your deepest fears?

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
I don't know why i thought of this, but i would hate to die by:

Being burried alive!!

the thought of being closed in a box not being able to get out just freaks me out, i saw this film once (i can't remember what it was called) but this woman was in jail. and she befriended the cleaner who was also a prisoner and she arranged with him, that when the next person dies she would hide in the coffin and he would then late at night come and dig her out, but when it happened she was burried with the person who was suppose to dig her out, it make me cry! i hated it!

so what are your deepest fears?
pain, i fear it so much that when i tried to comit suicide i used the "girls method" in order to avoid it
I agree..go with no pain. But stuck in quicksand with a slow and prolonged ending is one. The other would be torture with all the slow ways to die!!
My deepest fear has nothing to do with me. Having my child taken by a stranger is my deepest fear.
Ok, but it does do psychological harm to you and that, in turn, can cause bodily harm.
Home invasion. That might sound weird, but the thought of coming home to find someone in my house (whether he/she is going to cause me harm, I don't know). The same goes for waking up in the middle of the night to someone in my house.
I just went through one of my greatest fears. I have always been terrified of those MRI machines. ( I am claustrophobic) I recently had to go into one for 45mins, it was hell but I did it.
I just went through one of my greatest fears. I have always been terrified of those MRI machines. ( I am claustrophobic) I recently had to go into one for 45mins, it was hell but I did it.

Don't they knock you out if you're claustrophobic?
Don't they knock you out if you're claustrophobic?

I thought it was policy to ask if you were claustrophobic. :shrug: They asked me and they gave me Valium. I took a bit of a nap in there and was witty as hell for about an hr after that. At least I think I was witty. They were all laughing. :)