual absence of such things as female-oriented pornography, male prostitution aimed towards the female heterosexual market, or female sexual variety in terms of partner preference.
Dude, if you think that's bad, wait until some of the lady members chime in. Per your OP, it will be a lot like:
be peppered with vicious insults and threats aganist my masculinity; many of these female threats often take the form of physical/chemical castration .
I like sex, but only with hot guys. Mediocre and below can't hold my interest.
At least you're honest about it. And I respect that dearly.
It's the women that vehemently deny looks aren't important to them, yet only seem to date guys that could pass for models, that grate on my nerves.
Oh great, you substitute being rude for making an intelligent comment.
Nope I made a comment on it being YOUR observation (or approach to the subject), rather than a fact.

By the way, that doesn't explain the virtual absence of such things as female-oriented pornography, male prostitution aimed towards the female heterosexual market
Possibly because Western society is only just coming round to the idea that women can be sexual?

or female sexual variety in terms of partner preference.
Is there not?
Based on what?

Try being in a British pub on a Friday or Saturday night and you'll find out how much women like sex, and how little discrimination they show in getting it.
Translation: I hate sex, except when there's money and big muscles involved.

I never got money or a relationship out of sex. I usually would dump the guy the next day any way. Because he was hot when I was horny, but now he no longer holds my interest.
At least you're honest about it. And I respect that dearly.
It's the women that vehemently deny looks aren't important to them, yet only seem to date guys that could pass for models, that grate on my nerves.

I especially can't stand women who say that money isn't everything (the majority in fact), but only date men with fast cars, big houses, and lots of money to spend. In addition, I think that when women speak of looks they often mean big muscles and violent tempers; women are also attracted to aggressive, hypermasculine males.
We hate sex?

I wish I did; I could do without my high sex drive making me distracted.

Women who have high sex drives tend to be heavily masculinized in both personality and behaviour, this is because testosterone is positively correlated with sexual behaviour; the more T one has, the greater the interest in sex and the more masculine one's physical appearance.
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